What is search and seizure in Florida?
Answer: Search and seizure is governed by the 4th Amendment of the United States Constitution, and it’s applied each and every state and it’s applied to Florida. It’s in the constitution and what it says is, in order for an individual to be arrested or to have their house searched, there needs to be or not be a violation of the 4th Amendment. The search must be reasonable, okay. And it cannot be unreasonable.

So the police just can’t knock on your door and barge in because they just want to search inside. Right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures by the government. So if the government thinks that you’re doing something unlawful they’re not going to be able to just pull you over and say, “Hey, we demand you open up your cellphone, because we want to look inside because we think that there’s text messages in there.” They can’t do it like that. You have a right under the 4th Amendment of the United States Constitution to be free from search and seizure—of unreasonable search and seizure by the government.