Federal offenses in Tampa, FL., vary in terms of severity, and these kinds of crimes are an intense and serious matter if the government has no choice but to become involved. They range from misdemeanors to felonies. If you committed a federal crime, then most likely, you are going up against the mighty force of the United States federal authorities. It is a heavy pressure to have over your head when you consider the level of prosecution you are going to be facing, which is why it is essential that you have the help and guidance of a skilled Tampa federal criminal lawyer on your side.
At The Law Place, we have over 75 years of collective experience in handling Tampa federal criminal cases, and we have an extensive team of professional federal Tampa criminal defense lawyers. Our federal criminal lawyers can provide you with the necessary legal advice and services in order to fight to achieve the best possible outcome for your case. Our law firm devotes an immense amount of time to working on our clients’ cases, which means that we are prepared to defend their rights and do everything in our power to win their case. Reach out and contact an attorney from The Law Place now on (941) 444-4444 for a free consultation, and we will offer you some honest advice on the best move to make in your situation following a Federal crime experience in Tampa.
Defining a Federal Crime in Tampa, FL.
The differences are very slim between federal crimes and state crimes, and they are narrowed down by which legislation originally established the laws. In other words, some types of safety violations or murder cases might be reviewed at a local level, a state-level, or a federal level depending on the circumstances.
Federal crimes are primarily offenses that violate federal law, which results in them being presented in federal court. In most federal criminal cases, they can grow to be even more serious than violations at the level of local and state laws, as the criminals might prove to be an increasingly greater threat to public and national safety.
U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) generated a list on some of the key examples of federal law crimes and offenses for both federal and state:
- Acts of terrorism.
- Crimes of counterintelligence.
- Cybercrime.
- Public corruption.
- Civil rights violations.
- Organized criminal activity.
- Acts of violent crimes.
- Theft of art, jewelry, or other items of societal value.
- Crimes of immigration.
- Threats against members of the United States government.
- White-collar crimes.

Organizations That Handle Violations of Federal Law in Tampa, FL.
There are multiple agencies that have the power to handle an investigation in the event that an individual or an organized group of people commit a federal crime in the United States. The agencies who are capable of managing serious violations include:
- Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives
- Department of Veterans Affairs
- Drug Enforcement Administration
- Environmental Protection Agency
- Federal Bureau of Investigation
- Fish and Wildlife Service
- Health and Human Services
- Immigration and Customs Enforcement
- Internal Revenue Services
- U.S. Marshals Service
- U.S. Postal Inspection Service
- U.S. Secret Service

Information on Federal Crimes and Relatable Punishments
If you wish to read a complete readout of federal crimes, then visit the Code of the United States House of Representatives website. The information is set in place by the nation’s official government, and a list of serious violations and the management of offenses in federal court are available on the website.
If you were convicted of a Tampa federal crime, then you are in need of a federal criminal lawyer with the necessary experience and knowledge to defend your rights. Contact a skilled lawyer at The Law Place now for a free consultation.

An Act of Terrorism in Tampa, FL.
In Title 18, Chapter 113B – Section 2331 (1) of the Code of the U.S. House of Representatives, an act of terrorism can be split into two different kinds of federal crimes:
- International terrorism – An act of violence that can potentially endanger the lives of citizens and violate the laws in the United States (if the act is committed within U.S. jurisdiction).
- Domestic terrorism – An act of violence that can potentially endanger the lives of citizens within the jurisdiction of the United States, or any other U.S. state, such as Florida.
Chapter 113B-Section 2232 (a-c) outlines that if an individual has been charged with an act of terrorism, then they will face a variety of penalties and punishments, depending upon the circumstances and the type of federal crime that was committed:
- Homicide – In the event that someone murders a U.S. citizen outside of U.S. borders, then they will most likely be facing a fine, a life sentence, or the death penalty.
- Conspiracy to homicide – In the event that someone attempts to kill a U.S. citizen, then they will most likely be facing fines and up to a 20-year sentence.
- Physical violence – In the event that an individual physically attacks and endangers a U.S. citizen, then they will most likely be facing a fine and up to 10 years in prison.
There are seven acts that constitute terrorism in federal and state, including:
- Chemical attacks.
- City bombings.
