The prescription medication, Belviq, was intended to help people control and manage their weight, but it has since been discovered that it also has a number of dangerous side effects – along with increasing the drug taker’s risk for developing cancer.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) pulled the weight control medication Belviq out of the U.S. market in 2020 and stated that the manufacturers had agreed to voluntarily recall the drug as a result of recent studies showing that the risks of Belviq ultimately outweighed the potential benefits. If you have developed cancer or someone you know died from cancer after taking Belviq, then you could be eligible to sue the drug manufacturer and seek the compensation that you deserve for your losses. You should reach out to a Belviq lawyer from The Law Place to discuss your legal options today.
At The Law Place, we have over seventy-five years of collective experience when it comes to filing lawsuits on behalf of clients who have suffered the consequences of medical malpractice in the State of Florida. Our law firm has managed hundreds of medical malpractice cases with great success, and we know that we can succeed with yours too.
If you call our office today, a Belviq lawyer will discuss the facts of your lawsuit and answer all of your questions. Our phone lines are open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week so that you can call us when you are ready. Our team of lawyers will be waiting to fight your battle for justice. Contact The Law Place.
What Is Belviq (Lorcaserin)?
Belviq is a prescription medication for weight loss and management. It was originally developed by a company named Arena Pharmaceuticals and later manufactured and sold to the marketplace by a Japanese-based pharmaceutical company called Eisai Inc. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the drug for consumer use in 2012.
Belviq is the brand name for generic lorcaserin, which is a serotonin receptor agonist that is predominately used to achieve weight loss. The drug targets certain chemicals in the brain that influence a person’s levels of appetite and causes feelings of fullness even after consuming smaller portions of food. In simpler terms, it works by suppressing a person’s appetite and causing people to feel fuller for longer periods of time. It is also important to note that the drug was intended to be used by people who are obese (with a body mass index of 30 or higher) or overweight (with a body mass index between 27 and 30) and have diabetes, high cholesterol, or high blood pressure.
The drug was available in two different types: a 10 mg tablet that was meant to be taken twice per day, and a 20 mg extended-release form of lorcaserin tablet, called Belviq XR, that was meant to be taken only once per day.
Belviq was intended to be used in conjunction with a low-calorie diet and exercise for people who are obese or who have other weight-related issues, such as high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, and high blood pressure. A person who takes Belviq is expected to lose 5% of their weight in the first 3 months of using the drug in combination with a reduced-calorie diet and physical activity. However, the person should stop using the drug if this is not achieved.

Belviq and Belviq XR Lawsuit
It was announced in February 2020 that The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was pulling the popular weight loss drug, Belviq (lorcaserin), from the marketplace in the United States. This was due to recent findings that linked Belviq and Belviq XR to an increase in cancer rates. Researchers have been studying the safety of Belviq for the past five years, and they discovered a growth in the reports of cancer from people who were using the weight control medication. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advised that people who were consuming Belviq for weight loss to immediately stop taking the medication.

Are Belviq and Belviq XR Dangerous?
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a formal request for Eisai Inc. to withdraw Belviq from the United States marketplace, citing concerns over the drug’s association with cancer development. Since the weight control drug was approved and introduced to the marketplace in 2012, researchers have been keeping a close eye on the safety of the medication.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) originally required the manufacturer of the drug to conduct a series of tests to determine the risks of heart-related problems, such as placebo-controlled, double-blind, and randomized clinical trials. The researchers examined up to 12,000 participants in the trial – some were given Belviq, and others were given a placebo. They did not find any heart-related issues tied to Belviq, but they did discover that the participants who took the drug had a higher risk of cancer as opposed to those who took the placebo.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a drug safety alert in January 2020, which claimed that there was a potential link between people who were taking Belviq or Belviq XR and an increase in cancer rates. A follow-up announcement by The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) declared an official request for the pharmaceutical company, Eisai Inc, to voluntarily recall Belviq and Belviq XR – to which they complied.
However, the fact that the drugs have now been recalled does not reverse the potential harm that has been caused to the people who have previously taken Belviq or Belviq XR. People who have consumed either one of the weight management medications are beginning to file serious claims against the drug manufacturer for not warning doctors or consumers about the dangerous side effects and health risks tied to using their medications.
If you or someone you love have recently developed serious health problems or suffered wrongful death since taking Belviq or Belviq XR, then you could be entitled to sue the drug manufacturer for compensation. Get in touch with The Law Place today to schedule a free consultation, and we will help you to secure the compensation that you are owed.

