When you’ve been charged with a DUI, money can be at the forefront of your concerns. Drunk driving comes with a plethora of costs, including court fees, legal fines, towing and storage fees, and application charges. If you wish to fight your charges, the cost of a lawyer is one of these expenses. While you can choose to fight on your own, it is always better to have a qualified Sarasota DUI lawyers to prepare your defense.
The cost of a DUI lawyer may concern you. However, the value of your reputation, livelihood, and freedom outweigh the financial burden of a DUI attorney.
Here at The Law Place, we have 75 years of combined experience defending our clients from the financial costs of DUI charges. When you go to trial, you will have the help of an excellent team of attorneys with your best interests at heart. Our goal is to get your charges dismissed or reduced, and we will do everything in our power to make that happen. DUI lawyers may not be free, but the benefits of our representation speak for themselves.
Schedule your free consultation with us now to find out your options and start the fight against your DUI case.
Call us today at (941) 444-4444.
What Is a DUI?
Drinking and driving is a criminal offense charged under Florida Statute 316.193 as a DUI (driving under the influence). The legal blood alcohol limit in Florida is .08, and any motorists caught over this limit will be charged with a DUI.
A DUI is also an administrative charge that, according to Florida Statute 322.2616, will result in an automatic suspension of your driver’s license. You will have ten days to appeal to the DMV to save your license.
DUI’s can result in fines, jail time, community service, and court-mandated substance abuse counseling. The level of punishment will depend on the nature of the DUI charges, being either misdemeanors or felonies. Minimum or maximum sentences will vary based on the amount of previous DUI’s a defendant has been convicted of. First and second DUI’s are misdemeanors unless a serious injury has occurred, and third and fourth DUI’s are felonies, carrying harsher penalties.
Underage-drinkers can be charged with driving under the influence if their BAC is only .02. Similarly, commercial drivers can be charged if they have a BAC of .04 due to their heightened level of responsibility on the road. Large truck drivers are strictly regulated and can have their CDL revoked immediately for life after a first time DUI charge.
Individuals under the influence of illegal or prescription drugs can also be charged with a DUI. Although the DUI charge is the same as drinking and driving, there can be an additional drug possession or use charge brought against offenders.
If you have been charged with drunk driving, contact The Law Place today.

Is Getting a DUI Lawyer Worth the Cost?
Although hiring a DUI lawyer isn’t cheap, the potential cost of a DUI conviction can greatly outnumber this figure. If you’re convicted of a first time DUI, you can face fines up to $2,000, a second conviction up to $4000, and a third or fourth carrying minimum fines of $2,000.
The monetary cost isn’t the only benefit you should think of when deciding if you need to hire a DUI attorney. Think about your freedom. How much is that worth to you? If this isn’t your first conviction, the likelihood of jail time increases dramatically. DUI cases often result in months of imprisonment. A lawyer is your best shot at avoiding that.
A DUI lawyer in Tampa, FL will coach you through the sentencing process if you are convicted, reminding you every step of the way the right things to say and do. Without a lawyer, the smallest misstep or a wrong word can land you in jail with huge fines to pay.
A lawyer can’t prevent all the consequences of a DUI, but they can mitigate the potential damage to your reputation, career, and criminal record.

How Much Does a DUI Lawyer Cost?
Lawyers aren’t cheap. Everybody knows this. Knowing just how much one can cost will give you an idea of what to expect when you choose to hire one.
DUI lawyers range in price. You shouldn’t expect a flat rate from every lawyer you speak with. Their experience, reputation, and level of resources will all affect their price structure.
Also, what type of crime you are charged with will affect their cost as well. Misdemeanors take less time and resources than felonies might, and the cost of a DUI lawyer reflects that.
Outlined below, you will find a rough estimate of the cost you should expect if you hire an attorney.
First-Offense DUI Lawyer Cost (Estimated)
- $1,500 to $2000 – Inexperienced lawyers who will have little to no reputation for drunk driving cases.
- $2,500 to $3,500 – Competent attorneys who have a marginal reputation and some experience fighting a DUI charge.
- $4,000 to $7,500 – Veteran lawyers who have a good stellar reputation and more experience as DUI attorneys than their peers.
Felony DUI Lawyer Cost (Estimated)
- $2,000 to $3,000
- $3,500 to $4,500
- $5,000 to $10,000
If you would like to know how much The Law Place DUI attorneys charge for our services, please schedule a free consultation. We will explain our fee structure and showcase our reputation and success rate throughout the state of Florida.

How Can DUI Attorneys Get You Out of a DUI?
In any criminal trial, the case evidence is presented by the prosecution against the defendant. Good DUI attorneys have a will address the specific types of evidence provided by a drunk driving charge and systematically dismantle the validity of the prosecution’s case.
Some types of evidence a DUI lawyer might attack are:
- Reasons for the traffic stop
- Results of any field sobriety tests conducted by arresting officers
- Blood alcohol tests
- Breathalyzer exams
- Recorded observations made by police
- Probable cause to search the vehicle
- Arrest and booking procedure
If you are questioning whether the cost of a DUI lawyer is worth the money, think about whether you will be able to contest specific pieces of evidence against you. Do you know what a sloppy police report looks like? What about the proper procedures for making a traffic stop? A good attorney will have the experience and keen eye necessary to make these judgments and argue them to the court.
Your freedom, reputation, and livelihood aren’t things you should gamble with. Contact The Law Place to schedule a free consultation to go over the details of your case. Our lawyers will help you identify any possible legal strategies we can use in your defense.

