Any kind of truck accident can result in significant damage. As well as damage to a motor vehicle involved in an accident, there are often significant personal costs attached. This could be anything from a minor personal injury to, in the most extreme cases, wrongful death. In virtually every case where there has been some form of loss or personal suffering, it makes sense to contact an accident attorney.
The severity of a car accident can depend heavily on the motor vehicles involved. Truck accidents can be particularly destructive simply due to the sheer size of the vehicles, and that can be made worse in cases that involve construction trucks. Their weight and complexity can be the main reason behind motor vehicle accidents, unlike other crashes, and they can be hugely challenging for accident victims, insurance companies, and lawyers alike.
If you have been involved in a truck accident and have suffered a personal injury, or indeed any other form of pain and suffering, you should seek the assistance of a local personal injury attorney. At The Law Place, specialists in Florida personal injury claims, you can receive a free consultation with someone vastly experienced in litigating motor vehicle accidents. Contact us today at (941) 444-4444 to discuss preliminary legal advice and the possibility of claiming compensation. Phone lines are open 24/7.
The Most Common Causes of Truck Accidents in Venice
Truck accidents involving construction vehicles are rarer than many other car accidents involving trucks. While logistics trucks and general delivery vehicles spend a lot of time on the road, these specialized vehicles are usually on-site, only using the road to get from one job to the next. Nevertheless, they do frequently hit the highway, and there is always a chance that their size and complexity may result in a truck accident.
The primary causes behind these accidents are the same as for most vehicles and often come down to the truck driver and their interpretation of the rules of the road. Truck drivers can be just as susceptible to poor driving as anyone else, and the main causes can include:
- Fatigue from working long hours, potentially exceeding the published Florida hours of service rules.
- Driving without due care and attention for other road users.
- Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
The nature of construction trucks means that there is always a chance of something happening beyond the truck driver’s direct control. These large vehicles may also find themselves being involved in an auto accident for the following reasons:
- Poor weather conditions, making the control and maneuvring of such a complex vehicle particularly difficult.
- Poor training from the employer. Construction trucks require more than just a standard driving license to operate, but some trucking companies are happy to compromise on requirements, even when it is against the law.
- Inadequately serviced and maintained trucks, which undergo a lot of stress both when out on the road and on the job.
Unfortunately, the consequences of a truck accident can be severe. Even the safest cars and smaller vehicles would struggle to come off best in a collision with a larger construction truck. Even some of the simplest accidents, such as a rear-end, can be devastating.
Anyone that has been involved in such accidents will have a lot on their mind. Medical bills will likely soon start to stack up, and trucking accidents can also be responsible for causing someone to become seriously injured. In the worst accident case, it can even lead to death. In all cases, anyone involved in an accident has the right to contact an attorney in Venice to assess their needs and provide legal representation. If the worst does occur, accident attorneys will make a case on behalf of the deceased’s family.

Common Injuries Suffered in Construction Truck Accidents
Whether a truck accident involves a semi-truck or a crane, or anything in between, a crash involving a truck, where an innocent party suffers personal injury, will often result in an award of compensation. Accident claims are designed to provide financial compensation for those involved beyond their usual insurance coverage.
Location does not matter. In Florida, personal injury claims following car accidents can cover all sorts of loss. The most common injuries among those involved in such an accident include:
- Injuries to the spinal cord.
- Head and neck injuries, commonly including whiplash.
- Traumatic brain injuries.
- Cuts and bruises.
- Broken bones and damage to internal organs.
A personal injury lawyer will consider all these factors following a car accident, often starting with a free consultation to assess the scale of injuries, the level of medical bills, and other issues, such as lost wages.
If you have been involved in a construction truck accident, our specialist truck accident lawyers cover Venice and the whole of Florida. You can schedule a free case evaluation to discover the maximum amount of money you might be entitled to as a result of your injuries. Accident attorneys at The Law Place boast a thorough understanding of Florida law, and clients can benefit from many years of combined experience when choosing us as their law firm.

How an Accident Attorney Can Help Following Truck Accidents
Every case begins with a free consultation. A personal injury lawyer will work with prospective clients to understand their losses and discuss their potential entitlement to compensation under Florida law.
It is the job of a truck accident attorney to determine as best as possible who was liable for the truck accident, along with the extent of personal injury, to understand whether there is a case to be made at trial.
Anyone involved in a truck accident should, before contacting personal injury lawyers, endeavor to understand the losses and sacrifices they have had to make as a direct result of their accident. Accident lawyers from your law firm of choice will then seek to establish which of the following could have been caused by your car accident:
- Medical expenses as a result of personal injury or injuries suffered.
- Damage to the vehicle of the client or any other property contained inside.
- Pain or permanent disability arising directly from the truck accident.
- In the most extreme cases, wrongful death.
It is understandable that those involved in a construction truck accident will have a lot on their mind. Many of those involved may require emergency medical attention, with a likelihood of incurring further medical expenses as they continue their recovery.
It is important to consider personal health and wellbeing first and foremost, but a truck accident lawyer is only ever a phone call away.

