Tampa is one of the most congested places in Florida, every single day, thousands of cars take to the roads. Some are locals, on their way to work, some are tourists, here for the theme parks and amazing climate.
Unfortunately, with so many cars on the road, Tampa has become one of the worst places in the country to be a driver or pedestrian statistically. Results posted by the Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FHSMV) show that around 400,000 accidents happen in Florida alone, many of them in Tampa. Shockingly out of these 400,000 car accidents, tragically, 3,535 people will lose their life due to serious injuries received in a car accident. All it takes is a lapse in concentration or a bad call, and a split-second mistake can lead to a terrible accident that can have terrible consequences, leaving victims with injuries that could change their lives forever. When this is not their fault, the victim will usually want to seek compensation for their damages, as is their right.
We have all made bad lane changes in our time. Some people look at their phone, some people are changing the radio, and some are just eating on the way to work. Most of the time, forgetting to signal or changing lane quickly leads to nothing other than an angry beep or a bit of road rage. These accidents can be a lot more serious than they seem, though. When neither driver is aware of what is about to happen, the chances of avoiding the accident are extremely slim. If the person changing lane doesn’t see the victim, there will be no indication of the lane change coming, and this gives the other driver no time to react.
If you have suffered an injury or somebody you love has, as a result of an unsafe lane change in Tampa, the smartest thing you can do is to get in touch with a skilled personal injury lawyer. Here at The Law Place, we have years of experience dealing with both sides of incidents like this. Get in touch today for a free consultation on (813) 544-4444.
Examples of Unsafe Lane Changes in Tampa, FL
Shocking results that came from a study done by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) found that in nearly 50% of all lane changes, drivers fail to use their indicators. This is a scary statistic, and in our opinion, we feel we are lucky that we do not suffer more accidents as a result of this.
But what exactly constitutes an unsafe lane change? These are the most common ones we see.
- Changing lanes when other drivers are not completely aware of your actions.
- Ignoring mirrors and blind spots so that you fail to see a car approaching in the other lane.
- Not using lane indicators to tell other users of an upcoming lane change.
- Straddling more than one lane for an unreasonable amount of time.

What Is the Punishment for Causing an Unsafe Lane Change Accident?
Depending on the severity of the accident, the penalties you might face if found guilty of an unsafe lane change vary. If the accident has led to injuries and damages, though, you may face liability for a range of damages. Such as:
- Medical expenses- Any medical bills that you have had to pay since the accident, including ambulances, surgeries, and medication.
- Future bills- If a doctor has decided that you may have long term injuries as a result of the car accident, this long-term injury will be accounted for.
- Loss of enjoyment- If the accident has caused someone to change their life so that they cannot do what they normally enjoy.
- Property damage- Car repairs and anything in the car that was broken.
- House/car alterations – If the patient has had to adapt their house due to their accident, this will be paid for.

How to Avoid Unsafe Lane Change Accidents
When you learn to drive, you are taught to use your indicators in advance to show other road users your intention. After a few years of driving, however, people start to get lazy and change lanes without indicating.
If you want to avoid becoming liable for massive damages, then bare the following in mind:
- Signaling – Cars come fitted with turn signals as standard on purpose and by law. Whenever you plan to make a lane change or direction change, use your indicators. Drivers are often in your blind spot and could be unaware of what you are about to do. Try and use your signals a few seconds in advance to avoid an accident.
- Yield to Merge – Follow the correct signs when merging into a single lane and take your turn. Road range and lane merge accidents make up a huge proportion of unsafe lane change cases.

Do I Need a Lawyer for Help with an Unsafe Lane Change Accident Lawsuit?
If you want a good shot at receiving compensation, you are going to have to prepare for a fight with at least one insurance company. These massive businesses have a reputation for being bullies for a reason. They will use their immense wealth to send strong legal teams and hire skilled staff who might trick you into admitting liability over the phone or by email.
When you hire a skilled personal injury lawyer for your car accident case, that law firm will then be your defense against the insurance companies. They will liaise with insurance companies on your behalf and make sure you aren’t bullied by them, especially when their clients are the guilty party.

Contact Us at The Law Place Today!
Don’t let somebody else’s mistake cost you time, money, or health. Accidents happen, but it should not mean you are left out of pocket. Get in touch with The Law Place today and speak to a good law firm with skilled personal injury lawyers who can help fight your corner. Our phone lines are open 24/7, just call us on (813) 544-4444.