An accusation of purchasing illegal drugs over 10 grams is a very serious charge, and it is important that you seek legal counsel from an experienced law firm that specializes in fighting drug crimes to limit the damage. You will likely face severe consequences if you decide to walk into court without having a strong legal representation, which means that you will spend years in prison and receive hefty fines for your drug crime in Sarasota County.
The State of Florida imposes harsh punishment on drug offenders. However, the severity of the charges will depend on the type and the quantity of the drug that you were caught purchasing by law enforcement. It is always better to have a law firm on your side to fight the charges and protect your future.
The Law Place has over seventy-five years of combined experience when it comes to fighting drug crimes, such as possession of a controlled substance, manufacturing illegal drugs, drug trafficking, and purchase of illegal drugs. We have a dedicated team of Sarasota drug lawyers who are willing and ready to fight your case as soon as you say yes.
Call our law firm today to set up a free consultation where a criminal defense attorney will discuss the details of your case, answer your questions, and offer you an unbiased piece of advice to help you in your current situation in Sarasota County.
Contact us now on (941) 444-4444 for a free consultation, our Sarasota criminal defense lawyers will fight your purchase of illegal drugs over 10 grams charges together in Sarasota.
Which State in America Has the Harshest Illegal Drug Laws?
The State of Florida is well known for having the most complex and strict laws regarding controlled substances – whether it is drug possession, drug manufacturing, drug trafficking, or even the purchase of drugs.
Purchase and possession of illegal drugs over 10 grams must be taken very seriously. The exact charges you might face ultimately depend on the amount and the type of drug. However, you could still face charges for drug trafficking, as you were found in possession of 10 grams or more of illegal drugs, which is considered too much for personal use alone by the state and indicates that you intended to sell.

So, What Are Florida’s Drug Laws?
The specifics of Florida’s drug laws are all outlined in Florida Statute 893.13.
As previously mentioned, the drug laws are very complex in the State of Florida. Therefore, the charges for possession and purchase of a controlled substance will vary depending on the amount and the type of drug in question.
For example, if you have been caught with under 20 grams of marijuana, then the offense will be classed as a misdemeanor in Sarasota. The penalties include spending up to one year in prison and receiving a fine as high as $1,000. However, these charges could potentially be escalated into a felony if you have been caught with over 20 grams. The penalties include spending between 5 to 30 years in prison and receiving a fine. The exact penalties will be determined by whether you are charged with a first-degree felony or a third-degree felony.
The State of Florida operates on mandatory minimum sentencing laws, which means that the judge could impose a more lenient sentence depending on the specifics of your case in Sarasota. However, the judge is required to abide by the mandatory minimum number of years in prison if you are found guilty of purchase and possession of a controlled substance.
Here is another example to help you understand more clearly the drug laws in the State of Florida. If you are caught in possession of fewer than 28 grams of cocaine, then you will be charged with drug possession, which is classed as a third-degree felony. However, if you are caught with an amount of over 28 grams of cocaine, then you will be charged with drug trafficking instead of drug possession, which is classed as a first-degree felony. A drug trafficking charge is punishable by spending up to 15 years in prison, and you will receive a fine with the amount depending on the exact amount of the drug found in your possession.
By now, you will likely see how complex the drug laws are in the State of Florida. That is why you will need the assistance of a criminal defense attorney who has knowledge of all aspects of drug crimes. A criminal defense attorney from The Law Place will be able to explain the process to you and protect your legal rights in Sarasota County. You are free to contact The Law Place at any time of the day to receive a free consultation over the phone, as our office lines are open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.