Compensation for Ongoing Issues That Arise From Truck Accidents
One of the most frequently asked questions from clients of their personal injury lawyer is how their compensation will factor in ongoing medical treatment requirements. As part of the initial free consultation with a local attorney in Venice, a personal injury lawyer will reassure clients that their past, current, and future medical expenses resulting directly from the truck accident will be accounted for when taking the case forward.
In many cases, it is relatively easy to establish liability in an accident involving a construction truck. Once liability has been determined, there is still a chance that the case will go to trial. However, personal injury attorneys are accustomed to this, and many cases are open and shut.
This is due, in part, to the fact that Florida is a no-fault state, as laid out in Florida Statute 627.7407. In practical terms, this means that no matter who was liable for truck accidents, any compensation and restitution is paid from insurance.
It is highly unlikely that anyone driving a construction truck would be uninsured. However, if this becomes apparent while investigating a car accident, the personal injury lawyer involved with the case will direct the next steps on the client’s behalf.

Preparing a Case for Personal Injury Attorneys
Our accident lawyers will take on a case that they believe has a strong chance of winning. We are firmly on the side of our clients, and not just because of the attorney-client relationship. Our cases are carried out on a contingency basis, which is overseen by the State Bar Association. This means that The Law Place will not charge clients, even if the case goes to trial, until compensation is agreed. Therefore, personal injury lawyers often use free consultations with clients to discuss the accident and its ramifications.
While the majority of personal injury attorneys are happy to deal with cases at any stage from the free consultation onwards, it is often useful to have certain information to hand. This might include:
- Evidence of personal injury suffered as a result of the car accident.
- Details of the truck involved in the accident and the company it is registered to.
- A list of medical expenses incurred since the accident and future medical obligations as outlined by a medical professional.
- The names of any witnesses to the accident.
- Anything else that would help the truck accident attorney to build a strong case.
Establishing Liability With Personal Injury Lawyers
One of the main concerns of any truck accident lawyer when discussing a case with a potential client is the likelihood of proving that the truck driver, their employer, or both were responsible for the accident.
This is not always clear-cut. Following accidents, the personal injury attorneys assigned to the case will often work in conjunction with insurance companies and other third parties to establish beyond reasonable doubt who caused the accident.
This process is often exceptionally quick, particularly if the injured party has all relevant information to hand. Accident lawyers in Florida tend to have pre-existing relationships with many insurers and construction companies. Often, a personal injury attorney simply needs to make a few phone calls to establish whether a case would stand up to scrutiny at a trial.
Claiming Compensation With a Personal Injury Lawyer From The Law Place
If you require a truck accident lawyer or personal injury attorney, our vastly experienced team covers numerous practice areas and has the legal knowledge to handle all cases on behalf of the client with dignity and respect.
A construction truck accident is often a time of immense stress and discomfort. Beyond any injuries suffered, it can lead to loss of earnings and potentially life-changing results. We believe that if the other party was liable and you have suffered through no fault of your own, then you deserve to be compensated.
Unfortunately, compensation is never automatic, regardless of how severe the truck accident in question. Some cases are easier to win than others, but our accident lawyers do not work on cases based on how easy it is to succeed. We firmly believe that nobody in Venice or across Florida should suffer financially due to something that was completely outside their control.
Our legal team stands with you from the initial free consultation all the way through to the final settlement. Call now to find out more. The right personal injury lawyer is only a phone call away.
Talk to a Personal Injury Lawyer From The Law Place About Your Car Accident
If you have been involved in a construction truck accident or otherwise suffered loss or injury in a car accident, we would be delighted to put you through to an accident lawyer at The Law Place. Our practice areas span the whole of Florida, including Venice specifically. With vast legal knowledge, we will find the right lawyer for your needs.
Beyond receiving compensation, the last thing anyone wants to think about following a truck accident is money, especially while considering their medical bills. That’s why each accident lawyer at The Law Place works on contingency, meaning that fees are only paid when cases are won and compensation is confirmed. This also ensures that we can provide both confidence and reassurance for potential clients as we are open and honest about the likelihood of winning compensation.
Once an accident lawyer has confirmed a case, they get to work. The process is designed to be as stress-free as possible for the injured party, with the team at The Law Place doing all the work behind the scenes to give clients the best possible chance of success.
Nobody should be left out of pocket following an accident that was not their fault. If you have been involved in an accident in Florida that has caused financial, physical, or emotional harm, there is every chance that you have a legal right to compensation.
We are with you at every step of the way, and the process begins with a simple phone call. Our team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Call us today to arrange your free consultation with a legal professional at The Law Place on (941) 444-4444.