Pedestrian accidents are all too common in the State of Florida. In most cases, the driver will be held liable for a pedestrian accident. However, there are times that the pedestrian could be at fault. If you or someone you know were involved in a pedestrian accident in the State of Florida, then you should …
Are Pedestrians Always at Fault in Pedestrian Accidents?

Pedestrian accidents are a common occurrence in Florida, often resulting in serious injuries or even death. Statistics by the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles tell us that 700 pedestrians were killed and a further 6,000 injured in car accidents across the state in 2020. Many people believe that pedestrians who have been …
How Is a Pedestrian Hit by a Car Compensated for Injuries?

Florida is one of the states in the U.S. with the highest number of car accidents every year, and much of the time, these will involve a pedestrian. According to a report by the GHSA, 368 people died in a pedestrian crash from January 2019 to June 2019. The Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) further …
What Is a Pedestrian Accident?

A pedestrian accident is an accident that happens when a motor vehicle hits a person who is not in a motor vehicle. In simple terms, a person who is on foot. Pedestrians are at high risk for injury in the State of Florida. A pedestrian does not have the same level of protection that a …
Who Is at Fault in a Pedestrian Car Accident?

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has reported that nearly 500 people are killed in Florida car-pedestrian accidents every year. Not only this, but more than 7,000 people are injured in car-pedestrian accidents every year. This is a tragic number of lives lost and people injured. What makes things even worse is that it …
Where Do Most Pedestrian Accidents Occur?

Pedestrian accidents are life-threatening accidents that happen much too frequently in the United States, claiming thousands of lives. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 5,977 pedestrians were killed in traffic accidents across the United States in 2017, which a year later rose to 6,283 deaths. Pedestrians are always at an increased risk …
What Are the Main Causes of Pedestrian Accidents?

Pedestrian accidents happen frequently in a state like Florida, which has the highest amount of pedestrian accidents in the United States, as it’s always full of tourists, and so it’s important to be careful. Pedestrians who are involved in vehicle accidents are always at a greater risk of serious injury than drivers and passengers inside …