No matter the severity of a Florida car accident, a motor vehicle crash will take a toll on the human body. It is completely normal for car accident victims to suffer stomach pain. The emotional trauma suffered by victims alone is enough to bring on stomach pain. However, if you are suffering stomach pain after your car accident in Florida, you should see a doctor immediately because abdominal pain may be one of the delayed symptoms you are experiencing for much more serious internal injuries. Don’t suffer in pain alone. Seek medical attention as soon as possible.
If you or a loved one has been involved in a Florida auto accident, we strongly urge that you seek medical attention, no matter if you have sustained minor or serious injuries. A personal injury lawyer at our law firm will be able to help you recover the costs of medical care later on. Your health is paramount, so you should never hesitate about seeking medical treatment.
At The Law Place, we have a team of reputable lawyers who have over 75 years of combined experience working within personal injury law. We have offered legal advice to countless clients and helped many victims win the compensation they deserve after suffering their car accidents. To schedule a free consultation with an attorney, call us today. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to take your call. Phone now at (941) 444-4444.

We can help you seek damages after a car accident resulting in stomach pain.
Is It Normal for Your Stomach to Hurt After a Car Accident?
It is completely normal for your stomach to hurt after experiencing a car accident. The emotional stress of being involved in a car accident and dealing with the aftermath is enough to cause a person pain. It is important, however, that you do not ignore this pain. Your symptoms may be a sign of a far more serious, perhaps even life-threatening, injury. You should see a doctor for medical treatment right away.
Your stomach pain may mean that you have suffered an internal organ damage injury or internal bleeding. Injuries to your abdominal muscles or internal organs are typically the main causes of stomach pain after a car accident. The pain can last hours or days.
Although a lot of people suffer stomach pain after a car accident, you shouldn’t simply dismiss your pain as being caused by stress. You may be feeling symptoms of a far more serious, life-threatening injury. No abdominal trauma is normal. You should always seek the professional opinion of a doctor.

Can a Car Accident Cause Bowel Problems?
An auto accident can cause bowel problems, one of the most common problems being small bowel obstruction. Small bowel obstruction occurs because of a blockage in the small intestine. This is a fairly common internal injury to suffer after a car accident because the seat belt impacts the abdominal region with great force.
Some of the most typical symptoms of bowel obstruction include abdominal pain, swelling, constipation, dehydration, and vomiting.

What Is Seat Belt Syndrome?
While seat belts are designed to keep us safe by reducing the severity of chest and head injuries in car accidents, they are frequently a common cause of abdominal pain. In a car crash, a seat belt can press forcefully against a stomach to cause abdominal pain, bruising, and internal injuries. Seat belts are more likely to cause serious injuries to children due to their much smaller size than adults.
Seat belt syndrome refers to a group of injuries related to the use of seatbelts. Seat belt syndrome can range from bruising to abdominal pain caused by internal bleeding and organ damage.
If you are experiencing abdominal pain after an auto crash, you should see a doctor right away! You could be experiencing symptoms of a very serious injury. Don’t suffer in pain for days or weeks. Get the medical care you require immediately.

Why Is My Stomach Bloated After a Car Accident?
If your stomach is bloated after an auto crash in Florida, it could be a sign of abdominal trauma and may mean that you have sustained injuries to the important organs and blood vessels found in the abdominal cavity.
In the brute force of your auto crash, you may have ruptured or punctured an organ. This can result in blood flowing into your abdominal cavity. This internal bleeding may contribute to your pain and bloated stomach.
If you are suffering from a bloated stomach and stomach pain after an auto accident in Florida, we strongly urge that you seek attention from a doctor. The chances are that your stomach pain is a result of stress after your body has suffered such trauma in your motor vehicle accident, but it could be a symptom of something far more serious.

