The roads of America today are rife with personal injury and accident risks. The most dangerous thing the average person does in their day is getting behind the wheel of their car or another motor vehicle. It is even riskier for those who ride a motorcycle. In a motorcycle accident case, the rider is less visible, more exposed, and altogether more vulnerable to danger. As such, if you have been involved in a motorcycle accident, you should seek representation from injury lawyers as soon as possible to obtain compensation.
Many people wonder what the best time to get motorcycle accident lawyers involved is. Victims may put off making the call due to the stresses involved in recovering from a motorcycle accident. However, due to the way that insurance companies work, the best time for a free consultation to secure the support of a personal injury attorney is always now.
The motorcycle accident attorneys at The Law Place have over 75 years of combined experienced maximizing the settlement amount of motorcycle accident victims. If someone else caused the accident and you suffered injuries, call today for legal advice and to get your case started.
Contact our office on (941) 444-4444 for help today! Phone lines are open 24/7.
What Is the Statute of Limitations for Making a Motorcycle Accident Claim?
Florida Statute 95.11 contains the statute of limitations for motorcycle accidents.
It states that you have the legal right to make a claim for four years after you suffered from a motorcycle accident. This time period begins on the exact day of your accident.

At What Point Do You Need a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer?
Even though you have four years to hire a motorcycle accident attorney and make a personal injury claim, this does not mean we would advise you to wait this long.
There are a whole host of reasons why you should hire an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer for legal help as soon as possible after your accident. The following sections will explain why time is of the essence in accident cases.
If you would like to contact us and speak in detail about your case, call the phone number at the top or bottom of this webpage.

Dealing With Your Insurance Company After a Motorcycle Accident
While your insurance company may pretend to be your friend after a motorcycle accident, this is most definitely not the truth. It is in their financial interest to offer you a low settlement worth the least compensation they can get away with. Your insurance company will have a tried and tested process they use to achieve this.
This is one of the many reasons why you may need a lawyer at your side. For more information or free legal advice, tell us about your accident case via a free consultation today.
Or, read on for more information about how a motorcycle accident attorney can help you.

The First Phone Call With Your Insurance Company
When it comes to accidents on the road that have caused injury or damages, your insurance company will have a window of time where you are obligated to inform them of the accident. This window is usually 24 hours, but your specific insurance company may have a window that is different from the standard 24 hours. Check your policy documents to find out the time window for your specific insurance company.
It would be a huge help for you to hire a motorcycle accident lawyer before even making this initial phone call. This is because your insurance company is likely to encourage you to divulge unnecessary information in the hopes of devaluing your settlement amount. There are many small details they may find out from this call that can impact your compensation, all of which you are not legally obliged to divulge.
Phone your attorneys before starting the process of interacting with your insurance provider. They will be able to inform you of everything you should say, and you should say nothing more than this if you do not wish to risk damaging your claim. Furthermore, never sign anything without your motorcycle accident attorney present.

