In Venice, the risk of a car accident happening is increased due to the high volume of traffic on the roads. If a driver fails to obey traffic signals, they are endangering the lives of other road users by creating a hazardous situation. If an accident happens due to a driver not obeying traffic signals, it is possible that people will be seriously injured. A person who has been injured as a result of a traffic accident like this may receive compensation for any damages suffered.
As roads in Venice are so busy, road users must always be alert and react quickly to situations that arise. In Florida, the law sets out certain situations when drivers are required to yield. Examples of these situations include when a driver is at an intersection, they must yield the right of way to any drivers coming towards the intersection from a high way. Additionally, drivers must yield to other motorists when turning left. Pedestrians must also be given the right of way in certain situations. Although the State of Florida is strict on traffic laws, many drivers fail to obey traffic signals, resulting in many car accidents happening.
If you or a loved one has suffered personal injury from a car accident due to someone’s failure to obey traffic signals in Venice, contact The Law Place today. Having the assistance of an accident lawyer from our law firm will help you get the compensation you deserve. We offer a free consultation for you to come and discuss your case.
Call us today at (941) 444-4444. Our lines are open 24 hours, 7 days a week.
Right of Way Laws in Venice, FL.
In Venice, rules surrounding who has the right of way are laid out clearly. Different statutes determine the rules for particular situations. For vehicles entering a stop or yield intersection, Florida Statute 316.123 provides that:
- Stop and yield signs indicate who has the right of way.
- When there’s a four-way stop, the right of way is given to the first driver who approaches the stop.
- Unless there are traffic police or control signals indicating otherwise, drivers must always stop at the stop sign. Once a driver has stopped, they must yield to other vehicles driving at the intersection.
- Drivers are required to reduce their speed when approaching a stop sign.
Florida Statute 316.130 governs how pedestrians and road users should interact, providing that:
- Pedestrians are required to abide by all traffic signals.
- Where there are sidewalks, pedestrians must always walk on them.
- In the absence of a sidewalk, pedestrians should walk on the shoulder on the left side of the road, facing traffic coming from the opposite direction.
- At a crosswalk, drivers are required to stop to allow a pedestrian to cross once they are on the crosswalk with a permitted time signal.
- In the absence of a time signal, drivers should always stop for pedestrians who have entered the crosswalk.
- When another vehicle has stopped to let pedestrians pass at an unmarked intersection, other drivers are forbidden to try and overtake them.
Additional road traffic laws in Florida provide that when at a T-section, a driver must yield the right-of-way to cars that are already on the road. Similarly, the right-of-way is given to all drivers that are already on a roundabout.
Failing to obey these laws by not giving the right-of-way when you are required to can often result in a car accident happening. When an accident does happen, liability can be established on the motorist responsible.
Common Signal Violations in Venice, Florida
In Venice, it is common for a car accident to happen due to a person being distracted whilst driving. Some common causes of distraction include:
- Road rage.
- Texting or using a cell phone.
- Talking with passengers in the car.
- Changing the radio or GPS.
- Drinking and eating whilst operating the vehicle.
- Driving under the influence (DUI)
If a person is distracted whilst driving, the likelihood of them causing an accident increases. This is because they may fail to see a stop sign, a traffic signal, a school crossing sign, or a sign telling them to yield to pedestrians. If an accident occurs as a result of this, it is possible that those involved may suffer a personal injury. Consequences of distracted driving can include:
- Speeding or driving too slow.
- Running red lights or stop signs.
- Swerving out of your lane.
- Disregarding traffic signals, laws, or road markings.
- Not indicating.
- Failing to yield.
- Overtaking vehicles when it’s not safe to do so.
- Blocking an intersection.
- Tailgating.
When drivers are distracted and engage in these behaviors on the road, it is common for a serious car accident to happen. It is often the case that people will be seriously injured as a result and suffer injuries that alter their lives. If you have been injured in a car accident as a result of a driver failing to obey a traffic signal, an experienced accident lawyer from The Law Place can help get you the compensation you are owed.
Injuries From a Car Accident
Depending on how serious a car accident was, those involved can suffer serious personal injury. In some cases, these injuries can be life-threatening or have life-long effects. Some common injuries from car accidents include:
- Whiplash.
- Injuries to the head, including concussions.
- Cuts or gashes, burns, and bruises.
- Fractures to bones.
- Emotional trauma, including psychological distress.
It is also common for property to be damaged in a car accident. An experienced lawyer from our law firm can assist you in recovering any damages you have sustained through a car accident resulting from aggressive driving.
Liability in a Car Accident Injury Case in Venice, FL.
Most failure-to-yield accidents can be prevented in some way. When car accidents happen, regardless of whether external conditions played a part, it is likely that liability can be established for the negligent driver.