Research Links Belviq and Belviq XR to Cancer
The researchers at The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) found that people who were prescribed Belviq have developed an increased risk for cancer. Studies show that 7.7% of patients who consumed Belviq received a cancer diagnosis compared to 7.1% of patients who consumed a placebo. In the trial, the Belviq group had 662 patients who were diagnosed with 520 cancers, and the 423 placebo patients were diagnosed with 470 cancers. If a patient was taking Belviq for a long period of time, then they will have a greater risk of developing cancer, according to a report by The Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
An early study performed on rats suggested that Belviq has the potential to cause cancer. There was also a manufacturer test that linked Belviq to an increase in cancerous tumors in rats before the drug was approved in 2012. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was undoubtedly concerned with this discovery at the time, but the risks were not considered high enough to pull Belviq from the marketplace altogether. However, The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has now reversed its position on the matter since the 2020 findings that show definitive signs linking Belviq and cancer. They also noted that the risks of the weight loss drug ultimately outweigh the potential benefits of the medication, and they strongly advised people to stop using Belviq for weight loss immediately.

When Were Belviq and Belviq XR Recalled?
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) officially requested a recall of Belviq and Belviq XR in February 2020, following a safety alert in regard to cancer growth that was released the month before.
Eisai Inc, the manufacturer of Belviq and Belviq XR, has not conceded that there is a connection between taking their medication and developing cancer. However, they did voluntarily comply with the drug recall request from The Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The company also stated that they wish to prioritize the health and safety of patients by working with The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to evaluate data and the potential risks of Belviq.
The recall of Belviq and Belviq XR has caught the attention of lawyers across the nation, including the lawyers at The Law Place. If you or someone you know has taken Belviq or Belviq XR for weight loss, then you should speak to a lawyer for more information on how to protect your legal rights in the State of Florida.
It is also worth noting that The European Medicine Agency rejected the weight loss drug over safety concerns in 2012.
Types of Cancer Linked to Belviq and Belviq XR
Researchers conducted a five-year study on the side effects and risks of taking Belviq or Belviq XR for weight control, and they managed to identify a potential link between taking the medication and growth in cancer rates. A range of different cancers were discovered among a number of people who took Belviq, and the main forms of cancer tied to using Belviq and Belviq XR include:
- Belviq pancreatic cancer.
- Belviq colon cancer.
- Belviq lung cancer.
Researchers are working to find more possible links that tie Belviq to increased forms of other cancers.
Eight patients submitted reports to The Food and Drug Administration’s Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS) on March 16th, 2020. FAERS is a database that contains information in regard to medication errors and adverse events. The patients reported 16 different forms of cancer:
- Skin cancer.
- Thyroid cancer.
- Breast cancer.
- Prostate cancer.
- Pancreatic carcinoma metastatic.
- Pancreatic carcinoma.
- Colon adenoma.
- Follicular thyroid cancer.
- Glioblastoma multiforme.
- Pharyngeal neoplasm benign.
- Adenocarcinoma pancreas.
- Intraductal papillary breast neoplasm.
- Basal cell carcinoma.
- Hodgkin’s disease.
- Malignant melanoma.
- Endometrial adenocarcinoma.
If you have been diagnosed with another form of cancer after taking the weight loss supplement Belviq or Belviq XR, then you should seriously consider taking legal action against the drug manufacturer. Call The Law Place today to set up a free consultation – one of our lawyers will be waiting to hear from you.
How Likely Am I to Get Cancer After Taking Belviq or Belviq XR?
A report by The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) stated that there might be a heightened risk of cancer among people who consume or who have consumed Belviq or Belviq XR for weight loss.
A five-year study including 12,000 participants showed that 7.7% of Belviq patients were diagnosed with cancer after five years, compared to 7.1% of placebo patients.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) highly recommends for people who are currently taking Belviq to speak to their doctor about changing their prescription to alternative medical treatment as soon as possible. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) continues to investigate and evaluate the risks of Belviq and Belviq XR, and they stated that they would release their final conclusions on the safety of the drug as soon as they complete their research.
What Should I Do if I Take Belviq or Belviq XR for Weight Loss?
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a statement advising that patients who are currently taking Belviq or Belviq XR to stop using the medication and discard the rest of their supply.
However, it is important that you consult with your doctor about how to safely reduce your current dosage or stop your usage of the drug altogether. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not officially confirmed that there is a direct link between taking Belviq and developing cancer at this point in time, but the weight loss drug failed to pass a recent safety test, which means that it has been declared unsuitable for consumer use.
Side Effects of Belviq and Belviq XR
The U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM) reported that taking Belviq or Belviq XR for weight loss has the potential to lead to a number of physical and psychological side effects. The nature of the side effects could be mild, moderate, or severe.
