As technology advances, the benefits of owning a cell phone are becoming incredibly great, and that is why most people today are proud owners of cell phones. A cell phone can not only be used to keep in touch with people, but it can also be used to navigate, play music, play games, take photographs, and much more. This has meant that people today are increasingly spending more time on their cell phones.
Unsurprisingly, the consequence of this is that more and more people are using their cell phones while driving in Tampa and getting distracted by them. Distracted driving can be incredibly dangerous. Whether a cell phone is being used behind the wheel, the in-car navigation is being used, or the radio fiddled with, the risk of causing a catastrophic car accident is huge.
If you or a loved one has been the innocent victim of a car accident in Tampa, Florida, because of a distracted driver being reckless, you could be owed compensation. The Law Place law firm in Tampa, FL., has over 75 years of combined experience in dealing with car accident cases similar to yours.
Contact us today at (941) 444-4444 for a free consultation and a chance to talk to one of our Tampa car accident lawyers. You should not have to suffer because of an accident caused by distracted driving beyond your control.
Florida Ban on Texting While Driving
In accordance with Florida Statute 316.305, from the first of January in 2020, the state of Florida officially made texting while driving a primary offense. Before Florida made texting and driving a primary offense, it was only classed as a secondary offense, which was hugely problematic. This was because, before 2020, it was incredibly hard for law enforcement to act against negligent drivers.
As texting while driving behind the wheel is now classified as a primary offense, the authorities in Tampa, and Florida as a whole, can stop a driver they spot on their phone and issue them a fine. The fine for a first-time offender is $30, which may seem hugely unfair considering the potential harm the driver could cause if their distracted driving resulted in an accident. A driver who is caught texting and driving for the second time will be issued a $60 fine, and three points will be added to their license.
It is important to highlight that this new Florida law still allows a driver to use their phone behind the wheel if they wish to make a call or read emergency messages, such as weather alerts. However, the exception to this is if a driver is driving in a construction zone or close to a school.
fight and win for Floridians.

Breach of Duty of Care
Distracted driving is a massive traffic safety hazard, and there is no excuse for excessive texting while driving. It is frustrating how many people are seriously injured in motor vehicle accidents caused by distracted driving, as these accidents are easily avoidable.
A driver on the roads in Tampa, and Florida as a whole, has a duty of care to other road users and pedestrians when they get behind the wheel of a motor vehicle. This essentially means that they are required to drive in a reasonable manner to maintain the safety of others. A person who is using their cell phone and texting while driving is obviously breaching this duty of care. If this distracted driving leads to a motor vehicle accident in Florida, the driver at-fault could be held liable for the injuries you sustain.
Although it may seem obvious to you that distracted driving caused the accident, it is up to you to put together all of the evidence to strengthen your claim. Therefore, we advise that if you are thinking of making a claim for compensation that you seek professional legal help and the advice of an experienced personal injury lawyer. The Tampa personal injury lawyers at The Law Place can aid you in collecting the evidence you will need to make your claim and create a case strong enough that you are placed in a favorable negotiating position when you approach the insurance companies.

Our phones are open 24 hours a day.
Distracted Driving Is Not Worth the Risk
A distracted driver is someone who is not paying full attention to the road and instead is using their cell phone or adjusting their in-car navigation system, for example. Distracted driving does not only put the life of the driver at risk, but it also endangers their passengers, other road users, and pedestrians. The data on distracted driving is incredibly stark. Unfortunately, nine people die every day in the United States because a distracted driver is reckless, and 1000 people on average are injured. A driving accident of this type is a serious public health problem that needs greater recognition and addressing. The reality is that as technology improves, distracted driving accidents in Florida are going to become more and more frequent.
It has been estimated that 25% of all car accidents in Florida are the result of a distracted driver using their cell phone. Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV) have released data to highlight that over 400,000 car accidents occur every year in Florida. Therefore, if 25% of all accidents are distracted driving accidents, 100,000 car crashes a year could have been avoidable. This means that the injuries and damage sustained by thousands of innocent victims could have been prevented, and some people would still be alive if a distracted driver didn’t text on their cell phones whilst driving.
If you have been a victim yourself or have lost someone dear to you because of the distracted driving of another driver, you have the right to file a claim for compensation. A personal injury lawyer at The Law Place in Florida will happily be able to answer any questions you may have. Phone us today for a free consultation.

Use of Cell Phones Statistics
- Of all of the distractions related to cell phones, texting is by far the most dangerous and poses the greatest risk of causing a catastrophic accident.
- Nearly 390,000 injuries are sustained every year in the United States because of drivers texting.
- The National Safety Council has published in a report that cell phones are the cause of 1.6 million distracted driving accidents on the road every year.
- A driver who takes their attention off the road for at least five seconds while traveling at 55 mph to check their cell phone or alter their navigation system will travel the length of a football field. This is a dangerously long distance without looking at the road.
- A driver is six times more likely to cause an accident whilst distracted by their cell phone and texting than someone driving drunk.

status, we are here to get you answers.
Talk to a Tampa Accident Lawyer Today
Nothing can excuse someone who chooses to drive whilst being distracted by their cell phone or a feature in their car. The accidents that can be caused because someone was texting instead of focusing on the road ahead of them can be catastrophic, and unfortunately, these types of accidents are becoming more and more frequent. We hope at The Law Place that the more people we can hold liable for causing these sorts of accidents, the more people will truly learn about the dangers of distracted driving.
You or a loved one should not have to suffer as a victim of one of these accidents. The injuries you may have suffered could leave you facing a stack of medical bills, without employment, and in immense pain and suffering. By seeking the legal representation of a Tampa accident lawyer, you can achieve the compensation you may need to ease these financial and emotional burdens.
Contact us today at The Law Place for a free case consultation. We will ask you a few simple questions so that we can gain an idea of your case, as well as giving you all the information you need to proceed. Our attorneys will happily answer any questions or queries you may have surrounding your eligibility for compensation. If you decide that you would like one of our lawyers to represent you, they will use all their expertise to fight for your right to compensation and help you achieve the justice that you deserve. You don’t have to suffer alone because of someone else’s irresponsible actions.
We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week in Tampa, Florida.
Contact us today at (941) 444-4444 for a free consultation.