If you or someone you love has suffered catastrophic injuries, your lives will be changed forever. Often, these injuries are severe and leave people suffering from ongoing problems. Catastrophic injuries are frequently caused by major car accidents or slips and falls. Victims of these accidents are usually faced with financing medical care for the rest of their lives.
In most cases, these injuries will require extensive medical treatment, and the medical bills can be extreme. If you have been injured in a car accident that wasn’t your fault, it is not fair that you should suffer because of someone else’s negligence.
Our Tampa personal injury attorneys at The Law Place will work hard to ensure that you recover the maximum compensation for your injuries. The sooner you speak to a Tampa personal injury attorney, the better. Our reputable legal team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to take your call. Don’t waste another moment.
What Qualifies As A Catastrophic Injury?
A catastrophic injury refers to a serious injury that causes significant and permanent damage to a person’s physical and/ or mental abilities. These injuries typically affect the back and head, but they can include various other types of injury.
Doctors will refer to these injuries as catastrophic because they have a great impact on a person’s quality of life. They can severely impact a person’s ability to work, move, live their lives, and more. It is rare for people to fully recover after suffering catastrophic injuries. This is why it is important to seek justice and compensation.

What Are Common Catastrophic Injuries?
Some of the most common catastrophic injuries include the following:
- Permanent disability
- Paralysis
- Fractured spine
- Traumatic brain injuries (TBI)
- Amputation of limbs
- Severe burns
- Fractured neck
- Eye injuries
- Hearing loss
- Internal organ damage

How Are Catastrophic Injuries Caused?
Accident victims usually suffer catastrophic injuries from serious falls or disasters. They are rarely caused by regular day-to-day activities. Most people who suffer these injuries experience them unexpectedly and without warning.
Catastrophic injuries occur for a variety of reasons. Some of the most common causes of these accidents are stated below.
Car Accident
Car accidents are some of the most common causes of catastrophic injuries. They often occur in bad accidents, including head-on collisions, sideswipe accidents, and rollover accidents. In these accidents, it is easy for victims to be crushed by their vehicles. Car accident victims will commonly suffer breaks, brain injuries, and limb injuries. In severe cases, victims will require surgery and/ or amputation.
Construction Accident
Construction sites are dangerous places. They contain large pieces of equipment that can malfunction or crush victims. People who suffer catastrophic injuries on construction sites commonly suffer burns, ear and eye injuries, and awful bone breaks.
Trucking Accident
Any kind of accident with a truck is dangerous. The size of these vehicles means that a collision with one will likely result in catastrophic injuries. Similar to car accidents, victims in these accidents are often crushed.
Motorcycle Accident
Motorcycle riders are more likely to suffer severe injuries than other road users. This is because they are very exposed and lack the same kind of safety features that motor vehicle users have to protect them. In a motorcycle accident, a rider will likely be thrown from their bike. This can cause severe breaks and injuries.
Slip And Fall Accident
These accidents are very common in Tampa. They occur all the time, and while the majority will result in minor injuries, sometimes victims will be severely injured. The most likely catastrophic injuries caused by these accidents are serious head and neck injuries.

What Are The Symptoms Of Catastrophic Injuries?
Catastrophic injuries can be felt in various ways. All injuries result in different symptoms. Some injuries have very obvious symptoms. For example, paralysis and eye damage. The symptoms of other injuries are more subtle, and that is why it is important to seek medical treatment.
Some common symptoms you may experience if you have suffered a catastrophic injury include:
- Brain injuries can cause headaches, blurry vision, dizziness, and more.
- Spinal or neck fractures can cause numbness, weakness, tingling, pain, and paralysis.
- Internal bleeding can cause vision changes, nausea, chest pain, shortness of breath, and more.
If you have been injured, you must get examined by a doctor. A Tampa personal injury lawyer will be able to help you claim back any expenses at a later date. Your health is important and should not be taken lightly.

Life-Changing Injuries
There is no medical definition for a catastrophic injury. However, it is used to describe an injury that has caused a victim a temporary or permanent disability and/ or impairment. These personal injuries can greatly alter a person’s quality of life.
