The injuries caused by car accidents can vary from minor bruising to wrongful death. Hand and wrist injuries are common after a car accident. This is a result of many victims of car accidents instinctively moving their hands to protect themselves. In some instances, this pain may be caused by bruising but in more serious cases. This pain could indicate fractured bones.
Pain in the hands and wrists should be taken seriously due to the complex nerve system within the hands, and ignoring the injury may lead to further damage. There are 27 bones that make up the hand and wrist, plus many tendons, ligaments, and muscles grouped together to allow the hand to grip.
It is important to seek medical advice if you’re in any pain after a car accident, even if this pain occurs a few days after, as it may be an indication of a more serious injury, such as a torn ligament in the hand or wrist.
If you or someone you love has been involved in a car accident in Florida and left with hand and wrist injuries, call The Law Place on (941) 444-4444 to discuss your case with experienced personal injury lawyers. With over 75 years of combined experience in car accidents, our lawyers can help you recover the compensation you may be entitled to following a car accident. Call today for a free consultation.

Contact us today for help filing a claim for hand and wrist pain after a car accident.
Common Injuries to the Hands or Wrists Caused by a Car Accident
The severity of these injuries will vary from person to person, but in most severe cases, some victims may be left with lifelong injuries and struggle to regain the full use of their hands.
The impact on the victim will depend mostly on if the injured hand is the dominant hand; this will negatively impact a victim during the recovery as they struggle to complete their usual day-to-day tasks. Some of the possible injuries to hands and wrists during a car accident are listed below.
- Broken fingers.
- Wrist fractures.
- Soft tissue damage.
- Crushed bones.
- Dislocations.
- Open fractures.
- Bruising.
Surgery may be required to repair some of the hand and wrist injuries caused by a car accident, and these surgeries are usually very complex and can be expensive.

Why a Passenger May Suffer Hand and Wrist Pain in a Car Accident?
For a front-seat passenger, any injuries to the hands and wrists will be as a result of this part of the body hitting the interior of the car, such as the dashboard, an airbag, or the car door. For back-seat passengers, they may hit the back of the car seat in front of them.

Common Hand and Wrist Symptoms That Indicate an Injury
If you have been involved in a car accident and begin to experience any of the following symptoms, seek medical advice immediately, as you may have hand and wrist injuries that require medical attention.
- Swelling.
- Bruising.
- Difficulty moving parts of the hand, fingers, or wrist.
- Stiffness.
- Burning, tingling, or warmness in the hand.
- Decreased strength when gripping.
- Inability to flex the fingers.
- Numbness.

What Causes Hand and Wrist Pain Following a Car Accident?
Hand and wrist injuries can be caused by a variety of reasons, but the two main causes are the driver either bracing their arms for impact whilst holding the steering wheel or as a result of moving their hands up towards their face or body to protect themselves and then colliding with the steering wheel.
Scaphoid Fractures
The scaphoid is the smallest bone in the wrist but is a very common injury following car accidents. These fractures can be difficult to diagnose due to their extremely small size. However, they can be quite painful. Luckily, most scaphoid fractures will heal within six months.
Hand Fractures
There are many bones within the hand which could be fractured in a car accident, and some will be more painful than others. In severe cases, an open fracture (where the bones have broken through the skin) caused by a car accident can lead to infection and a longer recovery time. Hand fractures can have long recovery times, including surgery, physiotherapy, and immobilization.
Wrists Sprains
A wrist injury is common in car accidents. Sprains are caused due to forceful bending leading to an overstretched ligament. Due to the positioning of the hands-on steering wheel, wrists sprains are a common injury in a car accident. This injury will naturally heal, but it is worth resting the wrist and only doing light tasks to prevent further damage.
Torn Ligaments
A partially torn ligament is a different injury to an entirely torn ligament, and both will require different medical attention and recovery. A torn ligament is an extremely painful injury to have and, in many cases, requires surgery to repair the ligament. Ligaments can be torn in car accidents when a sudden force is applied to the hand, such as hitting the dashboard.
The knuckle joint on the middle finger is the most common joint to dislocate in the hand and is extremely painful. If you have a dislocated joint in your hand, it will require immediate medical attention to reset the joint in its original position, or you could run the risk of losing that part of your hand.
Any trauma to the tendons in the hand or wrist can lead to inflammation of these tendons and, subsequently, tendinitis. Over-the-counter pain killers and rest will help improve the condition.

What Damages Can I Claim for After a Hand and Wrist Injury After a Car Accident?
Any injuries from car accidents can be extremely painful as well as making day-to-day tasks more difficult than normal. Depending on the severity of your injuries, one of our experienced personal injury lawyers may be able to help you claim compensation for the following damages.
- Medical bills – Due to the complex structure within the hand and wrist, recovery can take a long time. Recovery can include specific pain medication, physiotherapy, surgery, or even amputation in extreme cases. All of these elements of recovery can be expensive, and if they were caused by a car accident where you weren’t at fault, you might be eligible for compensation to cover your medical bills.
- Loss of earnings – Difficulty using your hands following a car accident can lead to time off work to recover or because you cannot complete your job without the full use of your hands. In some cases, this period off of work could be months or even years and lead to a high loss of earnings. If you have experienced any loss in earnings as a result of a car accident, you could be awarded compensation.
- Pain and suffering – Pain and suffering damages can cover both the physical pain you are suffering but also any impact on your mental health. You can claim both physical and mental pain or suffering as a result of a car accident.
Contact The Law Place Today for a Free Consultation
The Law Place has over 75 years of combined experience in car accident and personal injury claims, so you can rest assured your case will be in safe hands. Suffering hand or wrist injuries in a motor vehicle accident can be extremely painful and stressful to deal with, so by contacting a personal injury lawyer, you can focus on recovery whilst we investigate your case. If your injuries have been caused in an accident where the other driver is at fault, you may be awarded compensation to cover medical bills and any other damages.
If you have been involved in a motor vehicle accident in Florida that has caused any hand or wrist injuries, seek medical advice immediately as early intervention can prevent long-term damage, then call The Law Place on (941) 444-4444. Our phone lines are open 24 hours, 7 days a week, so you can rely on us the moment you need an experienced lawyer.