Any person who induces or authorizes a child to participate in the production of child pornography, or in any other sexual performance, including stripping or erotic dance, will be charged with a second-degree felony, under Florida Statutes, Section 827.071. If convicted of the offense of Use of a Child in a Sexual Performance with Consent of Parent, Legal Guardian or Custodian, you could face up to fifteen years in Florida state prison, and a pay a fine as large as $10,000. A violation of this statute means you have obtained the consent of the parent, legal guardian or custodian of the child—in which case the parents will be charged with the criminal offense as well.
Our Sarasota criminal defense lawyers offer free consultation so that you can make an informed decision about how to proceed with your case. Contact us today.
Definitions of Terms Used in This Statute
A “sexual performance” is any performance which includes sexual conduct by a child who is less than 18 years old. A performance means a play, a motion picture, a photograph or a dance, or any other visual representation exhibited before an audience. Use of a Child in a Sexual Performance with consent of Parent or Guardian is a Class C felony.

Other Consequences of a Conviction for Use of a Child in a Sexual Performance
As you can imagine, even being charged with the crime of Using a Child in a Sexual Performance can completely ruin your reputation, possibly causing you to lose your job, your family, and friends. Any allegations of a sex crime with a child can have very far-reaching effects. What if you are not guilty of the crime? It could certainly happen that you did not commit the crime you are being charged with, rather there is a serious misunderstanding, or someone is falsely accusing you of the crime in order to extract some sort of revenge for a real or imagined wrong.
If you are convicted of this crime, after you have served your time—which can be as much as fifteen years—you will face additional hardships when you get out of prison. You may find it extremely difficult to obtain employment, rent a home, obtain a professional license, go to college on a government student loan, and you will be prohibited from owning a firearm or being employed in a job with children or anywhere around children.
You will also be required to register as a sex offender in the state of Florida. This registration further governs where you can live and work. You will register for 15 years, 25 years, or for a lifetime. Depending on your sexual offender classification, you will either have to appear to be photographed every three months, every six months, or once a year for the number of years you are required to register.

Getting the Help You Need from a Criminal Defense Attorney
If you have been charged with Use of a Child in a Sexual Performance with Consent of Parent or Guardian, it is important that you contact a highly experienced criminal defense attorney from The Law Place. Our criminal defense attorneys will work hard on your behalf to have your charges dismissed or reduced, or, at a minimum, to have your sentence reduced. This is not a charge you should attempt to handle without a knowledgeable criminal lawyer from The Law Place by your side. Don’t wait—Contact a criminal defense attorney from The Law Place today by calling 941-444-4444.