How Long Should You Be Sore After a Car Accident?
After a car accident, if you have suffered muscle soreness in your arms, legs, back, or abdomen, your soreness should resolve itself with six weeks. A few days after your crash, you should be able to notice a great decline in your pain and suffering.
If your body is still sore days or weeks after your accident, you may need to receive medical treatment. Your pain should not be getting worse. If your muscle pain is increasing and you are struggling to move due to stabbing pain, you should contact a doctor. You may be experiencing delayed symptoms for a far more serious injury.
You must receive medical care. You do not have to fear medical bills. A personal injury lawyer at our law firm will be able to help you receive compensation from your insurance company to cover all of your medical expenses. To find out more about what we can do for you, contact us today for a free consultation.
What Are the Symptoms of Internal Bleeding?
Symptoms of internal bleeding are not always obvious and take some time before they are actually detected. You must be aware of the symptoms so you know that your stomach pain may be a sign of a serious injury. Symptoms include:
- Headache.
- Low blood pressure.
- Shortness of breath.
- Confusion.
- Vision loss.
- Blood in stool or urine.
- Stiffness in the neck.
- Weakness.
What Are the Symptoms of Abdominal Trauma?
Abdominal trauma is a very common injury suffered in auto accidents because of the compression of the abdomen against the seat belt. This trauma could be a symptom of life-threatening injuries. It is crucial if you experience any of the following symptoms after a car accident that you approach a medical professional:
- Bruising and lacerations on the abdomen.
- Stomach pain.
- Swelling.
- Vomiting.
- Diarrhea.
- Constipation.
- Fever.
- Blood in stool or urine.
Can I Sue for Stomach Pain After an Auto Accident?
If you have experienced stomach pain as the result of a car crash in Florida, the first thing you should do is seek some legal advice from a reputable attorney at our law firm. To receive compensation, you will need to file a personal injury claim to your insurance company. This is because the State of Florida is a No-Fault state. There are only a few circumstances where you can sue another party directly for your pain and injuries. For example, your injuries must be permanent or amount to a certain financial threshold in medical treatment.
To find out more about whether you may be eligible to sue for your stomach pain after a car accident in Florida, you should call an attorney at our law firm today to schedule a free case evaluation.
In this free case evaluation, an attorney will briefly be able to examine the details of your auto accident case to advise you of all of the legal options available to you. We can offer you some honest and unbiased advice. Please don’t hesitate to give us a call today.
What Compensation Can I Claim From My Insurance Company?
If you or a loved one are victims of auto accidents in Florida, an attorney at The Law Place will be able to help you file a claim for compensation for your injuries from your insurance company. We have helped countless clients achieve compensation for their injuries, so you can feel rest assured knowing that we will be able to do the same for you.
Some of the damages that you will be able to claim for in compensation include:
- Medical bills.
- Past, present, and future medical assistance and treatment.
- Lost wages.
- Reduced earning capacity.
- Pain and suffering.
- Property damage.
When Should I File My Personal Injury Claim?
If you have suffered an injury in a motor vehicle crash in Florida, you need to file an injury claim for compensation straight away. This is because the law in Florida restricts the amount of time you have to claim compensation. Florida’s statute of limitations, as outlined under Florida Statute 95.11, only allows accident victims four years to file a compensation claim.
Once these years have passed, your injury case will be barred, and you will be unable to claim compensation. This is why it is important to act quickly. Four years may seem like plenty of time, but you will be surprised at just how quickly time can pass.
Don’t waste another second! Contact us today to begin your journey to compensation.
Frequently Asked Questions
When Did the Hands-Free Law Go Into Effect?
Florida Statute 316.305 went into effect on the 1st of July 2019. Drivers can be stopped and issued a citation for texting and driving. The second section of the law, Florida Statute 316.306, went into effect on the 1st of October 2019. Drivers can be stopped and issued a warning for using a wireless communication device in a handheld manner when they are in work zones and school zones. As of the 1st of January 2020, drivers can be issued citations for failing to use a device in a hands-free manner when they are in work zones and school zones.
What Does Wireless Communications Device Mean?
A wireless communication device is classed as a handheld device that can be used in a handheld manner. It is designed to receive or transmit text messages, access or store data and connect to the internet. A wireless communication device includes a cell phone, laptop, video game, tablet, or any other type of wireless communication device that can be used in a handheld manner.