All road users in Florida owe a duty of care to ensure that other drivers and pedestrians are kept safe. This duty of care means that motorists must take reasonable steps to ensure that no accidents happen. If a driver fails to obey traffic signals or breaks the rules of the road, they have failed to uphold this duty of care. When car accidents happen as a result, a driver can be held accountable for any damages sustained.
In order to make a personal injury claim for a car accident resulting from a negligent driver, it is necessary to demonstrate that:
- There was a duty of care owed – In Venice, all drivers owe each other a duty of care on the road.
- There was a breach in this duty – When a driver fails to obey traffic signals or doesn’t abide by the rules of the road, they have failed to uphold their duty of care.
- That breach resulted in you being injured – It is necessary to show that your personal injuries were a direct result of the other driver’s breach in their duty of care. Accident lawyers are skilled in proving this.
- The injuries you sustained resulted in damages – Once it can be proven that your injuries resulted in damages, you can claim compensation.
There are usually numerous reasons for a driver failing to yield. It can result from speeding, where a driver causes a collision by driving through a traffic sign. It can also result from distracted driving, where a driver’s attention is diverted, and they fail to see someone crossing a road. In order to receive compensation for personal injury, it is necessary to show that a driver violated his duty of care to you by disobeying traffic signals.
Proving a Claim in Venice
In some collisions involving a failure to yield, it will be clear who was at fault. However, sometimes there may be no clear evidence indicating which driver was responsible for the accident. This can happen when those involved have conflicting stories or when there were no outside witnesses to the scene.
When an accused driver argues that the other party played a part in the accident happening, it may result in a comparative negligence claim. Although this won’t completely nullify your claim, it may result in your amount of compensation being reduced significantly. In many instances, these claims will go to trial, and expert witnesses will be brought in to determine what happened.
Having the assistance of an experienced injury lawyer can help you receive the right amount of compensation that you deserve. They can argue against any comparative negligence claims and establish the liability of the at-fault driver.
Damages Claimed in a Failure to Obey Car Accident Case
There is a range of damages available for victims to claim for car accidents in Venice, Florida. Some of these damages include:
- Medical bills – If you have suffered injuries from a car accident, you can claim any medical expenses connected to the accident. This includes past and future medical expenses and any transportation to and from hospital appointments.
- Loss of earnings – You can claim for lost wages if your injuries prevented you from attending work. This extends to any potential earnings you would have made.
- Property damage – If your vehicle or any valuable items that were inside your vehicle at the time of the accident sustained damage, you could claim compensation for this.
- Pain and suffering – If you have suffered emotional or physical distress because of an accident, you can claim damages. This can include a loss of enjoyment where you are unable to participate in a hobby you used to enjoy because of your injuries.
- Loss of a loved one – When a loved one has died in a car accident, you can claim funeral expenses and lost income to the family household.
Dealing With Insurance Companies
Florida Statute 627.7407 provides that Florida is a no-fault state. As such, you must contact your insurance company first to try and claim compensation. In the event that the damages you suffered go beyond your policy limit, you will have to communicate with the other party’s insurance company.
Dealing with insurance companies can be difficult. It is common that they will try and establish fault on your behalf in order to reduce the amount of compensation they give you. Experienced injury lawyers will be able to communicate with insurance companies on your behalf in order to prevent them from devaluing your claim.
It is usually required that you contact your insurance company within the first 24 hours of an accident happening unless otherwise stated in your policy. At The Law Place, we recommend getting in touch with our law firm prior to communicating with your insurance company where possible. We will offer you a free case evaluation and advise you on what you should say to your insurance company. If you decide to hire us, we can do all the communication with your insurance company on your behalf.
What a Law Firm Will Do for You
Studies have shown that having representation from a law firm increases your chances of receiving compensation. In fact, over 90% of claimants with legal representation receive a payout, and their payout is on average 60% higher than those received without a lawyer.
Following an accident, we recommend contacting us at The Law Place for a free consultation. Our skilled attorneys can give you free legal advice on whether you have a substantial claim. If we believe there is a valid claim and you decide to proceed, we will be with you every step of the way to fight for your compensation.
Our lawyers will investigate your case on your behalf, ensuring that we gather all the evidence necessary to build a strong and successful case. It’s important to note that we work on a contingency basis which means that if your case is unsuccessful, it won’t cost you a thing. Our fees will only be taken out of your settlement once you win your case. We guarantee that there will be no hidden legal costs along the way.
Contact The Law Place Today
If you or a loved one has suffered personal injury or property damage in a car accident resulting from a driver’s failure to yield, contact The Law Place today. We understand that trying to receive compensation from your insurance company can be difficult, and the process may be quite stressful, particularly if you’ve suffered serious injuries.
Our accident lawyers are here to help you receive the compensation you deserve. We are experienced in dealing with cases like yours and have a great attorney-client relationship that you can trust. Don’t hesitate to contact us. The sooner you do, the better chance we have at winning your case.
Call us today for a free case evaluation at (941) 444-4444. Phone lines are open 24/7.