What Are the Chances of Getting a DUI Dismissed?
DUI dismissals in Florida vary depending on the county or city. In Miami, nearly 40% of all DUI charges are either dropped or reduced to reckless driving. Many of these are the result of an experienced DUI attorney.
Although it is never guaranteed that your attorney can get your case dismissed, the chances are much better than if you go through the trial on your own.
Contact The Law Place to find out how many DUI charges we’ve had dismissed. The team works together on every case, meaning you get more than one lawyer for our fee. Our track record will speak for itself.
Can a DUI Attorney Save My License From the DMV?
Florida’s implied consent law, outlined by Statute 316.1932, means you may have already had your license taken and suspended by the arresting officers in your case. This happens when you either blow a .08 into a breathalyzer or refuse to submit to a breathalyzer exam.
An attorney can request a civil administrative hearing on your behalf to reinstate your license. This is separate from your criminal DUI trial. The initial license suspension is an administrative measure, not a criminal sanction.
You must act quickly if you want your attorney to do so. You only have ten days from the time of your arrest to make your case for hardship and save your driver’s license. Contact The Law Place now to get the process started.
Can You Beat a DUI With a Public Defender?
It is entirely possible to beat a DUI, especially a first time DUI, with a public defender provided by the state of Florida. There are many qualified and talented attorneys in the public defender’s office.
The cost of a public defender will depend on the income and financial ability of the defendant. The application fee is $50, so this is the absolute minimum these kinds of lawyers cost. Typically, a public defender’s expenses will still be less than a private attorney if the state makes you pay more than this.
However, The Law Place recommends consulting with a private DUI lawyer to obtain legal advice from a different perspective. In many cases, public defenders often have an extremely large caseload and don’t have enough time to devote specialized attention to the individual needs of your case. A private DUI attorney does.
How Long Does a DUI Stay on My Record?
According to the State of Florida, DUI convictions are applied to an individual’s public record for 75 years. Not much can be done to expunge a previous DUI conviction. Only if you were convicted as a minor can a DUI be wiped from your public record.
If you are a minor, you must get a lawyer to defend your case. It is an extreme burden to have a DUI follow you for the rest of your life. Employers can access your public record, and having a DUI restricts you from holding many jobs, especially ones relating to child-care or public service.
To give you the best chance of avoiding a stain on your record, consult our team of attorneys at The Law Place.
How Much Does a Lawyer Charge For a DUI Case? FAQ
What factors influence the average DUI lawyer cost?
The cost of hiring a knowledgeable DUI attorney can vary based on several factors, including the complexity of the DUI offense, the attorney’s experience, and the specifics of the DUI case. Factors such as the severity of the DUI arrest, whether it’s a first offense or a second DUI offense, and the need for additional legal services can all affect attorney fees. The Law Place offers a free consultation so you can make an informed decision about representation.
What are the typical attorney fees for a DUI case?
Attorney fees for DUI cases can range significantly. Some attorneys charge a flat fee for handling DUI cases, while others may charge an hourly rate. The average DUI lawyer cost can vary from a few thousand dollars for a straightforward first offense DUI case to much higher for more complex cases, especially those involving repeat offenses or additional charges.
What additional costs can be associated with a DUI offense?
Beyond legal fees, individuals facing a DUI offense may also incur additional costs, such as DUI fines, fees for installing an ignition interlock device, costs associated with attending DUI school, and substance abuse education programs. These costs can add up, making it important to understand the full financial impact of a DUI..
How does the cost of a first offense DUI compare to a second DUI offense?
Typically, the legal fees and overall costs for a second DUI offense will be higher than those for a first offense. This is due to the increased penalties, the possibility of longer license suspension periods, and the greater complexity involved in defending against repeat offenses.
What should I consider when evaluating the cost of a DUI lawyer?
When evaluating the cost of a DUI lawyer, consider the attorney’s experience, track record, and the level of service they provide. While the initial cost may seem high, investing in a knowledgeable DUI attorney can result in more favorable outcomes, such as reduced penalties or even case dismissal, which can save money in the long run.
Can a DUI lawyer help reduce the overall costs of a DUI offense?
Yes, a skilled DUI lawyer can help negotiate reduced penalties, argue for lesser fines, or challenge the necessity of certain penalties like the ignition interlock device, which can help reduce the overall costs of a DUI offense.
Contact The Law Place DUI Attorneys Today
Have you been involved in a drunk driving incident? Are you unsure of whether you need to hire a lawyer to defend you? Afraid of how much DUI lawyers might cost you?
Contact The Law Place today to find out how we can help you beat your DUI charge. We offer a free consultation with one of our qualified attorneys who will take the time to give you some legal advice and explain our fee structure. Every lawyer in our firm works together on every case. We guarantee a thorough examination of the charges against you and will present the best defense possible to the court on your behalf.
Schedule your free consultation today. Our phone lines are open 24/7, and our representatives are waiting for your call.
Call The Law Place now at (941) 444-4444.