It is unfair that these injury victims have to struggle to fund medical care for the rest of their lives. Our Tampa personal injury lawyers know that no amount of money will ever be able to remove your emotional trauma and experience. However, they can help you recover compensation to make your recovery and rehabilitation easier. You do not have to suffer alone. The Tampa catastrophic injury lawyers at our law firm are here for you and your family.
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
A traumatic brain injury is commonly referred to as a TBI. These occur when people suffer injuries to their brains. The most common TBI suffered in catastrophic injury cases is a concussion. Many concussions go undetected, and that is why it is important to see a doctor after suffering a serious accident. Although concussions are considered mild TBI, they can cause trouble if left untreated.
An injury victim who has suffered a serious TBI will have to undergo surgery. For these serious injuries, a person is required to undergo extensive rehabilitation. Some serious TBIs can result in the loss of bodily functions.
Spinal Cord Injuries
These injuries are some of the most serious that a person can suffer. In the absolute worse cases, these injuries can cause death. The spinal cord is very delicate and a critical feature of the human body. It sends messages from your brain to your body. When the spinal cord is damaged, it can completely or partially prevent your brain from sending messages to the rest of your body. These injuries often cause paralysis.
It is not uncommon for spinal cord injury victims to lose the ability to operate their limbs. These are severe personal injury cases and deserve reputable legal representation. A Tampa catastrophic injury attorney at The Law Place will do all they can to ensure you receive the compensation necessary to cover your medical bills.
Paralysis can occur in many areas of the body depending on where an injury has occurred. A more serious injury is likely to cause more permanent and widespread paralysis. There are many different types of paralysis, and these are outlined below.
This paralysis refers to when a person is so severely injured that they lose the ability to operate all four of their limbs. Some people will be able to try rehabilitation, but it is often rare for people to regain their motor function. In the very worst cases, people are unable to feel and move below their necks. Paralysis to this extent requires daily and lifetime medical care.
This paralysis refers to people who suffer injuries and are unable to control their bodies from the waist down. In these cases, people may have limited use of their arms and upper bodies but will still require a wheelchair. Paralysis to this extent will also require regular medical attention and care.
This paralysis affects one side of the human body. For example, people who suffer from this paralysis may lose the ability to use their left arm and left leg.
This paralysis affects corresponding body parts. Paraplegia is one of the types of diplegia. For example, a person who loses the ability to use one of their legs will most likely lose the ability to use their other leg.
Organ Damage
These injuries are less obvious but just as serious as the ones stated above. Organ damage can occur when a person experiences events such as blunt trauma, a penetrating injury, or a fall from a great height. These injuries require extensive surgery to help repair the organs. In the most extreme cases, injury victims will require organ transplants.
Sometimes organ damage can be so severe that it results in organ failure. This is why it is important to see a doctor immediately if you have suffered injuries. The sooner you act on your injuries, the greater the chance you have of getting better.
Some of the organs commonly damaged in serious accidents include:
- Brain.
- Liver.
- Heart.
- Kidneys.
- Stomach.
- Lungs.
Open Soft Tissue Injuries
Injuries to soft tissue are very common and often will heal on their own fairly quickly. However, some more serious injuries will require extensive medical treatment and can have a life-altering impact on the victim.
Open soft tissue injuries are far more serious as they can damage the skin. Some common types of these injuries include:
Burn Injuries
These injuries can occur in various degrees. Third-degree burns are considered the most serious. This is because they can damage the tissue underneath the skin and cause catastrophic damage. Burn victims may have to undergo skin grafts, surgeries, rehabilitation, and more.
These injuries occur when the outer layers of a person’s skin peel away after suffering a severe accident. This consequently causes injury to the protected tissue underneath. These frequently occur when faulty equipment causes a deep cut.
Lacerations And Cuts
These injuries occur when the skin is pierced, causing open tissue wounds. It is common for these to occur in car, truck, and motorcycle accidents as debris and glass can deeply cut the skin. Often, victims will be required to undergo medical procedures to help their wounds to heal.