People who are considering taking legal action against the manufacturer of Belviq after taking the weight loss drug will benefit from being aware of the potential side effects:
- Fatigue.
- Blurred vision.
- Coughing.
- Toothache.
- Headache.
- Dizziness.
- Anxiety.
- Constipation.
- Dry mouth.
- Muscle pain.
- Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep.
The more serious side effects after taking Belviq or Belviq XR include:
- Hallucinations.
- Muscle spasms.
- Fever.
- Confusion.
- Difficulty breathing.
- Diarrhea.
- Swelling in the arms, legs, or feet.
- Nausea or vomiting.
- Disassociation.
- Harmful thoughts about yourself.
- Difficulty paying attention or retaining information.
- Enlarged breasts in males.
A patient with diabetes who is taking lorcaserin might suffer from back pain, coughing and hypoglycemia as a result of the drug. It can also cause a slowed heartbeat and create heart valve issues.
It is worth adding that The Drug Enforcement Agency categorized the weight loss medication as a Schedule IV controlled substance due to the risks of dependence after taking the drug. For example, people who have taken more of the drug than originally prescribed might experience hallucinations, euphoria, or slowed thinking. If a person takes other medications, along with Belviq, it can also cause an adverse interaction.
All of these side effects might require serious medical attention, as they have the potential to be life-threatening. It is important that you speak to your doctor after experiencing mild, moderate, or even severe side effects by using Belviq or Belviq XR.
Reporting Side Effects of Belviq or Belviq XR
The Food and Drug Administration’s Medwatch Safety Information and Adverse Event Reporting Program encourage patients and other health professionals to report the side effects and adverse reactions of Belviq, Belviq XR, and many other medications to help the agency safely track and investigate these issues.
Submit your information by clicking on these sources:
- The MedWatch Online Voluntary Reporting Form.
- Contact the The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) at 855-543-DRUG (3784) and pressing 4, or visit druginfo@fda.hhs.gov.
- Download the form, or call 1-800-332-1088 to request a report form, then submit the completed form by fax to 1-800-FDA-0178 or on the listed return address.
Liability of Drug Manufacturer
The Law Place has taken on serious drug lawsuit cases over the years, and we have experience when it comes to investigating how people might have developed health issues from taking Belviq or Belviq XR. Our law firm is prepared to take legal action against the drug manufacturer who is responsible for your pain and suffering.
The manufacturer of Belviq, Eisai Inc, could be sued on the grounds of product liability based on the current information that is available. Product liability law deals with cases involving personal injury or wrongful death caused by a service or defective product. Eisai Inc could be held liable for failing to recognize an increased risk of cancer in people who have taken their drugs, Belviq or Belviq XR.
If we discover that Eisai Inc knowingly produced and profited from manufacturing drugs that are potentially cancerous and they failed to inform the public about the health risks of taking their drugs Belviq or Belviq XR, then this might impact how a lawsuit plays out against the drug company in court.
Belviq Cancer Lawsuits: Ways to Take Legal Action
Our personal injury lawyers are investigating and collecting information about the side effects and risks of Belviq and Belviq XR, as well as finding out if the pharmaceutical company was aware of the drug’s link to increasing cancer.
If you have developed serious health issues after taking Belviq or Belviq XR, then we highly recommend that you contact The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to report the side effects and then hire a lawyer to determine the right way to take legal action against the drug manufacturer. If you are suffering the consequences of Belviq or someone you know suffered wrongful death as a result of the drug, then you could be eligible to:
- File a personal injury lawsuit – A person who developed cancer or other serious health complications after taking Belviq or Belviq XR as directed could be entitled to file a Belviq personal injury lawsuit. A lawyer from The Law Place will help you to file a personal injury lawsuit to recover compensation for any losses related to using Belviq. This will include past, present, and future medical expenses, money spent on buying Belviq or Belviq XR drugs, pain and suffering, loss of income, and more.
- File a wrongful death lawsuit – The surviving family members of a person who died as a result of taking Belviq or Belviq XR might be eligible to file a wrongful death lawsuit (provided that the person’s cause of death is directly linked to using Belviq or Belviq XR). A wrongful death lawsuit is a way for family members to seek justice for a loved one who died as a result of the negligent behavior of a person or company. In this case, the manufacturer of Belviq can be held liable for failing to detect the potential link between their weight-loss drugs and developing cancer and neglecting to inform doctors, consumers, and the government of the health risks if they were aware of the potential health issues before The Food and Drug Administration (FDA)’s latest safety alert. A wrongful death lawsuit will help surviving family members to seek compensation for funeral expenses, burial costs, pain and suffering, and more.
