The first thing to do if you decide to sue for the fall injury you have suffered as the result of an accident where you have slipped and fell is to establish who is at fault. It can be difficult to know who is to blame for your accident, and that is why we advise at The Law Place that you seek the help of an experienced accident attorney. They can help you discover who the party at fault is.
In your case, you must include every owner or business that plays a part in causing your accident because the law in Florida currently states that each defendant only has to pay for their share of the injury. Therefore, if you do not name every responsible party, you risk not getting the maximum amount of compensation that you deserve. One of our personal injury lawyers can ensure that every possible defendant will be stated in your case.
Suing for your injuries can seem like a difficult process, but The Law Place is here to help. With over 75 years of combined experience, our lawyers will be able to answer any questions you may have and guide you through the legal process. Contact us today on (941) 444-4444 for a free consultation if you are considering making a claim against a company or property owner for your injuries.
Premises Liability
You can sue after suffering a slip and fall accident because these accidents are featured under a category of law known as premises liability. This simply means that property owners have a duty of care to ensure that their property is in a reasonably safe condition and not at risk of causing injuries to any guests they may have. If they are aware of an issue but are unable to fix it immediately, they should clearly warn their visitors of the danger. If they are aware of an issue but refrain from fixing it and an accident occurs, they can be held liable for the injuries suffered.
It is important that if you decide to sue for your injuries that you act quickly. Florida Statue 95.11 gives victims of accidents four years to make a personal injury claim after the incident has occurred. Even more critically, if you are planning on suing for wrongful death, you only have two years to do so.

What’s the Average Settlement for Slip and Fall?
All slip and fall cases differ greatly, and therefore, trying to work out the average settlement for an accident of this type is very difficult to do. The amount of compensation you could recover in a settlement after suffering a slip and fall completely depends on the circumstances surrounding your accident. For example, the severity of your injuries, the impact the accident has had on your life, and who the negligent party is will all determine how much compensation you will be offered in a settlement.
Victims in slip and fall cases tend to achieve compensation for the following in a settlement:
- Medical bills.
- Lost wages.
- Emotional distress.
- Permanent injury or disability.
- Other costs directly related to your accident.
If you or a loved one has been suffered from a slip and fall accident on someone else’s property, you may be entitled to compensation. Contact one of our injury attorneys at The Law Place for a free consultation, and they will be able to give you an idea about how much you could expect to achieve from a settlement if you decide to claim for your slip and fall injury.

Should I Get a Lawyer for Slip and Fall?
We would advise that it is in the best interest of a victim of one of these accidents to seek the legal expertise of a lawyer. One of the main reasons for this is because, in Florida, a legal tool known as comparative negligence can be used in slip and fall cases. This simply means that the court will compare the injured person to the property owner, who they deem is most at fault. It is not uncommon in these cases for a court to decide that a person who was careless enough to get injured, should not receive the compensation they desire, even if the property was not reasonably safe.
A personal injury lawyer at The Law Place will work to make your case as strong as possible to ensure that the property owner, knowledgeable of the unsafe conditions, would have to compensate you for your medical bills.
A lawyer will not only gather the crucial evidence required to prove the negligence of the party at fault in your case; they will handle all of the negotiations and paperwork with insurance companies, so you don’t have to. Hiring a lawyer can lift a massive weight off your shoulders, and having legal expertise behind you will greatly increase your chances of achieving a fair settlement. A lawyer will also not be afraid to take your case to court if negotiations have been unproductive, and you do not feel satisfied by the settlement offered to you.
The legal team at The Law Place in Florida can help you win the compensation and justice that you are entitled to. If you have any further queries or questions regarding slip and falls or a case you may have, call us today for a free consultation.

How Would You Describe a Slip and Fall Accident?
The term slip and fall is frequently used to describe a variety of accidents. We would describe a slip and fall accident as generally occurring when a person loses their footing and falls, resulting in them suffering injuries on someone else’s property.
There are many different types of slip and fall accidents. However, some of the most common are:
- Step and fall. This type of accident occurs when a fall is caused by a low spot on the path or a hole in the ground.
- Trip and fall. An accident of this nature occurs when a person falls over an uneven surface or an object in their way.
- Slip and fall. An accident of this type commonly involves a person falling due to a slippery liquid or object on the ground.
Every day in Florida, people fall and suffer injuries, although only some of the injuries are the fault of another person. The current Florida premises liability law states that it is the responsibility of the property owner to keep their property in a reasonably safe condition for any guests or customers. If the property owner is aware that part of their property is potentially dangerous, they should work to ensure that the problem is fixed quickly to prevent any injuries from occurring.
However, when a property owner is aware that their property is not reasonably safe and does not try to correct that, the property owner may be held liable for the injuries suffered by the injured person. This is because the injuries suffered were the result of the negligence of the property owner, and therefore the injured person has the right to sue for their slip and fall accident.

Call The Law Place
If you have any further questions surrounding what is meant by a slip and fall injury or accident, you can tell us at The Law Place, and one of our injury lawyers will be able to answer any questions you may have. Our law firm has a wealth of experience dealing with slip and fall accidents, so our personal injury lawyers will be able to guide you through everything you need to know.
If you are thinking of claiming for your injuries, contact us in Florida today for a free consultation on (941) 444-4444. We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.