Unfortunately, people suffer serious injuries in car accidents in St. Petersburg, Florida, all the time. Typically, a motor vehicle accident in St. Petersburg will occur because of a negligent driver choosing to change lanes improperly. The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FHSMV) has published data indicating that over 13,000 car accidents occur in Florida every year because of motor vehicles changing lanes improperly.
If you or a loved one have been car accident victims in the State of Florida, you may be entitled to compensation. At The Law Place, we have a St. Petersburg car accident lawyer who can help you file a personal injury claim for your injuries. The auto accident attorneys at our law firm can help you win the compensation that you deserve from insurance companies. Our personal injury lawyers have a combined experience of over 75 years. We are thoroughly experienced working in Florida law. If you to file a claim, contact our car accident attorneys today to schedule a free case evaluation and to receive some free legal advice. If you have been injured in a car or truck accident, phone us now at (941) 444-4444.
Why Do Drivers Make Improper Lane Changes in St. Petersburg?
There are several reasons why drivers will choose to change lanes improperly in St. Petersburg, FL. Most of the time, these car accidents occur because of a driver acting negligently. If you have been injured in a car accident, there is a great chance that you will be entitled to compensation from insurance companies. Our car accident lawyers can help you win the justice you deserve.
From our experience, some of the most common reasons why these auto accidents take place in St. Petersburg, FL., are as follows:
Driving Under the Influence (Dui)
In St. Petersburg, it is against the law to operate a motor vehicle behind the wheel whilst under the influence of alcohol and/ or drugs. Sadly, many road users choose to ignore this law, and as a consequence, many road accidents occur. Drunk driving is incredibly dangerous as a driver will likely have a reduced reaction time and have their decision-making skills impaired. As a result, DUI drivers often change lanes improperly and cause accidents in St. Petersburg.
Distracted Driving
This is becoming a very common cause of road accidents in St. Petersburg. The technology of motor vehicles today is so advanced that drivers are increasingly being distracted by their navigation systems. Drivers are also increasingly distracted by their cellphones, passengers, food, and much more. It is very easy for a distracted driver to make an improper lane change and cause an auto accident.
Negligent or Reckless Driving
Another very typical cause of these auto accidents is reckless drivers. Drivers who are frustrated and/ or overly confident typically make improper lane changes when they’re driving. Emotions can greatly impact a driver’s decision-making and judgment skills. Unfortunately, they sit behind the wheel with very little consideration for other road users. No matter how your auto accident has occurred, a St. Petersburg car accident attorney at our law firm can help you.

How Do Drivers Make Improper Lane Changes in St. Petersburg?
If a driver does not change lanes safely and properly, they can cause an accident. Some of the most typical ways that drivers don’t change lanes properly in St. Petersburg are:
- A driver does not use their signals before making a lane change.
- A driver does not use their signal before performing a turn.
- A driver fails to check all of their blind spots before making their maneuver.
- Two drivers decide to merge into the center lane at the same time and collide.
- A driver exits their car parking space without checking for any oncoming traffic.
- A driver merges onto a highway dangerously by sideswiping another vehicle.

What Are the Common Injuries Sustained in a St. Petersburg Car Accident?
Motor vehicle accidents in St. Petersburg can result in a wide variety of injuries. In a St. Petersburg car accident caused by another driver improperly changing lanes, auto accident victims will likely suffer very severe injuries. Some of the most common injuries sustained in these accidents are as follows:
- Neck injuries, such as whiplash.
- Back injuries.
- Spinal cord injuries.
- Head injuries.
- Fractures and broken bones.
- Internal bleeding.
- Internal organ injuries.
- Burns, cuts, lacerations, bruises, and sprains.
Regardless of whether your car or truck accident has left you suffering serious injuries or minor injuries, you should contact our personal injury attorneys for a free consultation. A personal injury lawyer will be able to help you file a personal injury claim to receive all of the compensation that you deserve from insurance companies.

What Damages Are Typically Awarded After an Improper Lane Change Accident?
A St. Petersburg car accident attorney at The Law Place can help you if you have been the victim of an automobile accident. Our car accident lawyers have helped countless clients receive the maximum amount of damages they deserve from insurance companies following their accidents. A car accident lawyer will likely be able to help you recover damages for the following reasons:
Medical Bills
It does not matter how serious your accident is. If you have been injured, you should seek medical care immediately. Your health is very important. Many people avoid seeking the medical help they so desperately need following their accidents because they fear the medical bills. A personal injury attorney at The Law Place in Florida will be able to help you claim back all of your medical expenses related to your accident. We can help you recover compensation from an insurance company to cover your past medical bills, present medical bills, and future medical bills.
Property Damage
If your vehicle has suffered a substantial amount of damage at the scene of the accident, our car accident lawyers can help you recover the necessary costs to repair or to replace your vehicle. You should not be left out-of-pocket because of the recklessness of another driver. The amount of compensation that you can receive for property damage will depend on the severity of damage sustained to your vehicle.
Pain and Suffering
Any kind of motor vehicle accident in St. Petersburg can be traumatic. Many victims will suffer a lot mentally from the events they had to suffer. The emotional distress from an accident of this nature can have a huge impact on mental health. With the help of our personal injury lawyers, we can help you file a claim and receive compensation for pain and suffering from an insurance company. It is not easy to prove pain and suffering, at that is why we strongly recommend that you seek some legal advice from our injury lawyers for your accident case. If you schedule a free consultation, we will be able to answer any questions that you have in your initial consultation.
Lost Wages
If the injuries you have suffered in your accident have prevented you from returning to your work or has reduced your earning capacity, one of our attorneys can help you receive some financial compensation to cover this. You and your family should not have to suffer a loss of income because you were involved in an accident that was not your fault.
Loss of a Loved One
When families lose loved ones in these motor accidents, it is incredibly heartbreaking and traumatic. If you have ever lost a dear one in an accident, we would like to share with you our very deepest condolences. No one should have to experience that kind of pain. We are aware that no amount of money can ever compensate for the loss of a loved one, but our attorneys can help you receive compensation to cover funeral costs, their lost wages, and loss of consortium. We can help relieve you from some of the financial burdens and stresses you may be facing at this incredibly difficult time.