- File a class action lawsuit – A class-action lawsuit represents a group of people who have collectively been harmed by a person, product, or service. Hundreds of lawyers throughout the United States are investigating whether people who have developed cancer or other health complications after taking Belviq or Belviq XR are eligible to file a class-action lawsuit against the drug manufacturer, Eisai Inc. If you join a class-action lawsuit against Belviq, you could be able to seek compensation for a number of damages related to the use of Belviq or Belviq XR due to potentially increasing a person’s risk for developing cancer.
Understanding Types of Belviq Lawsuits: Difference Between Class Action and Multidistrict Lawsuits
It is important to make a distinction between the different types of lawsuits. You will need to consider if you want to take legal action against the manufacturer of the weight loss drug Belviq by filing a personal injury lawsuit or joining a class-action lawsuit.
Filing a personal injury lawsuit will allow you to seek compensation related to your own personal circumstances, while a class action lawsuit will benefit a group of people who are seeking compensation for similar levels of harm.
The settlement of a class-action lawsuit will be distributed in equal shares among every person involved, while a personal lawsuit will be grouped into a multidistrict litigation that allows a person to negotiate and receive their own settlement. A lawyer will be able to help you determine the right type of legal action to suit your own personal needs that will win you the maximum amount of compensation to cover all of your losses.
FDA Recommendations for Belviq Patients
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) highly recommends that people stop taking Belviq or Belviq XR as soon as possible. A patient should get in contact with a health care provider to find an alternative drug-related to weight loss and to work out an effective weight management program. Belviq must be discarded at a drug take-back location or by throwing it away by taking the appropriate measures:
- Do not crush the pills. Instead, mix the medication with an unappealing substance such as dirt, cat litter, or used coffee grounds.
- Put the mixture in a sealed container, such as a bottle or a plastic bag.
- Throw the container in the trash.
- Remove your personal information from the medication bottles, packaging, and prescription labels. Throw away or recycle the containers.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not specifically recommend that patients should take a special cancer screening after consuming Belviq. However, patients should still speak to their health care provider and schedule a regular cancer screening.
FDA Recommendations for Healthcare Professionals Prescribing Belviq
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that all health care providers should stop prescribing Belviq and Belviq XR to patients. A health care provider must contact their patients who are currently taking the weight loss drug to inform them of the recent clinical trial results and ask them to stop taking the drug.
Compensation for Belviq Patients
People who developed cancer or people who are suffering adverse side effects after taking Belviq or Belviq XR could be eligible to file a lawsuit against the liable company. The lawyers at The Law Place will investigate your case and determine the damages that you suffered after taking Belviq or Belviq XR. We will work hard to seek the following compensation on your behalf:
- Medical bills – Past, present, and future medical-related expenses, including the amount of money that you spent on buying the weight loss drug Belviq or Belviq XR, the costs of cancer treatment, other health issues, doctor visits, hospitalization, therapy, other prescribed medication, and more.
- Pain and suffering – Physical, mental, and emotional suffering caused by various types of cancer, treatments, and the recovery process. If you are unable to perform your usual activities, then you could also be compensated for a reduction in your quality of life or a loss of enjoyment of life as a result of the experience.
- Loss of income – If you have been unable to work due to suffering the consequences of the weight control drug Belviq or Belviq XR, then you could receive compensation that will cover a loss of income and any lost future earning capacity.
- Wrongful death – If you lost a loved one to the weight management drug Belviq or Belviq XR, then you could be eligible to file a wrongful death lawsuit to cover funeral expenses, pain, and suffering, Belviq lawsuit related costs, and more. Further information on filing a wrongful death lawsuit can be found in Florida Statute 768.21.
If you wish to seek compensation after suffering the effects of Belviq, the first step is to hire a lawyer from The Law Place. The statute of limitations only allows you a certain amount of time to take legal action after sustaining an injury, so it is imperative that you find a lawyer and file a Belviq cancer lawsuit as soon as possible. If someone you loved died as a result of developing cancer from taking Belviq or Belviq XR, then you will need a lawyer to file a wrongful death lawsuit within the legal time frame under Florida law.
A lawyer will also be able to identify who should be held liable, calculate your potential losses, and determine the amount of compensation that you could be owed, but you will need to mitigate injuries by seeking medical attention straight away and following your doctor’s recommendations. It is imperative that you start collecting evidence from the beginning of your case in order to support your claim against the drug manufacturer. This will include evidence such as medical bills, references, invoices, receipts, and proof of damages, including a loss of income and documented pain and suffering. Keeping a record of all of your losses will help to prove the total costs that you endured. In many drug lawsuits, the victim can file for compensatory damages and punitive damages – especially in bad cases. A lawyer will determine how much compensation you could receive after calculating your total damages for a Belviq lawsuit. They will negotiate with the parties involved to fight for the maximum amount of compensation that you deserve, either by settling the case or going to court.
