A felony crime is considered the most serious kind of offense that you could commit in the State of Florida. The list of consequences for a felony crime is very long, and it even includes the possibility of spending a lifetime in prison or receiving the death penalty.
If you have been charged with a felony crime in Venice, you must seek legal counsel from a criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. It is crucial that you understand the severity of the consequences you are facing with a felony charge. The faster that you hire a Venice criminal defense lawyer to handle your case, the better chance you have of securing a reasonable outcome.
The Law Place has over seventy-five years of collective experience in fighting felony charges in Venice and across the State of Florida. Our law firm has successfully managed hundreds of complex cases, ranging from drug crimes to white-collar crimes and much more. If you put your faith in our team of criminal defense lawyers, we will be sure to succeed in your case too.
Call our office to set up a free consultation today, where a criminal defense lawyer will discuss your available options and possible defense strategies that we can use to defend your legal rights in the courtroom. Contact The Law Place now on (941) 444-4444 to schedule a free consultation, and a criminal defense lawyer will be ready to fight your felony charges in Venice. Phone lines are open 24/7.
Types of Felonies in Venice, FL.
A criminal defense lawyer from The Law Place will explain criminal law to you and the different types of felonies in the State of Florida.
- Life felony – The penalties include spending a lifetime in prison and paying a fine of up to $15,000.
- First-degree felony – The penalties include spending up to 30 years in prison and paying a fine of up to $10,000.
- Second-degree felony – The penalties include spending up to 15 years in prison and paying a fine of up to $10,000.
- Third-degree felony – The penalties include spending up to 5 years in prison and paying a fine of up to $5,000.
If you committed a felony crime in Venice, and there is not a designated punishment or charge, then most likely, your offense will be charged as a third-degree felony. However, if you have previously been convicted of two or more felony crimes, then you will receive a longer prison sentence, as described in Florida’s three strikes law (also known as a habitual offender).

Felony Offenses in Venice, FL.
A felony offense is a serious crime in Venice, and there are many different types of crimes that can be classed as a felony, such as:
- Murder.
- A case of domestic violence.
- A drug trafficking crime.
- Robbery.
- Burglary.
- Grand theft.
- Aggravated battery or aggravated assault.
- Sex crimes, including rape.
- Child abuse.
- Battery on a police officer or firefighter.
- Resisting an officer using violence.
- Possession of a controlled substance, excluding marijuana.
- Kidnapping.
- Stalking.
- Incest.
- Carjacking.
- A case of carrying a concealed weapon.
Most felony crimes involve inflicting violence on another person that could potentially result in their death. A person can be charged with one or more felony crimes, depending on the circumstances surrounding their case and the extent of the injuries caused.
Florida State Legislature established a ranking system that assigns a numerical value to felony crimes in the State of Florida. In simpler terms, if an offense ranks high, then it will be given more points according to the system. For example, a score up to 44 points will result in a minimum prison sentence, whereas a score lower than 44 points will mean that the judge does not necessarily have to send you to prison in Venice.

The Criminal Punishment Code in Venice, FL.
The scoring system is used to figure out the minimum sentence for a charge according to the Criminal Punishment Code (CPC). For example, a felony can be assigned an offense level between 1 and 10, which has an equivalent value in points. The scores for a felony crime are usually given a title, such as a ‘primary offense,’ ‘additional offenses,’ and a ‘prior record.’ They will be assigned a certain number of points under the legislated ranking system.
An increased amount of points will be assigned depending on the seriousness of a crime. It is worth adding that parole has been eliminated by the State of Florida. The Criminal Punishment Code (CPC) will also add extra points if the case includes:
- The injury of a person.
- Firearms or weapons.
- Prior serious felony crimes.
- Enhancement multipliers.
- A violation of legal status.
- A violation of community sanction.
A person with prior felony charges and convictions on their criminal history record will face enhanced penalties. The enhancements can include a few or all of these titles depending on the case in question:
- A habitual felony offender.
- A habitual violent felony offender.
- A three time violent felony offender.
- A prison releasee re-offender (PRRP)
- A violent career criminal.
Each one of these enhancements will carry different sentences.

Defense Strategies for Felony Crimes in Venice, FL.
The Law Place specializes in managing cases involving felony crimes and other serious charges in the State of Florida. Our law firm has a reputation for taking on complex cases that other law firms cannot. Here are some of the most common defense strategies that we can use to combat your felony charges:
- Duress – If you were being threatened with serious bodily harm or death, and you were forced to behave in a certain way to try and avoid the threat.
- Entrapment – If you were involved in a scheme or sting operation, and you committed a crime under the direction of law enforcement.
- Infancy – If you were under the age of criminal responsibility.
- Lack of capacity – If you were under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and you lacked control, awareness, and sound judgment due to an altered state of mind.
- Mistaken facts – If you were unaware of information that resulted in illegal activity.
- Necessity or emergency – If you were facing immediate danger or an emergency that threatened you with bodily harm and you did not have another way to avoid it.
- Self defense – If you were afraid of serious bodily harm or death, and you had to use deadly force.

Contact The Law Place Today in Venice, FL.
If you or a loved one are facing charges on account of a felony crime, then you will need all of the help that you can get from a criminal defense attorney in Venice. The punishments for a felony offense can be very severe and it will require an extensive investigation by a criminal defense attorney.
If you lack awareness of criminal law surrounding felonies, then a criminal defense attorney will be very valuable to you, and they will be able to explain the way the legal system works. It is imperative that you understand your legal rights under Florida law once you have been charged with a felony offense, and it is even more important that you have the right legal team on your side.
The Law Place has over seventy-five years of combined experience in representing clients who have been charged with felony crimes in Venice and throughout the State of Florida. Our team of criminal defense lawyers will offer you the guidance and support that you need to make the right decisions for your criminal case.
Our team of criminal defense lawyers will work hard to investigate your case, gather information, provide representation for your case, and develop a strong defense strategy to take into the courtroom. If there is a violation of your constitutional or legal rights, then we will negotiate with the prosecution in order to agree on a resolution that will get your charges reduced or perhaps even get your case dismissed entirely.
Contact The Law Place now on (941) 444-4444 to schedule a free consultation, and a criminal defense lawyer will be ready to fight your felony charges in Venice. Phone lines are open 24/7.