The Five Drug Schedules
The State of Florida separates controlled substances into five different categories, which are recognized as the five drug schedules. The schedules descend in order, depending on the potential for abuse, harm, and addiction.
For instance, a schedule one drug is considered the highest risk for potential harm and addiction, which means that they carry the greatest sentences for drug possession. Most Florida drug crimes for possession of over 10 grams of schedule one controlled substances are charged as either a third-degree felony or a first-degree felony.
Here is some more information on the five schedules:
- Schedule I – The greatest risk in terms of abuse, harm, and addiction, which includes drugs like heroin, LSD, meth, and crack cocaine. Not accepted for any medical use.
- Schedule II – The second greatest risk in terms of abuse, harm, and addiction, which includes drugs like cocaine, methadone, OxyContin, methamphetamine, and Adderall. Recognized for having some medical value, and some are even prescribed to patients.
- Schedule III – The middle-grade risk in terms of abuse, harm, and addiction, which includes drugs like steroids, ketamine, and codeine.
- Schedule IV – The second-lowest risk in terms of abuse, harm, and addiction, which includes drugs like Valium, Tramadol, and Xanax.
- Schedule V – The lowest risk in terms of abuse, harm, and addiction, which includes drugs like Lyrica, Motfen, and codeine.

Other Types of Drug Offences in Sarasota, FL.
There are other kinds of offenses besides simple drug possession or purchasing an illegal drug that you could be charged with in Sarasota. For example, a list of drug charges includes trafficking, manufacturing, selling, or possessing a controlled substance.
If you do not have actual drugs in your possession, it is still possible to be charged with drug offenses in the State of Florida. An example of this would be called possession of drug paraphernalia, which means that you were in possession of materials or equipment that are commonly used to cultivate, plant, transport, sell, conceal, produce, manufacture, or store a controlled substance.

Possible Defenses Against Drug Charges
You might be feeling intimidated, or even afraid, following drug charges for purchasing controlled substances in Sarasota. However, the good news is that there are a variety of defense methods that can be used by The Law Place to lessen your charges or even potentially get them dismissed altogether. A criminal defense lawyer from our law firm will employ tactics that could get you around the mandatory minimum sentencing laws, and that means you may be able to avoid spending years in prison.
It is always important that you speak to your criminal defense lawyer and tell them all of the details of your case so that they can build a defense strategy that suits your situation. There is no need to be concerned, as anything that you tell us will be kept confidential under attorney-client relationship privileges.
Here is a list of common defense methods that we use to combat Florida drug charges:
- The law enforcement officer used methods of entrapment against you.
- You were not the one who owned the illegal controlled substances that were found on you.
- The law enforcement officer misidentified the controlled substance.
- The evidence against you was obtained in an unlawful manner and would be considered inadmissible by the court.
- You were misidentified as the actual individual who was in possession of controlled substances.
- The search and seizure method of the controlled substance was unlawful, or the law enforcement acted without a search warrant.
- The controlled substance was incorrectly weighed.
Contact The Law Place Today
Are you facing drug charges for possessing and purchasing illegal drugs over the amount of 10 grams in Sarasota County? Then you will need the skills of a criminal defense lawyer who is well-versed in fighting drug crimes in the State of Florida.
The law on drug use is extremely complex and has the potential to inflict severe punishment, which is why it is imperative that you fully understand your legal rights under Florida law. It is crucial that you do not make any move without proper legal representation following a drug crime. Anything you do may be detrimental to your case, and you will risk putting your future in greater danger than it already is.
The Law Place has over seventy-five years of collective experience when it comes to fighting drug crimes across the State of Florida. We have fought and won hundreds of cases like yours, and we know exactly how we can be of service to you. Our law firm has battled cases, including drug possession, drug trafficking, purchase, sale, and manufacturing of illegal drugs. We have seen and done it all, which is why we will be able to provide high-quality legal representation for your case.
The Law Place has always operated as a team, and we will do everything in our power to reduce the charges and minimize the consequences for your case in Sarasota. We have a dedicated team of criminal defense lawyers who have the necessary skills and expertise to fight for your rights and defend your future – regardless of the details of your crime.
If you choose to be represented by The Law Place, then a criminal defense attorney will start by conducting an investigation, gathering facts and evidence, discussing the case with the prosecution, and developing a strong defense strategy.
Do not delay, and get in touch with The Law Place today. A criminal defense lawyer will be waiting to hear from you.
Contact us now on (941) 444-4444 for a free consultation, and we will fight your purchase of illegal drugs over 10 grams charges together in Sarasota.