What Should I Do After Suffering An Accident In Tampa?
Suffering an accident of any kind in Tampa can be scary. Your health is important and should be your main concern following an accident. If you are well enough to do so, there are a few things that we recommend you try and do. By completing the following actions, you will aid your Tampa personal injury case to seek compensation.
Call Law Enforcement Officers
Regardless of the severity of your accident, you should call the police. Not only will they be able to manage the situation, but they will also produce a police report. This report will be important evidence in your catastrophic injury case. They will also collect witness statements and contact details of all those involved.
Collect Evidence
Although law enforcement officers will collect evidence, we suggest that you take photos and videos of the accident scene if you can. This will also prove hugely beneficial to your case. You could also gather witness contact details yourself if you are able to.
Seek Appropriate Medical Treatment
This is the most important thing. Your health and the health of those around you should come first. If someone has been injured, make sure they are safe and away from any further danger if possible. You should then call emergency services. Even if you deem your injuries to be minor, you should still seek the appropriate medical attention. This is because adrenaline will often discard the true severity of an injury.
Can You Sue For Bodily Injury In Florida?
Florida’s no-fault insurance laws mean that victims can only sue if they have suffered a “serious injury.” These catastrophic injuries already outlined qualify as serious injuries. Florida Statute 316.027(1a) defines a serious bodily injury as involving one or more of the following:
- Loss of mobility and/ or bodily function.
- Permanent disfigurement and significant scarring.
- A catastrophic injury that has the potential to cause death.
- A condition that could result in long-term disability or impairment.
When Should I File A Catastrophic Personal Injury Claim?
You should file a personal injury claim and/ or begin a personal injury lawsuit as soon as possible! The law in Florida is not flexible when it comes to personal injury claims. It only enables victims four years to claim their injuries. It is even stricter in wrongful death cases where only two years are allowed to make a claim.
These laws fall under Florida’s statute of limitations and are stated in Florida Statute 713.23(3). Once these years have passed, a case will likely be barred, and it will be difficult to make a claim.
Therefore if you wish to recover compensation, you must act as quickly as possible. If you call our law firm today, you will be able to schedule a free consultation with one of our Tampa personal injury attorneys. In this consultation, a personal injury attorney will explain to you all of your legal options and answer all of your questions.
What Damages Could I Recover In A Catastrophic Injury Claim?
Most personal injury lawsuits that involve catastrophic injuries result in a high number of damages for the victim. Victims can claim both economic and non-economic damages. The catastrophic injury attorneys at The Law Place frequently help injured clients claim for the following damages:
- Medical bills.
- Future medical expenses and physical therapy.
- Lost income and lost wages.
- Loss of earning capacity.
- Wrongful death.
- Pain and suffering.
- Depression.
- Much more.
How Much Financial Compensation Could I Recover?
Every catastrophic injury and personal injury claim is different, therefore it is difficult for our Tampa personal injury attorneys to say exactly how much compensation you could recover. The more severe the catastrophic injury, the more you will likely be awarded in damages.
Regardless of the severity of your injury, we would recommend that you seek legal representation. You are far more likely to receive the compensation you deserve with a reputable personal injury lawyer backing your case.
In a free case evaluation with a member of our legal team, they will be able to give you a rough estimation of what your case could achieve in compensation. Our law firm has accumulated vast knowledge and experience over the years, and this can be a huge benefit to your case.
Do I Need A Tampa Catastrophic Injury Lawyer?
You are within your right to represent yourself in negotiations with your insurance company to try and reach a settlement. Our Tampa personal injury attorneys, however, strongly urge that you seek legal representation. Catastrophic injuries result in major personal injury claims that should not be taken lightly. You will likely receive a high payout, so it is worth doing all you can to ensure that you win the maximum compensation possible.
It is also worth hiring a personal injury lawyer because if negotiations break down with your insurance company, a lawyer will not hesitate to take your case to court. Most catastrophic injury cases will end up in court anyway due to their great financial value.