- Dangerous threats towards a large group of people.
- Aircraft hijacking or another mass vehicle of transportation.
- Mass destruction weapons.
If you are facing charges for committing an act of terrorism, then you are in the middle of an extremely serious case. The federal government has been taking extreme measures to fight the war on terror, following the September 11th attacks that took place in 2001. If the federal government is under the suspicion that you were involved in an act of terrorism, then an immediate investigation will be conducted, and you will be arrested and charged with terrorism – if the suspicion is found to be legitimate.
Following your charges for terrorism, you will most likely be intensely prosecuted, along with facing life imprisonment or possibly even the death penalty. It is critical that you reach out and contact an experienced Tampa federal criminal defense attorney. At The Law Place, we have the knowledge and expertise to represent clients who are facing all kinds of serious federal crimes, such as terrorism. We can effectively handle your case and defend your rights against criminal charges of terrorism. Call The Law Place now for a free consultation, and a lawyer will be able to discuss your legal rights and available options.

Cybercrimes in Tampa, FL.
Technology is expanding worldwide and opening up new roads to revolution. The evolution and mass effects of technology are especially being experienced in Tampa, Florida. There are upsides and downsides to all things in life, and technology is no exception. The internet is not just for social networking and online shopping. It is also a new host for criminal charges. Cybercrimes are usually committed through exposing users to viruses, hackers, worms, ransomware, and distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks on the internet. Technology is continuing to evolve and escalate at a fast speed, and so are the rate of crimes and offenses committed against computers, phones, and online users. Cybercrime also includes violations against intellectual property, such as targeting successful organizations and profitable companies with an aim to acquire sensitive information and trade secrets.
A Violation of Intellectual Property in Tampa, FL.
Intellectual property are commodities and possessions that are legally protected, such as the songs by a famous recording artist or the recipe for a specific product. This also includes software, computer programs, and data.
Florida Statute 815.04 states that crimes set out against intellectual property involve finding, stealing, disabling, damaging, destroying, or illegally circulating intellectual property. Other forms of crime against intellectual property include a cybercriminal intentionally spreading a virus onto a computer or phone, or introducing a form of debilitating malware to hack into a corporation in order to obtain their trade secrets. The main incentive of cybercriminals is usually to attack organizations, corporations, and companies by employing DDoS attacks against online providers, including movie piracy.
Acts of Cybercrime in Tampa, FL.
State and federal governments are aware of the threat of cybercriminals, and they take cybercrimes very seriously. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) conduct rigorous investigations into cybercrime and impose severe punishment on cybercriminals under federal law. The level of punishment and criminal charges that cybercriminals will face is down to the nature and damage of the offense.
For example, if a ransomware attack was executed against a local government that causes a disruption of public services, then this serious crime will be prosecuted as a second-degree felony.
However, in the event that a cybercriminal attempts to obtain data from the exact same computer without disrupting public services, then they will most likely be charged with a third-degree felony instead, as long as there are no other mitigating factors at play.
Counterintelligence Crime in Tampa, FL.
Counterintelligence crimes are known as sharing sensitive information with foreign intelligence services, as stated by The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Sensitive information includes files about the U.S. economy, finances, public health, and safety, or advanced technologies.
U.S. Code Title 18-Chapter 37 states the charges for acts of federal espionage:
- Chapter 37-Section 792 – Individuals harboring fugitives (those who have committed espionage or are planning to commit an act of espionage) will face a serious fine and up to 10 years in jail.
- Chapter 37-Section 793 – Individuals gathering information in an attempt to use it against the United States of America, or using the information to the advantage of a foreign nation or country, will face a serious fine and up to 10 years in jail (if the individual in question forfeits). Individuals who are handling this information will be forced to hand it over to the federal agents.
A Violation of Civil Rights in Tampa, FL.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) explains a “violation of civil rights” as a detected threat (verbal and/or physical) to the health and safety of citizens on the premise of religion, race, skin color, gender, sexuality, or additional rights/freedoms of people. In Title 18-Chapter 13, the punishment for civil rights criminals is outlined by The U.S. House of Representatives under the U.S. Code:
- Chapter 13-Section 241 – If an individual or a group of people make an attempt to physically injure or threaten someone living in a state, district, commonwealth, territory, or possession, by trying to violate civil rights, then the individual or group of people will be facing a fine or even sentenced to unlimited time in prison. In some circumstances, the death penalty could become an option.
