Injuries that are commonly sustained from a rear-end motorcycle accident can be particularly terrible. Unfortunately, rear-end accidents frequently occur in the State of Florida. In order to determine how much a rear-end motorcycle accident settlement is worth, it’s essential to review the details surrounding the case. Each settlement for a motorcycle accident is calculated based on multiple factors. Therefore, it’s difficult to determine an average motorcycle accident settlement.
If you’ve been involved in a rear-end motorcycle accident and want to seek compensation, contact our law firm today. Every motorcycle crash is different, which also means that every motorcycle accident settlement awarded differs depending on the circumstance surrounding each individual accident. One important factor that often affects a personal injury settlement is the severity of injuries sustained as a result of the accident. During your free case evaluation, a personal injury lawyer will analyze the details of your case, including information about how the accident happened, and then determine how much you may be owed for your rear-end accident.
Having an experienced attorney to fight your corner throughout the legal process can significantly increase the likelihood of receiving the highest amount of compensation that you deserve. Call The Law Place today at (941) 444-4444 for a free consultation with a rear-end accident lawyer today.
What Is a Rear-End Collision?
A rear-end accident involves one vehicle colliding with another vehicle from behind. When a vehicle strikes a motorcycle from behind, the aftermath can be devastating, particularly for the motorcycle rider.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), rear-end accidents make up almost 30% of all accidents that occur on our roads. These accidents tend to result in extensive damages for all those involved, which is why many victims seek compensation soon after their rear-end accident.

Common Injuries Sustained in Rear-End Motorcycle Accidents
Injuries sustained from a rear-end motorcycle accident are often devastating. Motorcyclists have little protection when using their vehicle, so when their motorcycle is rear-ended by a car or other larger vehicle, the motorcyclist can sustain serious injuries, which may even prove fatal. Injuries that are commonly sustained in rear-end accidents include:
- Burns, cuts, and bruises.
- Brain injuries.
- Soft tissue injuries.
- Spinal cord injuries.
- Broken bones.
- Paralysis.
- Internal bleeding.
Rear-end collisions can lead to a motorcycle rider sustaining severe injuries, especially if the car or truck driver was traveling at high speeds before the crash. Serious injuries can be especially concerning as they can cause permanent effects on the accident victim and even be fatal.
Victims of motorcycle accidents are usually required to receive medical care in order to treat the extensive injuries that they have sustained. Treating accident injuries is almost always expensive, and motorcycle accident victims are often left with crippling debts to worry about after receiving treatment. Our team of personal injury lawyers will fight to ensure that you receive compensation to cover the accident injuries you may have sustained as well as the cost of the medical treatment you received.

Causes of Rear-End Collisions
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) states that over 5,000 people die in motorcycle accidents in the U.S. every year. Commons causes of rear-end collisions include:
- Speeding – It’s crucial that all drivers on the road obey the speed limits of the state. When road users ignore the speed limit and drive too quickly, they put other drivers at risk. A driver traveling at high speeds has less time to brake when necessary.
- Tailgating – Driving too close to a motorcycle can be very dangerous. If the motorcycle rider brakes suddenly, the vehicle behind the motorcycle may not have enough time to also brake quickly.
- Mechanical failure – Vehicles must be inspected regularly in order to ensure that they are able to be operated safely.
- Distracted driving – Driving while using a cell phone is a prime example of distracted driving. When a driver is not completely focused on the road, the risk of an accident occurring increases significantly. Nowadays, distracted driving is one of the leading causes of auto accidents.
- Driving under the influence – In Florida, it is illegal for a driver to operate their vehicle with a blood alcohol consumption of 0.08% or higher. Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs can severely impair the driver’s ability to operate their vehicle safely and responsibly.
- Bad weather conditions – Heavy rain and snow are examples of bad weather conditions that can cause a driver to lose control of their vehicle or impair their vision. A motorcycle rider is much more difficult to spot in bad weather conditions than the average car, so another driver on the road is more likely to collide with a motorcyclist than another vehicle on the road.
Most rear-end accidents are dangerous for motorcyclists even if both vehicles were traveling at slow speeds when the rear-end collision occurred. Drivers must stay focused on the road at all times while driving and take extra caution when maneuvering their vehicle close to a motorcycle in order to prevent motorcycle accidents.

Should I File a Motorcycle Accident Claim With My Insurance Company?
It’s important to note that Florida is a no-fault state as per Florida Statute 627.7407. This means that accident victims wanting to file a motorcycle accident claim must first file it with their own insurance company.
In the case that the damages you have sustained exceed your own insurance policy limit, a motorcycle accident lawyer can file a claim with the at-fault party’s insurance company. Auto insurance companies are notorious for offering low motorcycle accident settlements to claimants. Therefore, it’s important to have a motorcycle accident lawyer fighting your corner and leading negotiations with your insurance provider.
Your insurance company may also try to hold you partially responsible for your rear-end accident in order to reduce your final settlement value. In Florida, more than one person can be held responsible for an accident as the state operates using comparative fault laws as per Florida Statute 768.81. For example, if it is found that you were not focused on the road while driving your vehicle, it may be determined that you were 20% responsible for the accident, and your settlement will then be reduced by 20%. Insurance companies do this so that they can decrease their own spending and prioritize profits over those seeking compensation after their motorcycle accident.
If you’re seeking compensation after being involved in a rear-end accident, contact our law firm today. A rear-end accident lawyer can gather the evidence necessary to ensure that your personal injury case is as strong as possible so that your insurance company is unable to dispute your claim. You deserve the best outcome for your motorcycle accident case, and our lawyers won’t stop until we get it for you.

