You will find stop signals dotted around all of Florida, including Venice. They are in place to ensure that drivers are operating their vehicles safely. If a driver ignores these stop signals and then proceeds to run a red light, they are likely to cause a major collision.
As a driver in the United States, you have a legal obligation to maintain a duty of care when driving. This means obeying all traffic signals in order to prevent accidents and keep yourself, passengers, or pedestrians as safe as possible. Therefore, if you were involved in a collision or accident due to someone running a stop signal, it is likely due to negligence, and the guilty party should be held liable for any damages caused.
Some might argue that the Florida legal system makes it difficult to pursue a personal injury claim. This is where we can help. It is crucial that you contact The Law Place as soon as possible so that you can receive the compensation that you deserve. Upon calling, you will have a free case evaluation with a personal injury lawyer from our firm. The information you choose to share is totally protected by us, and afterward, we can begin the crucial steps towards your justice.
Call us now on (941) 444-4444 for legal advice! Our telephone lines are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
What Kind of Accidents Are Caused by Running a Stop Signal?
A range of different accidents are caused by running a stop signal, but the most common is a side-impact collision, which can otherwise be known as a T-bone collision.
This kind of car crash is serious, and the people who are at most risk are the driver and the person in the passenger’s seat, as well as those who are sitting on the side of the car that was crashed into, as they experience the brunt of the impact from the accident. In some cases, this impact can be fatal. This will depend on the size of the other vehicle and the speed it was traveling at.
Why Would a Driver Ignore a Stop Signal?
The average person will know why we cannot ignore a stop signal. However, this is still a common problem occurring in Florida. Stop signals exist to help prevent confusion on who has the right of way, and they are used to help indicate when it is safe to continue driving. In appearance, they are colorful as well as large. This is to make sure they are highly visible to all drivers.
Some examples of people may give as to why they ran the stop signal include:
- Misjudging when the traffic light was going to change.
- Distraction. For example, eating or texting on a cell phone
- Speed (not giving themselves enough time to brake).
- The driver was in a hurry.
- There were poor driving conditions, for example, snow or heavy rain.
- The driver was under the influence of alcohol or drugs, either illegal or prescribed.
What Are the Types of Injuries Sustained in Running a Stop Signal Accidents?
Depending on the kind of car accident, the collisions can leave serious personal injury to the other party, or in the worst of cases, even death to both road users and pedestrians.
Listed below are common injuries that occur as a result of serious car accidents:
- Broken bones and fractures.
- Internal bleeding.
- Internal organ injuries.
- Neck injuries, such as whiplash.
- Sprains, cuts, burns, bruises, and lacerations.
- Wrongful death.
If you have suffered an accident due to another party’s negligent driving, you may be able to recover compensation.
The amount of compensation you receive is dependant on the severity of the injuries you sustained, as well as how recklessly the other party was driving. Nevertheless, it is crucial that you get in touch with a Venice personal injury lawyer as soon as possible so that they can analyze your accident case. Here At The Law Place, our accident lawyers have extensive knowledge surrounding car accidents and the serious injuries that often accompany them. We will fight for your rights in order to win your case and the compensation that you are entitled to. Contact us today for a free consultation, for free legal advice.
What Kind of Compensation Is There for Accidents Caused by Running a Stop Sign?
If you are eligible to do so, a Venice personal injury attorney can help you recover the compensation you deserve for any damages caused if you were involved in a car accident. The first way that you will be able to seek compensation is through your insurance policy, which covers:
- Personal injury protection (PIP) policy.
- Property damage liability (PDL) policy.
The minimum required insurance policy means that, at most, you will be covered for 80% of your medical expenses, repair costs for your vehicle, or any wages that you may have lost as a result of being absent from work. If you have been involved in a car accident and need more information, call The Law Place today to talk to one of our experienced personal injury lawyers.
What Damages Will an Attorney Help Me to Claim in Venice, Florida?
If you or a loved one have been injured in a car accident due to reckless driving – The Law Place wants to help you today. We understand how distressing of a time this is and believe you do not need the added burden of worrying about financial expenses. This is where we can help. Please do not hesitate to contact us today, as we want to support you in whatever way we can.