Belviq Related Questions That a Lawyer Might Ask You
If you are seeking legal representation since you have been diagnosed with cancer or another health issue after taking Belviq or Belviq XR, then you must be prepared to share all of the details of your case with a lawyer. It is important that you hire a lawyer who has the necessary experience in dealing with medical malpractice and who you can trust with the intimate details of your case. The Law Place will ask you a number of questions in regard to your experience with Belviq, and you must answer them with full honesty so that our lawyers can tailor the right strategy for your case. Some of the main questions that a lawyer might ask you include:
- What type of cancer did you develop after taking Belviq or Belviq XR? – Many people who have been taking Belviq or Belviq XR were diagnosed with either pancreatic, colorectal, or lung cancer.
- How long have you been taking Belviq before you were diagnosed with cancer? – A person had usually been taking Belviq for at least six months before they were diagnosed with cancer.
- Have you previously been diagnosed with cancer? – A lawyer will need to know if you have been previously diagnosed with pancreatic, colorectal, or lung cancer before taking Belviq or Belviq XR, as this could possibly put you at a higher risk of developing cancer again.
- When did you last take Belviq or Belviq XR? – A person filing a lawsuit against the drug manufacturer will usually have taken Belviq or Belviq XR within seven years after being diagnosed with cancer.
- Can you provide a copy of your medical records? – A lawyer will need to see copies of your medical records in order to review any information in relation to your cancer diagnosis.
- What type of cancer treatment are you taking? – It is important that you discuss the cancer treatment options that your medical provider recommended with your lawyer, as they will want to know if the treatment has been effective.
- Are you over 18 years old? – The weight loss drug is only meant to be used by adults. If you were under the age of 18 and you took Belviq or Belviq XR, then you will not likely be entitled to file a lawsuit against the drug manufacturer.
- When did your loved one die from cancer? – If you are looking to file a wrongful death lawsuit on behalf of a family member who died from developing cancer after taking Belviq or Belviq XR, then it is important that you act quickly. A person who wants to file a lawsuit will need to get in contact with a lawyer within a year and a half of their loved one dying.
Hiring a Belviq Cancer Lawyer
It is crucial that you hire a Belviq cancer lawyer who will investigate your case and determine the right steps to take in order for you to receive the compensation that you or your loved one deserve. At The Law Place, we will work closely with you to build a Belviq lawsuit and help you to navigate the legal system in the State of Florida.
Our team of skilled lawyers will conduct an extensive investigation into your case, complete research, gather facts and information, calculate your losses, negotiate with the insurance companies involved, deal with the necessary paperwork, build a strong claim and file your Belviq cancer lawsuit in order to secure the maximum amount of compensation that will cover all of your Belviq related losses and pain and suffering.
Our law firm will work hard to build a strong case against the drug manufacturer, and we will successfully file your Belviq cancer lawsuit — while you take the necessary amount of time that you need to recover. We can offer you a free consultation today, in which a lawyer will discuss the circumstances surrounding your case and help you to understand your legal rights under Florida law.
Contact The Law Place Today
If you have been diagnosed with cancer or you are suffering from health complications since taking Belviq or Belviq XR, then you could be eligible to receive compensation in the State of Florida. It is essential that you understand your legal rights and know what steps you should take when you have been issued a dangerous drug, and you were unaware of the side effects. It is not fair that you have to suffer for the negligence of another person or company, especially when you have prescribed a specific medication that was intended to improve your health.
At The Law Place, we have over seventy-five years of combined experience when it comes to defending the legal rights of clients who have been wronged by medical malpractice all over the State of Florida. We have an in-depth understanding of the law surrounding medical malpractice, and we will help to guide you through the legal system.
If you are looking for the best law firm to handle your Belviq cancer lawsuit, then you have come to the right place. Our law firm will investigate your claim and explore all of your available options in order to find one that best suits the specifics of your case. Rest assured that we will fight to achieve justice for you and your family, whether that means filing a personal injury lawsuit, a wrongful death lawsuit, or a class-action lawsuit against the liable party.
Call our office today to set up a free consultation, and we will explain the process of filing a Belviq lawsuit against the drug manufacturer on your behalf. Our phone lines are available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week so that we can be there for you when you need it the most.
Contact The Law Place to schedule a free consultation today, and a lawyer will fight for the compensation that you deserve for your Belviq cancer lawsuit in the State of Florida.