Slip and fall cases vary greatly; therefore, trying to work out the average recovered in compensation in a slip and fall settlement is difficult to do. The amount of compensation that a victim of a slip and fall accident can receive will simply depend on the circumstance of their accident. If you or someone you know has been the victim of a slip and fall accident, depending on who the negligent party is, the severity of the injuries, and the impact of the injuries on your life will determine how much you will receive in compensation in a slip and fall settlement.
If you or someone you know has been the victim of a slip and accident, call us at The Law Place on 941-444-4444 for a free case evaluation, and a personal injury lawyer will be able to give you a rough estimate from their previous experience of what kind of settlement you may achieve if you decide to seek compensation for your slip and fall injury.
If you have suffered a slip and fall injury, you may have a stack of medical bills adding extra stress to your life. The compensation recovered in a slip and fall settlement can not only help pay off your medical bills, but it may also compensate you for the pain and suffering you have experienced.
What Is a Slip and Fall Accident?
If you are unsure whether your accident can be classed as a slip and fall, we will explain what type of accident is commonly referred to as a “slip and fall.” A slip and fall case can cover a range of accidents. Frequently, a case is usually involving a person who has quite literally suffered a slip and fall. For example, you could slip and fall on some liquid on the floor of a supermarket that has not been adequately cleaned up and made safe.
If you suffer a slip and fall on someone else’s property, you may be entitled to compensation because slip and fall accidents fall under the category of premises liability law. This essentially means that business owners, under the current Florida law, have a duty of care of their customers and public that their premises are safe. If their property is not safe, and people suffer injuries, the victims may have a case worthy of receiving compensation because of the property owner’s negligence.

How Much Compensation Do You Get for Falling in a Supermarket?
There is no average amount of compensation that victims who have suffered injuries in a slip and fall accident in Florida supermarkets have recovered. Each case is different, and the injuries caused can vary. You may, however, be entitled to claim compensation if you have suffered injuries after a slip and fall accident in a supermarket.
The reason for this is that slip and fall accidents fall under a category of law known as premises liability. This simply means that the owners of supermarkets have a duty of care to their customers to ensure that their premises, the supermarket, is safe and at no risk of causing an injury.
This duty can sometimes be delegated to the supermarket manager. Therefore it is expected that a supermarket should not have liquids on the floor or any other slip or trip hazard, and if it does that, it aims to rectify it as soon as possible. If the owners are aware of a potential hazard, they should also warn customers in an attempt to try and avoid any injuries occurring.
Unfortunately, not all supermarket owners will maintain the safety of their premises. It is not uncommon for owners to put off maintenance work for long periods of time. If this is the case, the supermarket owner has breached their duty of care to their customers, and if a customer does suffer an injury, they would be classed as negligent.
An injury lawyer at The Law Place can help you build your case and help you win a favorable settlement to help compensate you for the medical bills and pain and suffering you may have experienced as the result of a slip and fall in a supermarket. We advise that you seek legal expertise to help fight your case as supermarkets will often have an aggressive legal team ready to defend them to minimize the losses that they may face.
A frequent defense that supermarkets will use to devalue your case includes them claiming to be unaware of the dangerous condition of their supermarket that resulted in your injury. They will also try and blame you as the innocent victim for being careless and, therefore, negligent in failing to notice the dangerous condition that caused your injury. For these reasons, if you don’t have an experienced legal team behind you, you may have to settle for a settlement equating to much lower than you deserve for your pain and suffering.
If you have any further questions or would like to speak to one of our personal injury lawyers at The Law Place, contact us today for a free consultation. One of our attorneys can discuss your case with you honestly and advise you on the best legal options available to you.

How Long Do You Have to Sue After a Fall?
If you or someone you know has suffered injuries as the result of a slip and fall on someone else’s property, it is really important to act quickly. Florida Statue 95.11 states that you have four years after an accident has occurred to make a personal injury claim. If you are planning to file a claim for wrongful death as a result of a slip and fall, you only have two years after the accident took place to do so.
The law can restrict how long you have to make a claim for a personal injury, but The Law Place recommends that you file your claim way in advance of these limitations. Our law firm has a combined experience of 75 years dealing with accident cases, including slip and fall cases. Therefore we understand how vital it is for victims to act quickly after their slip and fall accident in order to receive the best and most fair slip and fall settlement possible. One of the main reasons for this is because as time goes on, the critical evidence you need to support your injury claim can become less and less credible.
First of all, some evidence may only be available for a short period of time, such as surveillance footage. After a while, that footage usually gets wiped, and you may miss out on a crucial bit of evidence to prove the property owner’s negligence. Furthermore, witnesses’ memories can fade, and your case will be made far more difficult to fight. If you want to receive the maximum amount of compensation possible for your slip and fall injury, it is critically important that you contact an accident attorney as soon as possible if you think you are eligible to claim.
If you have any further queries or questions in regards to how long you have to sue for your injury, call us today at The Law Place for a free consultation. One of our accident attorneys can give you all the help you need to understand what your case could be worth and explain the legal options which may be available to you.

How Does a Slip and Fall Case Work?
If you or someone you know has suffered injuries as the result of a slip and fall accident, the property owner’s insurer may offer you a settlement, which is far less than what you deserve for the suffering caused by your injuries. An experienced accident attorney can help build your case so that you are placed into a strong negotiating position with the insurance company. Although sometimes these negotiations can be unproductive and equate to a settlement, which would unfairly compensate you for your injury.
We recommend that you hire a law firm with an immense amount of legal experience because, at this stage, if you are still unsatisfied with the settlement offered to you by the insurance company, you may want to consider taking your case to court. Your attorney would more than likely try and persuade the judge and jury that the property owner failed to:
- Rectify a dangerous condition that they were aware existed on their property—for example, an uneven sidewalk or wet floor.
- Tell visitors on the property about the dangerous condition that existed in an attempt to avoid an injury occurring.
The potential lawsuit would also assert the facts, such as:
- Where the injury occurred.
- How the slip and fall incident happened.
- Who the party held liable should be.
- What injuries and other damages the claimant has suffered.

Call The Law Place Today
The Law Place understands how complicated filing a claim for a slip and fall accident may seem, and that is why we are here for you. Our lawyers can answer any further questions or queries you may have in regard to a slip and fall case. Contact us today on 941-444-4444 for a free consultation. We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.