The most common damages that The Law Place personal injury lawyers have won for their clients include:
- Medical bills – No matter the severity, it is likely that the car accident will have left you with injuries that require medical treatment. Your car accident lawyer can help you recover these expenses. If you visit the doctor or hospital, it is important to keep any documentation associated with your visit as evidence.
- Lost wages – If you have had to take time away from work due to a car accident, this will mean a loss of wages. Your car accident lawyer can help retrieve compensation for any past, present, or future loss of earnings as a result of this absence.
- Property damage – This refers to damages that have occurred to your vehicle, cell phone, or any other property during the accident. However big or small, you still deserve compensation.
- Pain and suffering – This refers to any emotional stress or trauma you suffered as a result of the car accident. It is worth noting that in some cases, pain and suffering are hard to quantify. This means it is important that you have a personal injury lawyer on your side who can fight for your rights as it is still equally valid.
- Wrongful death – In the worst of cases, the accident can lead to the wrongful death of a loved one. We understand that monetary compensation will not be comforting, but you are still entitled to compensation that can be used for funeral costs, etc.
If you or a loved one have been the victims involved in an accident caused by a driver failing to follow stop signals in Venice, do not feel like you have to suffer alone. We understand that during such a serious time, compensation will not be able to comfort you, but it can offer relief to any financial burdens that might come as a result of the accident.
If you have been the victim of an auto accident in Venice, FL., call The Law Place today for a free consultation with a car accident attorney today.
What Are Florida’s Comparative Negligence Laws?
The State of Florida works under a comparative fault system, and information about this can be found in Florida Statute 768.81. This system means that in an accident, more than one party can be at fault. This is also the case for car accidents, even if you are the victim of one. You are still eligible to make a claim following an accident if you are found to be less than 50% at fault. The settlement has the potential to be reduced based on the percentage you were found to be at fault.
To put it into context, let us offer an example. If there was a car accident that occurred because the other party ignored a stop signal, but you were also found to be using your cell phone at the time of the incident, you could be charged as partially to blame. If you are found to have 30% of the blame, then your final settlement will be reduced by 30%.
The involvement of insurance companies can make this difficult. It is likely that the insurance company of the other party will attempt to argue that you were more at fault. This is why it is crucial to have a car accident lawyer on your side that is well-versed in this legal procedure and can fight for your rights. Contact The Law Place today for a free case evaluation so that this car accident claim can be made less intimidating for both you and your loved ones.
Why Should You Contact a Venice Car Accident Lawyer?
According to Florida Statute 95.11, you have four years after the date of the car accident to file a personal injury lawsuit. The sooner you do this, the better. If you wait, there is the possibility that your case can be dismissed. This means that you lose the chance to receive the settlement that you rightfully deserve, no matter how severe the injuries sustained might be. This is not a position you want to be in, and you want to have a strong case in order to have a chance of receiving the full settlement.
This is why we urge you to seek legal assistance as soon as you can following an accident. We want to help and remove any burden we can. Our team at The Law Place can deal with the complex legal side of things, meaning you don’t have to. Instead, you can focus on recovering from this traumatic experience and trust that you are in good hands.
On your behalf, our team will be able to work together to speak to witnesses, gather any missed evidence, and build a solid legal case to ensure that you have the best chance of success. Let one of our accident lawyers help you today.
Contact The Law Place Today
If you or a loved one have been involved in an accident in Venice because someone has ignored a stop signal, you must seek the help of an accident lawyer immediately. As mentioned previously, the sooner you do this, the better the outcome will be.
Luckily for you, here at The Law Place, our team of accident lawyers has provided legal advice and support to clients across the entire State of Florida, including Venice. We have a high success rate in car accident cases. This is because of our wealth of experience, as we have a combined 75 years’ worth. Also, many members of our team have an AVVO lawyer rating of 10.00 – meaning you are in trusted hands. We are able to commit to you, striving to work to achieve the justice you deserve.
Do not hesitate to contact us. If you have been involved in a car accident, get in touch with us today for a free consultation with a personal injury attorney. Our telephone lines are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
Call on (941) 444-4444 today!