How Much Does a St. Petersburg Car Accident Attorney Cost?
Many people in Florida are hesitant to seek professional advice after suffering an accident because they believe that hiring a car accident attorney would be very expensive. We would like to reassure you that hiring a St. Petersburg car accident lawyer would not be a financial burden. This is because, at The Law Place, we operate on a contingency basis. This means that you will not be charged a cent for the services of a car accident attorney upfront. You will never receive a surprise bill. All of our legal fees are deducted from the final settlement that we achieve for you.
This is brilliant news for you as it means that you do not have to pay us a cent if we are unsuccessful. We will only be paid for our services if we can win you the justice that you deserve. We recognize that hiring accident lawyers can feel daunting, but we promise that it is easier than you think.
You can also trust that we are treating you fairly. We will never cheat you out of your hard-earned money. The Florida State Bar Association monitors the contingency work of all law firms in Florida. We closely abide by all of their rules and regulations. If you have any further questions about how our fees work, please don’t hesitate to constant our car accident attorneys now to schedule a free consultation. A lawyer will be able to answer all of your questions.
Can You Sue for Negligence in a St. Petersburg Car Accident?
Florida follows a no-fault insurance system for vehicle accident cases. This is outlined under Florida Statute 627.7407. This simply means that victims of motor accidents will typically receive compensation from their own insurance company following their accident. Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage will help you receive compensation, regardless of who is at fault for the accident. These PIP laws are stated under Florida Statute 627.736.
You will only be able to use a driver for negligence in Florida if they have caused your severe injuries. This means that most road accident cases in Florida fall under the umbrella of no-fault insurance. You may only be able t sue for negligence if you have experienced the following:
- Permanent injury.
- Significant scarring or permanent disfigurement.
- Significant loss of one or more bodily functions.
If you are curious whether you may be eligible to sue a driver for negligence in Florida, why don’t you contact one of our attorneys for a free case evaluation?
Is It Worth Hiring a St. Petersburg Car Accident Attorney for a Minor Accident?
If you have been involved in a minor car accident in St. Petersburg, it is still worth contacting an experienced and reputable car accident lawyer. This is because even if you have received a minor injury, the chances are that you will be eligible for even a small amount of compensation. This is why we strongly recommend that you seek medical attention following your accident if you need it. You do not have to fear the medical expenses, a lawyer at our firm will be able to help you file your claim later on.
You will not be losing anything by contacting our law firm, and it is always worth checking whether you could be eligible to recover some costs following your accident. One of our lawyers will be able to examine your case to give you some thorough advice regarding whether your case could retrieve anything in compensation.
Do I Need to Act Quickly After Suffering a St. Petersburg Car Accident?
Florida’s statutes of limitations are pretty brutal. If you have been injured in an accident, it is critically important that you act immediately. The law, as stated under Florida Statute 95.11, only allows injury victims to file for compensation within four years after their accident. This is barely any time at all. You may think that four years is a long time, but believe us when we tell you how quickly the years can pass. Once these four years pass, if you have not filed a claim, your case will be barred, and you will forever be unable to receive any form of justice for your injury. It is important that you act today so that you don’t miss out on the money that you are entitled to.
These statutes of limitations are even tougher on people wishing to file wrongful death claims. If you are planning on filing a claim for wrongful death, you only have two years following the accident to do so. For your best chance of receiving the justice you deserve from your insurance company, you need to act quickly and contact an attorney at our law firm today for a free case consultation.
How Can a Personal Injury Lawyer Help Me?
An attorney at our law firm can help you in many ways. Some of the ways a lawyer can help you are as follows:
- We will be able to answer all your questions and offer you legal guidance and advice.
- We can investigate your case by examining medical records, police reports, interviewing witnesses, and much more.
- We can examine your case in great detail to determine how much your accident case is worth in compensation.
- We can represent you legally on your behalf with negotiations with your insurance company.
- We will handle all of the legal paperwork that is necessary so that you don’t have to.
- We will take your case to court if negotiations are not progressing. We will not stop until justice is served and you receive a fair settlement.
Contact The Law Place Today!
If you have been injured in an accident caused by a car or truck improperly moving across lanes, you should contact one of our reputable attorneys at The Law Place today.
An attorney-client relationship at our law firm is built on a great deal of trust and loyalty. You can feel comfortable knowing that by hiring one of our attorneys, you will be giving yourself the best chance you have of receiving the compensation that you deserve.
Our office is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. To schedule your free legal consultation with now of our attorneys, phone us now at (941) 444-4444.