What Can A Tampa Catastrophic Injury Lawyer Do For Me?
One of our Tampa personal injury lawyers will do more for you than just be your legal representation. They will be able to handle all of the paperwork and negotiations, so you don’t have to. They can lift many stresses and burdens that you are facing off your shoulders. After suffering a catastrophic injury, you should be focusing on your rehabilitation and recovery. You should not have to worry about the stress of legal battles too.
In addition, our personal injury lawyers will be supportive and assist you throughout the whole legal process. We understand that suffering a catastrophic injury can be very traumatic. Seeking compensation can feel daunting, but we will make the process as easy as possible for you. We will be by your side every step of the way. You don’t have to go through anything alone.
How Much Does It Cost To Hire Catastrophic Injury Lawyers?
In Florida, there is a misconception that hiring personal injury attorneys is expensive. Many people are afraid to seek legal guidance because they fear legal fees. At The Law Place, we want to reassure you that hiring a lawyer could not be easier. You have nothing to lose!
This is because, at our law firm, our personal injury lawyers operate on a contingency fee basis. This is more popularly known as a no-win-no-fee basis. Simply, if your lawyer is unsuccessful in winning you compensation, you don’t have to pay us a dollar! If we help you to recover compensation, a small percentage of your payout will be used to cover your legal fees. To find out more about how our legal fees work, don’t hesitate to call our office today.
In Florida, the Florida State Bar Association monitors the contingency work of all law firms. We take our work seriously and abide strictly by all of their regulations. You can feel rest assured knowing that we offer competitive legal fees and that your case is in reputable hands.
How Do I Prove Negligence In A Catastrophic Injury Case?
It is not easy to prove negligence, and that is why we recommend you seek the help of our personal injury lawyers. Proving negligence can be a benefit to your claim for compensation. There are usually three parts to proving negligence, and these are:
- Causation.
- Duty of care.
- Breach of duty.
To prove negligence, you will need evidence to support these factors. A lawyer will be able to examine and investigate your case to gather this necessary evidence.
What Are The Legal Hurdles That Personal Injury Claims Have To Overcome?
With catastrophic personal injury claims, there will usually be a few hurdles to overcome. These are normal and nothing to be concerned about. You should not let these stop you from seeking the compensation and justice you deserve. Some of these hurdles are as follows:
Deadlines For Filing A Lawsuit
As stated above, accident victims do not have loads of time to file personal injury claims. Florida’s statute of limitations only grants victims four years to make a claim following their accident. This is why you should contact personal injury lawyers and act quickly.
Florida’s Damage Caps
These refer to the limit that exists on the amount of money that injured people can receive. It typically applies to non-economic damages. Damage caps are complex. The injury lawyers at our law firm can explain to you more about these in your free consultation.
Florida’s Comparative Negligence Rule
Sometimes, opposing parties in cases will claim that the injured person was partially at fault for their injury. This can impact the amount of compensation that a victim can receive. The amount of compensation you are expected to achieve could be reduced by the percentage of the fault that you had in the accident. This is another reason why it is important to hire a personal injury lawyer. You want to avoid being cheated out of compensation.
Is It Easy To Navigate Personal Injury Law?
You may be relieved to hear that personal injury law is relatively uncomplex compared to other kinds of law. However, catastrophic injury cases will generally take much longer to settle than minor injury cases because of the scale of the claims being made.
A lawyer at The Law Place can help you navigate Florida’s personal injury law. They will be able to break down the legal process and explain everything to you. You do not need to feel daunted or worried.
Contact The Law Place Today!
Catastrophic injuries can alter lives forever. These are tragically serious injuries that deserve to be dealt with properly. If you or someone you love has suffered an injury of this kind in Tampa, you will likely be facing mounting medical bills. This isn’t fair. At The Law Place, our lawyers will do all they can to ensure that you achieve the compensation and justice you deserve.
No money can remove your trauma, but it can aid your rehabilitation and recovery. To find out more about our legal services, contact our law office today.
Our team is available to take calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. What are you waiting for? Call us now.