- Chapter 13-Section 249 – If an individual attacks a person (due to the person’s race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, or other civil rights), and causes harm by fighting or using a dangerous weapon, then the individual will be facing a fine and/or face up to 10 years or a lifetime in prison.
Committing an Act of Extortion in Tampa, FL.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is aware that white-collar crimes are active in the business or corporate sectors of America. The FBI recognizes that it is a serious violation, and they work to put a stop to it. White-collar crimes include illegally sharing private information (extortion) and falsifying information (fraud). Usually, kickbacks are also a factor under the aegis of white-collar crimes. The U.S. Code outlines extortion under Title 18-Chapter 41:
- Chapter 41-Section 873 – An individual demanding money by using threats will be facing a fine and/or up to 1 year in prison.
- Chapter 41-Section 874 – An individual forcing another employee into corporate work, only to make them hand over their earnings, which the employee has rightfully earned in line with their employment contract, will be facing a fine and/or up to 5 years in prison.
- Chapter 41-Section 876 – An individual sending mail communications that threaten the health and safety of others, e.g., kidnapping or harm, will be facing a fine and/or up to 5 to 10 (and even 20) years in prison.
Robbing or Burglarizing Property in Tampa, FL.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) sees robbery and burglary as serious organized crimes, which were planned and arranged by a group of individuals in a criminal hierarchy. In Title 18-Chapter 103, individuals who attempt to rob or burglarize a property will face severe charges as indicated by the U.S. Code:
- Chapter 103-Section 2112 – Individuals attempting to steal the private property of citizens in the United States will be facing a prison sentence of up to 15 years.
- Chapter 103-Section 2113 – Individuals attempting to employ violent, intimidating strategies in trying to obtain property that is protected by a bank will be facing a fine and/or a prison sentence of up to 20 years. If the individuals attempt to rob more than $1,000 of the bank’s money, then they will be facing a prison sentence of up to 10 years. However, if the individuals killed innocent people in the process of robbing the bank, then they will potentially be facing a life sentence in prison.
- Chapter 103-Section 2119 – Individuals intending to inflict harm or attempt to kill a citizen in the United States by trying to steal their vehicle will be facing a fine and/or a prison sentence of up to 15 years. Individuals who do inflict harm on a citizen will be facing a prison sentence of up to 25 years. However, if the individual murdered the citizen, then they may face the death penalty.
Being a Member of a Criminal Gang in Tampa, FL.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) enlists the work of task forces such as Safe Streets Task Force and the National Gang Intelligence Center, in order to keep the streets safe and fight against criminal gangs in the U.S. The FBI uses the information gathered from NGIC, which consists of collecting federal, state, and local data in regard to gang activity. This also includes organized crimes, such as robbery and racketeering. Title 18-Chapter 26 Section 521 outlines the punishments in place for individuals taking part in gang activity:
- Individuals taking part in juvenile delinquency or committing a controlled substance felony through being a member of a criminal street gang will be facing a prison sentence of up to 10 years. However, if a singular controlled substance crime takes place, then the prison sentence will be reduced to up to 5 years.
Committing an Act of Homicide in Tampa, FL.
Title 18-Chapter 51 of the U.S. Code defines homicide as an act of violence that results in the unlawful murder of an innocent citizen (or possibly multiple citizens) in the United States of America.
- Chapter 51-Section 1111 – An individual committing murder of the 1st degree will be facing a lifetime of imprisonment and possibly the death penalty. An individual committing murder of the 2nd degree will be facing an unlimited amount of time in prison or possibly a life sentence.
- Chapter 51-Section 1112 – An individual who is found guilty of voluntary manslaughter will be facing a fine and up to 15 years of imprisonment. Individuals who are discovered to be guilty of involuntary manslaughter will be facing a fine and up to 8 years of imprisonment.
To help you better understand the terms:
- “Murder” stands for having an intention to kill a person.
- “Manslaughter” stands for the unlawful killing of a person without any intention of murder.
Federal Criminal Sentencing in Tampa, FL.
