A left turn car accident happens when a vehicle of any kind collides with an oncoming driver while initiating a left-hand turn. This kind of road collision usually occurs when a driver attempts to pass a waiting vehicle at an intersection. Other common causes of left-turn accidents in Tampa county include drivers turning improperly when trying to beat a changing traffic signal and because of drivers that turn at intersections without due care and attention.
Each and every driver on the road owe one another a duty of care. Through the reckless act of turning improperly, the driver at fault puts life or multiple lives in danger. They deserve to be held accountable for any pain and suffering caused.
If you or a family member has been injured in the Tampa county area due to a left turn car accident, then you deserve to be compensated. To recover damages such as lost wages and medical bills, as well as pain and suffering, contact The Law Place for a free case evaluation today on (941) 444-4444. An experienced Tampa personal injury and accident lawyer from The Law Place can assist you with filing a car accident injury claim in Tampa.
Collisions and The Law in Tampa, FL
According to the law in Florida, when at an intersection, every driver intending to turn right should maneuver as close to the right-hand curb, sidewalk or roadway edge as possible.
Whilst for a left turn, a driver intending to turn left at must approach in the farthest left-hand lane. After entering the intersection, the left-hand turn should be performed in such a manner by the driver, so as to leave the intersection clear for traffic moving in both directions on the roadway being entered.
If an individual riding a bicycle is intending to make a left turn, in accordance with the law, they are entitled to full use of the correct lane. If possible, at all opportunities, the cyclist should make the left-hand turn in the intersection from the left of the center.
It is mandatory by law in Tampa, FL to obey a command given by a traffic control signal or traffic control device of any form that has been installed by a governing authority. This applies even if the traffic signal is giving a command to drivers to do something that contradicts the Florida Statute 316.151. Put simply, Florida law dictates how a driver must turn at an intersection unless otherwise instructed by a traffic control device. This not only applies to every resident in Tampa county but all of Florida. There are complexities to the law surrounding these kinds of cases, which is why seeking advice from an accident lawyer is not just beneficial but essential to moving your proceedings along successfully.

Violating Florida’s Left turn Law is Negligence
As mentioned above, Florida has specific laws dictating how a driver should correctly carry out a left turn whilst operating a vehicle on public roads. If a driver does not abide by traffic regulations, the law states that the driver should be penalized through being issued a ticket and/or fine.
However, this is where things get more complex because, in Florida, driving is also governed by common law, created through previous court decisions by the judicial system. Meaning any driver who causes an accident through an improper left turn can be held to account through not only statutory motor vehicle laws but may also be held liable under court created negligence law or common law.
Thus, Florida Statute 316 combines with common law in Florida, to assist victims of car accidents in recovering sufficient compensation for their injuries, medical bills, and any lost wages due to the accident. Accident lawyers at The Law Place can help you to establish if the driver at fault failed to meet his or her duty of care to other road users while performing a left-hand turn. If you feel unsure about your position as a victim, please call us for a free consultation.

What Grounds Do You Have to File a Personal Injury Claim?
You may have found yourself wondering what you are eligible to claim for. Compensation for accident victims falls into two main categories non-economic and economic damages.
- Economic damages – These are, in general terms, anything that has been a financial impact on the victim. These types of damages can be calculated and measured. Typically, they are represented by expenses already incurred or genuine future expenses that can be anticipated. It’s easier to calculate economic damages accurately as they are documented through medical bills and records, which are used to determine the number of damages that should rightfully be awarded.
- Non-economic damages – These are given to compensate accident victims that have sustained a personal injury not only for their physical losses but mental losses as well. These damages will often include compensation for the emotional distress that may affect a person’s quality of life as a result of an accident. Often commonly stated to be damages awarded for the pain and suffering caused as a result of an accident. Non-economic damages may include permanent scarring and/or disfigurement, significant or permanent loss of bodily function.
If you have suffered to any degree due to a left turn car accident, you may be entitled compensation. To gain further clarity on what you may be entitled to call us today for a free consultation with a personal injury lawyer from The Law Place.

What You Need to Do After A Left Turn Accident Takes Place
- Call 911 – In Florida, you must legally contact the police immediately if there has been a car accident involving: Injury, death, or property damages totaling above $500. The official report obtained by a law enforcement officer will be crucial solid evidence that will stand up in court against the parties responsible. For accidents that do not legally require police involvement, a driver should file a “crash report” within ten working days. These reports can be filed online through the Florida Highway Saftey and Motor Vehicles (FHSMV) website.
- Gather evidence of the accident – You need to gather this independently for your own records. Of course, you will have the evidence gathered by the police, but it’s important your own notes or even records a video or voice note explaining what happened in as much detail as possible. Then if any issues arise with your claim, this evidence can be used for further support in proving liability in your case.
- Take photos of the scene of the accident – Do this as soon as it is safe to do so before the vehicles are removed from the location of the accident. It’s extremely important to obtain photographic evidence of not only your vehicle but the other driver’s vehicle, if possible. Any clear photograph taken on a cell phone is sufficient.
- Seek out medical treatment – Within the state of Florida, all drivers must have Personal Injury Protection (PIP) automobile insurance. In accordance with Florida Statute 627.736, having PIP laws means that drivers’ insurance must cover their own injuries and any lost wages regardless of blame or who was at fault. An injured driver must seek medical attention within 14 days of the accident to receive benefits of a PIP policy. This highlights an urgency to seek treatment even if you believe yourself to not be injured, as some injuries may not become apparent until later. If damages exceed the limits of your PIP policy, then you could claim from the driver at fault’s insurance company.
- Notify your car insurance company – You need to notify your insurance company about any claim as soon as you possibly can. Your insurance company should then provide you with all the required forms for you to submit a claim. Make sure everything is filled out correctly and provide as much detail as possible
The Law Place advises you to contact us first before discussing your accident with an insurance company. Be mindful that insurance companies are always trying to save money, and anything you say could be used against you, devaluing your claim.

Call for a Free Consultation Regarding Left Turn Accidents
Get in touch with The Law Place today if you’ve been involved in a left-turn accident. An experienced left turn car accident attorney can review the details of your case and discuss your legal rights and options over the phone for free today. At The Law Place, we are ready to assist Tampa residents with pursuing claims and protect your rights. As our proven track record shows, we may also be able to provide legal representation that allows you to get the maximum amount of compensation owed to you. We will fight to make sure you get the payout you deserve.
Remember, if you have had a left turn accident in Tampa or elsewhere in Florida, call The Law Place on (941) 444-4444 for legal advice. Our phone lines are always open, and we are ready to assist you.