Truck accidents are among the most dangerous accidents possible on the roads of America today. This is down to a combination of the considerable bulk involved in the average commercial truck and a number of pressurizing factors that place truck drivers at a higher accident risk.
If you have found yourself in a truck accident in the last four years, an accident attorney from The Law Place can help. One of our experienced truck accident attorneys can help you to achieve the maximum amount of compensation for your injuries and damages. By utilizing a Tampa truck accident lawyer, you will also help to keep the roads of America a safer place by standing up to corporate negligence.
Contact The Law Place today for a no-obligation free consultation over the telephone. Our lines are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for your convenience. Call (941) 444-4444 today for free legal advice!
UPS Trucking Company Statistics
UPS is the largest packing company in the world. Although their company is based in Atlanta, they provide services country-wide. This means a truck belonging to their company may still cause a Tampa truck accident.
The federal Safety Measurement System collects information on commercial truck companies. The data collected shows a fleet of 125,949 vehicles and 118,498 drivers. With a fleet this large, the company’s involvement in a Tampa truck accident is inevitable.
Also disclosed is that there are 4,488 violations resulting from inspections, 2,512 reported truck driver accidents, and 1,891 unsafe driving violations issued to a truck driver.
fight and win for Floridians.

Why Does a Truck Driver Pose Additional Risk in Tampa, FL?
There are several reasons why a truck driver is more likely to demonstrate negligence which can result in a Tampa truck accident. These will be outlined below:
- Fatigue – The long working hours and pay-per-mile schemes forced upon the average truck driver makes them more likely to ignore unsafe levels of exhaustion while driving, which increases the risk of accidents and their associated injuries.
- Payment – Alongside increasing the risk of exhaustion-related accidents, pay-per-mile schemes also mean that a truck driver is encouraged to minimize tasks which do not directly translate into distance traveled. These include federally mandated break stops, loading and unloading vehicles safely, rig inspections, and route planning.
- Hiring negligence – It is often the case that a large truck company will cut corners on the employee screening process. This means that someone with a history of reckless driving may be hired, thus increasing the risk of Tampa truck accidents.
- Intoxicated driving – Long hours and pay-per-mile schemes often inadvertently encourage the use of illegal stimulant drugs.
- Maintenance – If vehicles and equipment are poorly maintained, the chance of accidents resulting in personal injury is greatly increased.
The Law Place believes that nobody should be above the laws of America, even large trucking companies. Help to hold them accountable for increasing personal injury risk by utilizing our truck accident attorneys for your case.

Our phones are open 24 hours a day.
Common Injuries Resulting From Truck Accidents
Common injuries sustained in truck accident cases include:
- Injuries to the neck and back.
- Broken or fractured bones.
- Head injuries.
- Internal injuries.
- Lacerations, cuts, and burns.
- Non-physical injuries such as a case of depression, anxiety, or PTSD.
- Burns.
- Death.
If you have sustained any of these examples of a personal injury, you should put forward your case with The Law Place to maximize the amount of compensation you are entitled to.

What Damages Are Available to Me in a Truck Accident Case?
Your truck accident lawyer in Tampa will be able to win you an amount of compensation based upon which damages are applicable to your individual situation.
The most commonly achieved damages in a truck accident case are as follows:
- Medical expenses – Your medical bills can be claimed back. It is important to retain all receipts and documentation to make this process easier.
- Additional costs – There may be additional unexpected costs as a result of your injuries, such as childcare or extra assistance getting from place to place.
- Lost wages – Time spent off work while recovering can add to your financial complications. Please retain all correspondence with your employer for the best chances of being reimbursed for your lost wages.
- Pain and suffering – These damages consider how long and painful your recovery was. They also take into account the levels of mental distress you experienced, as well as any permanent lifestyle changes you may be suffering.
- Wrongful death – If your loved one tragically lost their life as a result of their truck accident, wrongful death damages will consider the damage to your family unit, their lost income, your emotional distress, as well as other factors. We know that nobody would put a price on their loved one’s life, but these damages can help you avoid the financial risks associated with a lost household income as well as burial and funeral costs.
For the best idea of what damages apply to your specific truck accident case, call The Law Place for a free consultation today.

status, we are here to get you answers.
The Statute of Limitations
All accident claims are constrained by the statute of limitations, which sets forth the time limit for claims following an accident.
Florida Statute 95.11 states that four years can pass from the exact date of the accident before you are no longer able to claim.
However, you should begin the process of claiming immediately to avoid evidence becoming unavailable or the insurance companies and the lawyer teams of the trucking company getting a head start on you, therefore minimizing the amount of compensation available to you.
Contact The Law Place Today
If you have been unfortunate enough to be involved in a trucking accident in the last four years, we would strongly suggest you get in touch with an experienced and knowledgeable lawyer from The Law Place as soon as possible.
We operate on a no-win-no-fee basis for every single case and offer free consultations by telephone around the clock. For more information and advice on the best way that you can move forward with your life following your Tampa UPS truck accident, call our team on (941) 444-4444, any time of the day or night.