The Federal Criminal Sentencing Guidelines might seem complex and challenging for you to understand, which is why it is crucial that you hire a knowledgeable Tampa federal criminal defense attorney to help you navigate the system. At The Law Place, we can assist you in determining the level of punishment that you might be facing for your federal crime. It is important that you comprehend the severity of the situation, especially when you want to consider a plea bargain.
The Federal Sentencing Guidelines
If you or someone you know were convicted of a Tampa federal crime, then you will be in need of a skilled federal criminal defense lawyer. Federal courts are known to use federal sentencing guidelines. However, there are certain circumstances in which a deviation from the guidelines could possibly be warranted.
- The case outcome of a federal crime is largely based on the seriousness of the offense. Under federal law, crimes are divided into varying levels of offenses. If the severity of the case increases, so does the level of offense.
- All forms of crime are assigned a base offense level, which means they have a starting point for determining the level of seriousness. For example, white-collar crimes against federal law are usually considered a 6 or 7 base level of offense.
- However, the base level of a crime can be decreased or increased, depending on the factors of the case. For instance, if the federal crime involved a gun, then this means a five-level increase for the offense. The base-level will be further increased if the gun was shot in the act of committing the federal crime.
- Additional adjustments can be made for general factors on any form of federal crime. For example, if the offense involved two or more innocent individuals, then the judge will most likely increase the base level even further. However, if the criminal in question only played a minor role in the crime, then the judge could possibly decrease the base level.
- Personal adjustment factors, where the base level can adjust when numerous convictions are involved in the case. The court will consider the severest offense at the beginning of the case and then adjust from that starting point for the additional convictions.
- Acceptance of responsibility, where the criminal accepts responsibility for their actions. In this situation, the court might make a two-point reduction, but only at the judge’s order.
Attorney-Client Privileges in Tampa, FL.
If you committed a Tampa federal crime, then you will be in need of a criminal defense attorney with experience to represent your case and fight for your rights. The law offers defendants attorney-client privilege, which means the protection of communication between attorney and client in Tampa, FL. It is also worth noting that this privilege extends to others working at the law firm.
Any kind of attorney is obliged to keep all related information of their clients confidential unless the client permits their attorney to release or disclose pieces of information. The attorney will have to have the full consent of their client before releasing information.
A skilled attorney from The Law Place will be able to advise and guide you on what you can and cannot do in your situation, following a federal crime. Call us now for a free consultation.
Discussing with Friends and Family in Tampa, FL.
It is important to note that you must not share case-sensitive information with anyone else except your attorney – not even family or friends. If you are convicted of a federal crime, then your calls to family or friends will be recorded by the authorities. It is crucial that you do not share any confidential information over the phone. If a friend or a family member holds information about your criminal charges, then ask them to speak directly to your attorney about this. However, your attorney will under no circumstances be able to share confidential information with that person without your consent. It is essential that your attorney has full access to all relevant information so that they can develop and build the best strategy to defend your case in court.
Grounds for Defense in a Federal Criminal Case in Tampa, FL.
The U.S. Department of Justice states that the defendant might be able to claim that they did not willingly want to commit the federal crime if they can provide evidence to back up this statement.
Contrarily, an individual can admit to participating in a federal crime after receiving full authority from a government member.
A lawyer with from The Law Place will be able to offer you some key advice on what to say and how to speak in court. Reach out and call us now for a free consultation.
Contact The Law Place in Tampa, FL.
If you were found guilty of committing a Tampa federal crime, then you are in need of a Tampa federal criminal lawyer to build a strong defense for you in court. At The Law Place, we have over 75 years of combined experience and knowledge in handling Tampa federal crimes and other criminal cases.
If you choose to be represented by a Tampa federal criminal defense lawyer from The Law Place, then we will offer our full services to you and fight for your rights. We are aware of the levels of seriousness involving federal crimes, and we will dedicate time to developing a strong defense in order to achieve a satisfactory outcome for your Tampa federal case.
A lawyer from our firm will help you to understand the differences between federal and state law and the kinds of consequences you might be facing. It doesn’t matter what your situation is. Our law firm has all the necessary experience and resources to pursue your federal case with success. Contact The Law Place now for a free consultation on (941) 444-4444, and a Tampa federal crimes lawyer will be at your side every step of the way.