Damages You Could Claim After a Rear-End Motorcycle Accident
If you’ve been involved in a rear-end accident, it’s likely that you’ve incurred bills as a result of the accident. Bills that follow accidents are normally unforeseeable, so many accident victims are unable to pay for these unexpected expenses. Hiring an attorney can increase the likelihood of obtaining the compensation that you deserve as a result of your motorcycle accident. Damages that you may be able to claim with the help of a personal injury lawyer include:
- Medical bills – It’s no secret that medical treatment can be very expensive in the U.S. Paying off medical expenses can leave accident victims in thousands of dollars in debt. Not only can these debts cause stress and anxiety, but they can also lead to further financial problems in the future. An attorney can help you claim medical expenses so that you can cover the cost of medical treatment, including surgery and physical therapy.
- Lost wages – When a person is seriously injured in an auto accident, the effects of these serious injuries can be long-term and permanent. If you have been unable to work as a result of the accident, you may be able to claim lost wages. An attorney can calculate how much you may be owed in past, present, and future lost wages and ensure that you are reimbursed for your lost income.
- Property damage – Unfortunately, sustaining damage to your property is common during a rear-end collision. Repairing and replacing your property after an accident is not only inconvenient but can also be very costly. A lawyer at our law firm can help you recover the expenses of repairing or replacing your property by filing a property damage claim so that you don’t have to pay these costs out of your own pocket.
- Pain and suffering – Pain and suffering damages are awarded to those who can prove that they have experienced physical pain, and mental trauma due to their rear-end accident. For example, if you have experienced mental pain and suffering such as anxiety, depression, and insomnia as a direct result of an accident, you may be able to claim compensation. Pain and suffering damages are known as non-economic damages, so they can sometimes be difficult to prove. An experienced lawyer at The Law Place can calculate a fair settlement for the pain and suffering you have experienced and prove it.
- Wrongful death – Some motorcycle accidents do sometimes result in one or more drivers losing their life as a result of the severe injuries they sustained. Under Florida Statute 768.21, a family member has the right to claim compensation for the loss of guidance, support, and damages of the decedent.
At The Law Place, we recognize that no amount of money can help ease the physical and emotional pain and suffering that you may have suffered as a result of rear-end accident. Having said that, being awarded compensation after an accident can help alleviate the feelings of stress and anxiety that usually occur after receiving large, costly bills.
Damages, including medical bills and property damage, are normally easier to calculate than non-economic damages such as pain and suffering. Without an experienced attorney’s expertise and guidance, it’s extremely difficult to establish how much your total settlement is accurately worth. Call our law firm today for a free consultation and find out how much you may be owed.
What Should I Do After a Rear-End Collision?
It’s important to act quickly and efficiently after you’ve been involved in a rear-end motorcycle accident. However, this is often difficult to do soon after a motorcycle crash as shock can cause those involved not to think rationally. The following steps offer guidance on what to do after you’ve been involved in a rear-end accident:
- Alert the authorities – After an auto accident, it’s important to alert the authorities as soon as possible and ask for medical assistance. The police will carry out their own investigation into what occurred and produce a police report that details the circumstances surrounding the rear-end collision. If possible, ask the police officer for a copy of the police report. This can be used as evidence to strengthen your claim in the future.
- Seek medical attention – It’s essential that you seek medical attention after an accident. If you did not need to be seen by a paramedic or an E.R. doctor, we highly recommend contacting your primary care doctor and asking for a physical examination. Some injuries become apparent at the moment of impact, but some can take days, weeks, or even months to fully develop. Getting your doctor to check your physical condition can help strengthen your case and may help you receive additional compensation to cover medical bills in the future.
- Collect the other driver’s details – If possible, ask the at-fault driver for their contact details, including the name of their insurance company. This can help speed the legal process along. If the driver is unable to supply you with the name of the insurance provider, our attorneys will find it for you.
- Gather evidence from the scene if possible – Take photographs of the scene of the accident and make a note of where, when, and how it occurred. Memories can become hazy over time, so having a written record of the details of the accident can help.
- Seek legal representation – It’s highly recommended to seek legal representation as soon as you’re physically able to do so. In the State of Florida, claimants have 4 years from the date of their accident to file a claim as per Florida Statute 95.11. Although this may seem like a long time, it’s essential that the claimant files a claim soon after an accident as they will be more likely to receive the compensation that they deserve.
How Much Does a Rear-End Accident Lawyer Cost?
At The Law Place, we work on a contingency basis as monitored by The State Bar Association. Therefore, you won’t have to pay any legal fees unless we are successful in your claim and you are awarded compensation.
We also offer a free consultation to our clients so that they can speak to an attorney without having to worry about being charged for the consultation.
Contact The Law Place Today
If you have been involved in a rear-end motorcycle accident, contact The Law Place today. A motorcycle accident lawyer at our law firm will analyze the details of your case during your free case evaluation and determine whether or not you have grounds to file a claim. If we believe that you do, we’ll fight tirelessly to ensure you get the outcome you want from your case.
Motorcycle accidents can be devastating for all parties involved. It’s likely for motorcycle drivers to sustain mild to serious injuries during a rear-end collision as they have much less protection in comparison with a truck or car driver. Therefore, we strive to get the justice and compensation that the driver deserves. We are renowned for our stellar attorney-client relationship and have 75 years of combined experience filing claims for motorcycle accidents in the Florida area. Therefore, you can rest assured that our legal team at The Law Place can get you the compensation that you deserve.
During your free case evaluation, you will speak to one of our top personal injury lawyers who can answer any questions you may have and provide invaluable legal advice so that you feel confident in going forward with your case with us. Call us on (941) 444-4444 to schedule a free consultation with an experienced rear-end accident lawyer today.