What Are the Penalties for Not Complying With the Law?
Florida Statute 316.305 explains the penalties for texting and driving:
- First offense – A first offense is classed as a non-moving traffic violation that carries a $30 fine (not including court costs or other related fees) and no points against the driver’s license.
- Second offense – A second offense within five years is classed as a moving traffic violation that carries a $60 fine (not including court costs and other related fees) and 3 points against the driver’s license.
Florida Statute 316.306 explains the penalties for failing to use a hands-free device in a work zone and school zone:
- Any offense – Any offense is classed as a moving traffic violation that carries a $60 fine (not including court costs and other related fees) and 3 points against the driver’s license.
What does Florida law say about cell phone use while driving?
Florida law prohibits texting while driving and states that any form of typing, entering multiple letters, or reading data on a mobile device while operating a motor vehicle is illegal. This is part of Florida’s efforts to reduce distracted driving-related car accidents.
Can you make phone calls on a cell phone while driving in Florida?
Yes, you can make phone calls while driving, but it’s recommended to use a hands-free device to ensure safety. In designated school and work zones, however, all handheld cell phone use is prohibited.
Is it illegal to use other mobile devices, like tablets, for texting while driving?
Yes, Florida’s distracted driving law applies to all wireless communication devices. This includes not only cell phones but also tablets, laptops, and other mobile devices used for texting, instant messaging, or other forms of non-voice interpersonal communication.
Are there any exceptions to Florida’s cell phone laws while driving?
Exceptions include reporting criminal activity, listening to navigational information, and conducting wireless interpersonal communication that does not require manual entry of multiple letters or characters. Emergency vehicle operators performing official duties are also exempt.
What is meant by ‘hands-free technology’ in the context of Florida’s cell phone laws?
Hands-free technology refers to using voice commands and other wireless communications methods that allow drivers to operate their phones without manually typing or holding the device. This includes voice texting and using listening devices.
How does Florida law enforce cell phone use in school and work zones?
In school and work zones, law enforcement officers can issue citations for any handheld cell phone use. This is a primary offense, meaning a police officer can stop a driver solely for this violation.
Can Florida drivers use hands-free texting and voice playback features while driving?
Yes, using hands-free texting or voice playback features is legal under Florida law. These features allow drivers to send and receive text messages or perform other functions without physically holding or manually typing on the device.
Is using a cell phone for navigation while driving allowed in Florida?
Yes, drivers in Florida can use their cell phones for navigation purposes. However, it’s advisable to set your destination before you start driving and use a hands-free device to maintain focus on the road.
What should Florida drivers know about the new wireless communications while driving law?
Florida’s new law aims to curb distracted driving by focusing on texting and other forms of manual data entry while driving. It’s part of a broader initiative to enhance driving safety and reduce accidents caused by distracted driving.
Are there educational programs available for Florida drivers about cell phone laws and driving safety?
Yes, Florida offers driving safety programs that include information on cell phone laws, distracted driving dangers, and safe driving practices. These programs are often available through driver license offices and community centers.
What should you do if involved in a car accident where the other driver was using a cell phone?
If you’re involved in an accident where the other driver was using a cell phone, it’s important to document the scene, collect witness statements, and report the incident to law enforcement officials. Consider consulting with a legal professional for advice on handling the situation.
Contact The Law Place Today!
If you or someone dear to you is experiencing stomach pain after an auto accident in Florida, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. Your pain may be related to a very severe internal injury. You do not have to fear medical bills as a lawyer at The Law Place can help you file an injury claim to your insurance company.
We have practice areas all over Florida. Therefore, no matter where you have been injured in the state, we can help you! Our legal team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to take your call.
To organize a free consultation with a reputable member of our team, please call us now at (941) 444-4444.