Racing Your Insurance Company’s Attorneys
Insurance companies often have large retainers of attorneys and claims adjusters who work for them. These teams are highly experienced and work to find evidence to lower your compensation settlement amount.
This is why you should hire a motorcycle accident lawyer as quickly as possible. You are not racing the statute of limitations; you are racing these companies’ attorney teams. The same is true for other people involved in your accident case, whose legal teams might be seeking to build evidence against their liability right now.
Contact a lawyer today for the best chance at maximizing your compensation. There is a huge advantage to your law firm finding evidence or eyewitnesses first and using them to establish a solid case from the outset.
The Collection of Evidence for Your Motorcycle Accident Claims Process
The legal team here at The Law Place offices has a specific process for achieving the maximum payout in accident cases.
We believe that each of our client’s accidents is a unique situation. We will collate all of the evidence possible to tailor you a unique case, either to present to your insurance company for a settlement or to take to court.
If there is evidence missing or inaccessible, we also have proven ways to help. Our legal team has access to personal investigators to track down missing eyewitnesses. Our office also frequently utilizes accident recreation teams to help provide the reconstructed accident scene evidence you may need to maximize your settlement amount.
The more time you give us to build you the most solid legal case, the better. This is why you should hire a motorcycle accident attorney as soon as possible. To get the process started with a free consultation, contact a lawyer using the phone number at the top or bottom of the page.
What Damages Are Available to Claim After Motorcycle Accidents?
There are a large number of damages possible after motorcycle accidents. Your personal injury attorney can help you to claim compensation for these various damages.
The following sections will cover the various types of damages that you may be entitled to claim.
If any of them seem relevant to your case, contact our legal team for help beginning the claims process.
Claiming for Property Damage After Motorcycle Accidents
While your physical injuries may be the first thing that comes to your mind when thinking about motorcycle accidents, property damage is also something that you are well within your legal rights to seek compensation for.
You may have had your actual motorcycle damaged in the accident, or you may have been carrying other valuables that were destroyed. Either way, you can hire a motorcycle accident lawyer to help you seek compensation for these damages.
Claiming for Medical Expenses After Motorcycle Accidents
Unfortunately, in America today, the medical bills related to injuries are a leading cause of bankruptcy and financial instability.
Injuries are stressful enough on their own. Combined with medical bills, this situation may quickly become overwhelming. Luckily, your attorney can help you to recover the cost of treating your injuries.
One thing that may help your attorney to successfully recoup the cost of treating your injuries is retaining bills and documentation. Your attorney will need these to provide proof of the cost of treatment for your injuries.
Claiming for Lost Wages After Motorcycle Accidents
Another leading cause of financial instability in motorcycle accident cases is the wages lost in the process of recovering from injuries. It may be the case that you need to spend time off from work to treat these injuries. You shouldn’t have to worry about being unable to provide for your family during this time.
Luckily, once again, your motorcycle accident lawyer can help you to recover these costs. Simply retain all documentation with your employer, which your attorney may need to prove your situation.
Claiming for Pain and Suffering After Motorcycle Accidents
Pain and suffering compensation is specifically designed to provide compensation for any additional complications your injuries may cause you. This includes any changes that may permanently affect your life, such as disfigurement or a disability.
Alongside physical injuries, your attorney will be able to help you claim for non-physical conditions such as trauma, post-traumatic stress disorder, or generalized anxiety.
Pain and suffering also consider the general length of time and pain level you experienced while recovering from your injuries.
Claiming for Wrongful Death After Motorcycle Accidents
Unfortunately, a motorcycle accident carries a high risk of fatality. While no amount of money will help the pain of a lost family member, you are still well within your legal rights to make a claim. This money can be a godsend for making the costs of funeral expenses and lost family income bearable.
The rules around making a wrongful death claim are contained in Florida Statute 768.21. This claim can be made by spouses, children, parents, and blood-relative dependents even if they were not present at the time of the accident.
For more information about the complexities involved in wrongful death cases, you might want to consider a free consultation with an attorney from The Law Place. They will be able to tell you everything you need to know in a compassionate and supportive environment.
How Much Will an Attorney From The Law Place Cost You?
The Law Place conducts all its accident and personal injury cases purely on a contingency basis. This means that you will not pay a single cent upfront. Instead, all of your bills will come out of your final settlement amount. It also means that if your case is unsuccessful, you will pay nothing at all.
All our contingency cases are under monitoring by the State Bar Association. You might have heard horror stories about hidden costs and extra fees, but none of that is a problem with legal support from The Law Place.
For more information, call today for a free consultation.
Contact The Law Place Today
If you have been involved in a motorcycle accident in the past four years that inflicted injuries or damages upon you or a loved one, you should hire a motorcycle accident lawyer as soon as you can. Getting a head start on the legal process can help to ensure that you receive the largest settlement payout possible for your case. Don’t live in fear of Florida’s legal complexities or the tricks employed by insurance companies.
For a free case evaluation to find out which damages you are entitled to for your injuries, call our office today. Our phone lines are always open in order to operate around whatever busy schedule you may have. All of our calls are protected by the attorney-client confidentiality agreement, so you don’t have to worry about what you disclose and operate on a no-obligation basis.
There really is nothing to risk with our no-win-no-fee model. Benefit from our 75 years of combined accident experience and get your legal journey started today!
Call our office for free today at (941) 444-4444!