If you or a loved one has suffered because of a slip and fall on someone else’s property, we recommend that you seek the legal representation of a personal injury lawyer.
The main reason for this is that in Florida, the use of comparative negligence, as outlined under the Florida Statute 768.81, can be hugely detrimental to you if you decide to file a claim. This essentially means that a court will compare you as the victim against the property owner at fault to establish how much you were to blame for your accident.
In some cases, the court will decide that a person who was careless enough to get injured should not get the compensation that they are after, even if the property owners were negligent. That is why it is crucial to have the backing of an experienced lawyer working on your case. A personal injury lawyer will work as hard as they can to avoid the fault of the accident being placed onto their client.
The Law Place has over 75 years of combined experience, so you can be assured that a personal injury lawyer at our law firm will have the experience and knowledge you need to get the justice that you deserve. The attorney-client relationships at The Law Place are ones of immense commitment. Call us at (941) 444-4444 for a free consultation.
What’s the Average Settlement for a Slip and Fall?
There are a variety of slip and fall cases, and because each case differs from the next, it is very difficult to work out what the average settlement achieved is for a slip and fall case. Often, the amount of compensation that a victim of a slip and fall could receive is dependent on the circumstances of their accident. Some of the factors which can influence how much compensation you can receive in a settlement after suffering a slip and fall accident are:
- The severity of the injuries you have suffered.
- How much of an impact your slip and fall injury has had on your life.
- Who the negligent party is, often it will be the property owner.
If you or a loved one has suffered injuries as the innocent victim of a slip and fall accident, you may be entitled to compensation. Contact us today at The Law Place for a free case evaluation and a chance to talk to one of our personal injury attorneys. They will be able to use their knowledge and previous experience of dealing with slip and fall accidents to give you a rough estimation of what your case could achieve financially from an insurance company in a settlement. The compensation that our law firm can help you win in a settlement can help reimburse you for any medical expenses you may have had to face as a result of your accident.

How Do You Win a Slip and Fall Lawsuit?
It can be difficult to win a slip and fall lawsuit because, as the claimant, you will often be required to prove three important factors. These three factors are:
- That it was someone else’s negligence which caused the accident.
- The fall in your accident directly resulted in the injuries that you suffered.
- That the injuries that you have suffered have directly lead to other financial costs.
Unfortunately, these types of accidents are regular occurrences in Florida. The National Safety Council (NSC) has published that every year in the United States, over 800,000 people are hospitalized due to injuries they have suffered in a slip and fall incident. If you or someone you know has suffered injuries in an accident of this type, you could be entitled to compensation; you don’t have to have been hospitalized to make a claim.
If you have any further questions or queries regarding how you can win a slip and fall case, do not hesitate to contact a personal injury lawyer at The Law Place today. A lawyer will be able to offer you their advice in a free case evaluation and guide you through all the legal information you may be seeking. We can help you get the justice you deserve.

How Does a Slip and Fall Case Work?
We advise that you seek legal representation in the form of a lawyer for your case. If you or someone you know has suffered a slip and fall, a lawyer will be able to assist you in building your case. They will investigate the incident that resulted in your injuries and will gather all of the evidence necessary so that your case for compensation can be as strong as possible. If you have a strong case, it can make negotiations with insurance companies of the negligent party much easier, and you are more likely to receive a fair settlement.
In some instances, a case may be taken to court if the victim is unhappy with the settlement offered. At this stage, an experienced lawyer at The Law Place will fight to prove the negligence of the party at fault and assert the facts of the incident, such as where the incident happened and what injuries were sustained.
If you have any further questions or queries about how a case might work, contact The Law Place today for a chance to speak to one of our attorneys. You can call us at (941) 444-4444.

What Can a Personal Injury Lawyer Do for Me?
A personal injury lawyer at The Law Place will be able to alleviate some of the stresses you may be facing as a result of your injury. They will investigate your case and gather all the essential evidence necessary to prove the property owner’s negligence. Furthermore, they will handle all the negotiations and paperwork involved in your case so that you don’t have to.
Having a skilled lawyer fighting your case will greatly improve your chances of receiving a fair settlement. If you find that the negotiations have been unproductive with the property owner or insurance company, a lawyer will not hesitate to take the case to court. Our lawyers at The Law Place strive their absolute hardest to ensure that our clients get the compensation that they deserve. Our attorney-client relationships are ones of immense commitment and confidentiality.
If you have any further questions or are unsure of whether you need a lawyer for your case, contact The Law Place today. Our legal team is available to listen to you 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

What Happens If You Slip in a Store?
If you have slipped in a store and suffered an injury, you may be entitled to compensation. Florida Statute 768.0755 outlines the Premises liability law, which states that property owners have a duty of care to visitors to their property to ensure that their premises are reasonably safe. If someone was to fall and injury themselves on their property, they might have violated this duty of care.
There should be no dangerous hazards in the store that could cause an injury to a customer, such as liquids on the floor or uneven walkways. If the property owner of the store is aware of a hazard, they must fix the problem as quickly as possible. Additionally, they should warn their customers of the hazard present in the store to try and prevent an injury from being caused.
However, not all property owners will strive to keep their stores safe. Many store owners will put off desperately needed maintenance work on their properties for long periods of time in favor of making larger profits. If you have suffered an injury as the result of a slip and fall in a store and the property owner was aware of the hazard but chose not the fix it, you would be entitled to compensation as the result of the property owner’s negligence.
Do I Need a Lawyer If I Slip in a Store?
We advise that if you have suffered a slip and fall in a store that you seek legal representation to help you claim for compensation. Our personal injury attorneys at The Law Place can help to gather all the necessary evidence needed to build your case to prove the negligence of the property owner.
It is crucial to have an experienced personal injury lawyer on your case as stores will often have aggressive legal teams ready to defend them. Frequently, store owners will claim that they were unaware of the hazard present in their store, which caused your injury. They may even blame you as the victim for causing your injury through your carelessness. This is why it is important to have an experienced lawyer fighting your case. Without one, you may be handed a settlement from an insurance company worth way less than what you are entitled to.
If you have any further questions regarding what to do if you have suffered a slip and fall accident in a store, contact The Law Place in Florida today for a free case evaluation. One of our personal injury lawyers will be able to honestly advise you on what your best legal options are. Call us on (941) 444-4444.