If you or a family member have suffered because of the negligence of another driver, then they could be held liable to pay for property damage, medical bills, and any other costs that occurred as a result of your accident. Truck accidents can be physically, mentally, and financially damaging, so it is important that you …
What to Do After a Truck Accident?
In the U.S. today, getting behind the wheel of your car is often the most dangerous and risky thing that you do in a day. Car accidents are bad enough. They can often cause not only property damage but potentially life-altering human injury. However, when you consider the size and scale of the average vehicle …
What Should I Do at the Scene of a Truck Accident?
At the scene of an accident, your safety and the safety of those around you is paramount. You should call emergency services immediately to report the accident and request medical assistance. If you can, move to somewhere safe and check on others involved in the accident. If your injuries allow gather evidence from the scene …
What Lawyer Deals With Truck Accidents?
Truck accidents are much more serious than car accidents, and the consequences can be very traumatic due to the large size and weight of a truck in the State of Florida. The damages caused by truck accidents can be disastrous, and some of the main examples of this include serious personal injury, property damage, pain …
What Is the Average Settlement for a Truck Accident?
It is difficult to put a figure on an average truck accident settlement because every case is so different. The average settlement can range from $40,000 to $200,000 for non-fatal injuries, while cases involving permanent disability or fatalities can result in settlements exceeding $1 million. To find out how much your case could be worth, …
What Does a Truck Accident Lawyer Do?
The large commercial trucking industry is unfortunately responsible for some of the most devastating car accidents on the roads of America today. In comparison with your average car accident, which can be dangerous enough, truck accidents are much more likely to incur serious injuries that can lead to life-long complications or even death. The weight, …
What Damages Can I Collect for a Truck Accident?
Truck accidents account for some of the most severe accidents on the roads across the United States today. Due to their size, they are often worse than a normal car accident. Due to this, truck accidents are much more likely to cause more severe personal injury cases, and in the worst-case scenarios – even death. …
What Can I Do to Protect My Rights After a Truck Accident?
A truck accident – no matter how severe – can be a very stressful experience, especially if you have experienced mental or physical distress as a result. This stress can worsen even more so if the parties involved and/or their insurance company have a dispute over liability. In most cases, victims will assume that their …
Should I Hire a Truck Accident Lawyer for a Minor Accident?
Following a minor truck accident, there will be lots of questions that you might want the answer to. Whose fault was the accident? What do I do now? Do I make a claim? When do I contact my insurance company? Do I have to hire a truck accident lawyer? Just because an accident is defined …
Is It Worth Hiring a Truck Accident Lawyer?
In America today, truck accidents are some of the worst accidents on the roads. Compared to a regular car accident, which comes with its own strains and stresses, truck accidents cases, due to the sheer nature of the vehicle means that it is much more likely to cause serious injuries that result in life-altering complications, …
How Long Do I Have to File a Lawsuit After a Truck Accident?
If you or someone you know has suffered injuries as the result of a truck accident or a car accident, you may be wanting to file a lawsuit for all of the pain and suffering the accident has caused you. At The Law Place, we strongly recommend that you seek the guidance of a skilled …
Who Can Be Sued in a Truck Accident Case?
Commercial trucks are responsible for some of the most serious accidents on the roads of Florida. Due to their size and weight compared to that of passenger vehicles, they can cause extensive damage, serious injuries, and even death. Following the initial shock of truck accidents, it is normal to think, “who can I sue?” You …
Is the Truck Driver or Trucking Company Responsible in a Truck Accident?
In the State of Florida, there is an increasing number of commercial trucks on the road due to the increase in online shopping. As a result, truck accidents are increasingly likely to occur. Truck accidents can have devastating and traumatic consequences due to the sheer size and heavyweight of the vehicle. In comparison to car …
How Are Truck Accidents Different than Car Accidents?
There are many differences between a car accident and a truck accident, most notably is the size of the vehicles. Whilst the cause of an accident might not be irregular, bad weather, speeding, texting, or lack of attention to the road, the damage is usually greater when a truck is involved. Furthermore, a truck accident …
How Negligence Is Established in a Truck Accident
If you have suffered injuries and property damage as a result of a truck accident, then proving negligence is imperative. When trying to claim compensation for your losses, you must gather enough evidence to prove negligence on the part of the truck driver or the trucking company. Trucking accidents are not uncommon, and when dealing …
Do You Have to Go to Court for a Truck Accident?
If you or a loved one has suffered from injuries or damages as a result of a truck accident due to the negligence of another driver, then it is worth contacting a reputable law firm as soon as possible – as you might be entitled to compensation. In many cases, you do not have to …
How Much Can You Get in a Truck Accident Settlement?
If you’ve been involved in a truck accident, you undoubtedly know how dangerous and scary they can be. In addition to the mental anguish, the pain and suffering experienced after a serious personal injury or the wrongful death of a loved one allow you to sue for damages. You may be getting frustrated by the …
Can You Sue the City in a Bus Accident Case?
Various types of public transport are used on a daily basis across many cities in the country. In Florida, bus travel plays a significant role in the overall public transportation system. Bus transportation can be a faster, more convenient, and affordable mode of transport in comparison to car travel. Bus transportation is used across Florida …
Do You Sue the Truck Driver or the Trucking Company in a Truck Accident?
In a truck accident, the decision to sue the truck driver or the trucking company depends on the circumstances surrounding the incident. Generally, if the truck driver was at fault for the accident due to negligence, such as violating traffic laws or driving under the influence, you might initially consider suing the driver directly. However, …
How Much Should I Get for Pain and Suffering From a Truck Accident?
Pain and suffering encompasses the broad spectrum of trauma that can follow car accident injuries. This term refers not only to the physical discomfort and pain experienced but also to the profound emotional pain and psychological distress that can accompany such incidents. The physical pain from such accidents can severely limit a victim’s mobility and …