A white-collar crime, although usually non-violent, is taken very seriously and comes with very harsh penalties. As the victims are usually elderly, the sanctions for non-violent white-collar crimes have been enhanced.
If convicted in Tampa, Florida, the financial burden can be crippling. Therefore, it is important to seek the legal representation of a highly experienced law firm. At The Law Place, we have both the experience and dedication needed to battle through negotiations and litigation to secure your right to a fair outcome.
At The Law Place, our Tampa criminal defense attorneys are experienced in dealing with charges relating to white-collar crime. So, if you or a loved one are facing charges because of white-collar crimes, The Law Place can help. We will be there to guide you through the complex Florida legal system while building a strong attorney-client relationship. You can rest assured that your right to a fair outcome and your future is safe in the hands of our law firm.
For a free consultation, contact us at (941) 444-4444 today.
What Is a White-Collar Crime?
According to Florida Statute 775.0844, a white-collar crime is usually non-violent and involves the deception or cheating of another party with the intent to gain access to their property or finances. The accused would then willfully withhold said property from its rightful owner, typically using the internet or electronic devices.
An example of committing a white-collar crime would be forwarding an email impersonating someone’s bank and requesting their account details via a fraudulent web page for a security check. These details would then be used to withdraw money from the victim’s bank account.
A white-collar criminal can commit one or any number of wide-ranging crimes. Though, white-collar crimes are often fraudulent in nature.
Some examples of these crimes are listed below:
- Fraud
- Embezzlement
- Identity theft
- Computer-related crimes
- Forgery or counterfeiting
- Passing bad checks
- Bribery of public officials
- Racketeering
- Use of a fraudulently obtained receipt
- Dealing in stolen property on the internet
- Medical false billing, i.e., Medicare fraud
Committing any of the crimes listed above will result in criminal charges and can come with very substantial fines as well as jail time.

What Are the Potential Penalties for a White-Collar Crime?
The classification for each crime depends on the amount of money involved. The damage you inflict will directly dictate whether you are facing a misdemeanor or a felony charge. So, the penalties can differ greatly as a result.
The lesser charge of a first-degree misdemeanor carries penalties of up to one year in jail and a fine of $1,000. While this may not seem like much to some people, it is still a year spent away from your family and loved ones. Furthermore, there will be a permanent stain on your record, and this can affect future job opportunities.
If you are facing the far more substantial charge of a first-degree felony, you could be facing down a penalty of 30
years in prison
and a fine of up to $10,000. With such a huge chunk of your life on the line, it cannot be understated how much of a threat this kind of charge is to your future and your freedom.

How Will The Law Place Help to Build Your Defense?
A lot of white-collar crimes require a huge amount of evidence, which can go back years in some cases, to prosecute successfully. Therefore, there is likely also evidence that will contradict the charges levied against you. The Law Place can offer you a highly skilled and dedicated white-collar criminal lawyer who will work to assemble key evidence, challenge the prosecution, and cast doubt on your supposed intent to deceive and gain access to another party’s finances or property
Your lawyer can put forward many different questions. Was there intent to steal money or property? Was any money or property ever actually stolen? Was the initial act of deception used to defraud another party?
Call The Law Place Now
At The Law Place, your case matters to us. Our lawyers will bring their experience and skill to fight for the best possible outcome. Navigating complex Florida laws concerning white-collar crimes can sometimes seem almost impossible. But our lawyers are ready to aggressively fight the prosecution to ensure your rights are maintained.
After a free consultation, you will be assigned a highly skilled white-collar criminal lawyer in Tampa, Florida. We will work closely with you to build a strong attorney-client relationship. We will clearly lay out your options and possible defenses so that you understand your position and how best to move forward. Our Tampa white-collar crime lawyers will ensure that you are given your best shot at keeping your future and freedom secure.
Here at The Law Place, we ensure that our phones are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. So, someone will always be there to answer your call, any time of day or night. Therefore, if you are facing charges for white-collar crime in Tampa and are in need of a skilled and experienced white-collar crime lawyer, don’t hesitate to call us today.
Call now for a free consultation on (941) 444-4444.