A domestic violence conviction in Florida can have devastating long-term consequences. These impacts extend beyond jail time, affecting legal rights, employment opportunities, housing, child custody, and social stigma. Understanding what are the long term consequences of a domestic violence conviction in Florida is crucial for anyone facing such charges. This article explores how a domestic …
What Constitutes Cybercrime in Florida?
With the rise of technology, cybercrime has become a significant concern in Florida, as in many other states. Florida has specific laws addressing cybercrimes, including unauthorized access to computer systems, identity theft, and fraud involving electronic devices. This article will explore the legal framework surrounding cybercrime in Florida, the various types of offenses, and potential …
How does Florida’s stand your ground law work in self defense cases?
The Stand Your Ground law in Florida allows individuals to use force, including deadly force, without a duty to retreat if they reasonably believe it’s necessary to prevent death, bodily harm, or a violent crime. Florida’s Stand Your Ground law is a pivotal aspect of the state’s self defense law framework, shaping how individuals may …
What Does a Criminal Defense Lawyer Do?
A criminal defense lawyer represents individuals accused of crimes, ensuring their rights are protected and building a defense strategy to avoid or minimize penalties. They also offer legal advice to help clients understand their options and the potential consequences of their decisions. So, what does a criminal defense lawyer do? They scrutinize evidence, negotiate plea …
What happens if you leave the scene of an accident in Florida?

The moments following a collision are critical, teeming with adrenaline and split-second decisions. It’s a scenario that tests the mettle of even the most experienced drivers. Amidst this turmoil, one decision stands paramount: the choice to stay at the scene. In Florida, leaving the scene of an accident is not just a mistake; it’s a …
do i need a florida dbpr license?
In Florida, the landscape of business and professional regulation is vast, and the rules governing various industries can sometimes seem like an intricate maze. Just as a traveler relies on a map to navigate unfamiliar terrain, Florida business owners and professionals require guidance and clarity to ensure they’re on the right track when it comes …
how do I apply for a business or professional license in florida?
Florida, with its vibrant economy and diverse business opportunities, offers an enticing environment for entrepreneurs and professionals. Yet, navigating the Sunshine State’s regulatory landscape can be intricate. Whether you’re setting up a tech startup in Miami, opening a beachside café in Destin, or launching a consultancy in Orlando, there’s one constant – the need for …
What if I Was Attacked on a Property?

You will never enter someone’s property and expect to be attacked. Unfortunately, attacks do happen, and you are not the only person to fall victim to these. Such attacks can involve someone starting a fight with you, robbing you, or assaulting you in another way. If you have been attacked by a property owner or …
What Is the Maximum Sentence for Vehicular Manslaughter in Florida?

In Florida, the maximum sentence for vehicular manslaughter is 15 years in prison, 15 years of probation, and a fine of up to $10,000. Vehicular manslaughter is a second-degree felony. However, if the incident involved a hit-and-run, the charge could become a first-degree felony, which carries a maximum sentence of up to 30 years in …
What Is a Deposition?

Depositions are a key part of the legal process here in Florida, and if you’re involved in a court case, it is likely that you’ll be required to give one. Whilst they may seem daunting, especially if you don’t understand what they are, keeping yourself informed about the process, as well as how depositions work, …
Why Are Body-Worn Cameras Important for Criminal Defense Lawyers?

Body-worn cameras are used all over the United States by law enforcement officers at every level. These cameras allow police officers to record the interactions they have with the public during what may be high-stress confrontations. Currently, these devices are being used across the State of Florida in over one hundred local police departments. When …
How Do Law Enforcement Body-Worn Cameras Work?

The use of body-worn body cameras (BWC) has increased in popularity in recent years. Many law enforcement agencies across the United States consider body-worn cameras to be an effective tool that can improve the collection of evidence. They have also been shown to enhance the safety of officers and members of the public and help …
How Can Body Worn Cameras Assist in Accident Investigations?

Many law enforcement officers at all levels across the United States wear body-worn cameras. These cameras mean that police officers can record the interactions that they have with the public during stressful and potentially important confrontations. Over one hundred local police departments across the State of Florida currently use these devices. When police officers activate …
Is It Worth Getting a Lawyer for a DUI?

A DUI is a very serious crime in Florida. If you try to fight it alone, you may face some very serious penalties and a permanent criminal record. A DUI charge in Florida can have some very serious repercussions on your personal and professional life. You could be facings a fine of thousands of dollars, …
Can You Beat a DUI With a Public Defender?

If you’ve been arrested and charged with driving under the influence in the State of Florida, you may be wondering what your legal options are. If you cannot afford to hire a private criminal defense lawyer to defend your case, you have the constitutional right to the legal aid of a government-provided public defender. Public …
Fort Myers Criminal Mischief Lawyer

Criminal mischief charges, or vandalism to a layperson, can hold severe consequences in Florida, depending on the level and value of damage inflicted and the target in question. However, with representation by the correct criminal defense lawyers, being charged does not necessarily guarantee a conviction. At The Law Place, we have assembled a team of …
What Happens When I Receive An Underage Possession of Alcohol Charge?

Did you come down to Florida for spring break and you’re the under the age of 21 and you received a criminal notice to appear for underage possession of alcohol? Do you realize that under Florida law, that’s a second degree misdemeanor pursuant to Florida statute 562.11? You probably received some paperwork from the officer, …
Dealing in Stolen Property Penalty in Florida

In Florida, dealing in stolen property is a serious offense that carries significant legal consequences. The state’s stringent laws aim to deter individuals from engaging in activities related to the buying, selling, or distribution of stolen goods. Understanding the legal framework surrounding these penalties is crucial for anyone facing such charges or looking to understand …
Felony Sentencing Guidelines in Florida
In Florida, navigating the legal landscape can be daunting, especially when it comes to understanding the felony sentencing guidelines. These guidelines are crucial as they dictate the potential outcomes for individuals convicted of felony offenses, ranging from third-degree to life felonies. Each degree of felony carries its own set of sentencing frameworks, influenced by various …