An individual who is being charged with possession of illegal drugs over 10 grams will face the toughest penalties in the State of Florida. The law is very strict when it comes to drug crimes, and it does not tolerate Sarasota drug offenders.
A list of drug crimes includes possession, purchase, sale, or delivery of controlled substances – whether illegal street drugs or prescription medication. Even a minor charge of drug possession could lead to a lengthy prison sentence, large fines, and probation time in Sarasota. If an individual is convicted of possession of illegal drugs over 10 grams, then they will face the consequences for the rest of their life. The repercussions will affect their personal and professional lives, including being unable to rent or buy a house and restricting any potential employment opportunities.
If you are being accused of possessing illegal drugs over the amount of 10 grams in Sarasota, then you need to get in contact with a Sarasota drug lawyer who can help you to understand your legal rights as soon as possible. The Law Place has over seventy-five years of collective experience when it comes to tackling drug-related crimes, such as manufacturing controlled substances, distributing or selling illegal drugs, drug possession, and many others.
Our law firm is committed to providing the best possible service and representing every client with skill and experience. We have a dedicated team of criminal defense attorneys who will take care of your case and develop a strong defense strategy to contest your Sarasota drug charges. Rest assured that anything you share with us will be kept in confidence under the attorney-client relationship privilege.
Don’t hesitate to get in touch with The Law Place today to set up a free case evaluation, where a criminal defense attorney will discuss the details of your case, walk you through the process of going to court, and offer you honest legal advice.
Contact us now on (941) 444-4444 for a free consultation, and our Sarasota criminal defense lawyers will fight your possession of illegal drugs over 10 grams charge together in Sarasota.
Definition of Illegal Drugs Over 10 Grams in Sarasota, FL.
Florida Statute 893.13 states that a person may not sell, manufacture, or deliver, or possess with intent to sell, manufacture, or deliver, a controlled substance.
Also, a person may not sell or deliver in excess of 10 grams of any substance named or described in Florida Statute 893.03 (Schedule I substances), or any combination or any mixture containing any such substance. A person who violates this statute commits a felony in the first degree.
The penalties for a first-degree felony conviction include receiving a fine of up to $10,000, spending 30 years in prison, and up to 30 years of probation.

Types of Drugs that Are Considered “Controlled Substances” in Sarasota, FL.
There are five schedules for controlled substances that the state and federal governments regulate. Drugs with the highest probability for abuse and addiction with little or no medical value are classed as Schedule I drugs, which include heroin and marijuana, and drugs with the least addictive nature, which have some medical uses, are classed as Schedule V drugs.
There are hundreds of illegal drugs and controlled substances listed in the schedules, which include:
- LSD (“acid”)
- Methamphetamine
- MDMA (molly, ecstasy)
- Heroin
- Synthetic marijuana (“spice” or “K2”)
- Hydrocodone
- Xanax (alprazolam)
- Cocaine
- Cannabis (marijuana)
- Amphetamines (including Adderall)
- Oxycodone
- Flakka
- Bath salts
- Other prescription drugs

Drug Charges in Sarasota, FL.
If you are facing Sarasota drug charges, then you must understand the differences between the different types of charges. These include possession, manufacturing, drug trafficking, distribution, and prescription fraud.
- Possession – This charge depends on whether the drugs that the person possessed are defined as dangerous substances (including PCP or heroin) by the State of Florida and the quantity of the drug.
- Distribution – This charge refers to anyone who has the intention to sell or distribute illegal drugs or controlled substances in the State of Florida.
- Manufacturing – This charge refers to anyone who produces controlled substances or if any manufacturing materials that are commonly used to produce drugs were found on the person or on their property in the State of Florida.
- Drug trafficking – This charge refers to anyone who has the intent to purchase, manufacture, possess, deliver, or sell a large quantity of drugs in the State of Florida.
- Prescription fraud – This charge refers to anyone using a forged or fake prescription in an effort to try and acquire opioids, tranquilizers, or other types of prescription medication, as a way to stock up on legitimate prescriptions at pharmacies in the State of Florida.
The punishments for a Sarasota drug crime will always revolve around the nature, type, and quantity of illegal drugs that the person had in their possession. In this case, it is essential for you to have a criminal defense lawyer on your side to protect your future and your legal rights in the State of Florida. The Law Place is a well-established law firm with the necessary knowledge and experience to battle your drug charges and achieve a reasonable outcome for your case. Contact us now to schedule a free case evaluation, and we will explain how we can help you further.

Types of Penalties for Drug Crimes in Sarasota, FL.
The penalties for possession of illegal drugs over 10 grams will be determined by the type and the quantity of the controlled substances in question and the individual’s unique case. Some of the main factors that will determine the level of penalties you might be facing include the class, quantity, if the drugs were intended for sale or personal use, and if you have any prior convictions or offenses on your criminal record. However, it is likely that you will be up against hefty fines, prison time, and probation at least.
An act of possessing more than 10 grams of any type of controlled substance in Schedule I will lead to a first-degree felony charge. The penalties include receiving a fine of up to $10,000 and facing a 30-year prison sentence. However, you could be charged with a third-degree felony if you are caught in possession of any other controlled substances. The penalties include facing a 5-year prison sentence and receiving a fine of up to $5,000.
It is considered illegal to have the intent to sell, purchase, possess, manufacture, transport, or deliver a controlled substance under Florida law. The class and quantity of drugs will be the determining factor for the drug trafficking charge.
- First-degree misdemeanor – If you are caught in possession of up to 20 grams of marijuana, then you will be charged with a first-degree misdemeanor. The penalties include paying a fine of up to $1,000 and facing one year in jail.
- Third-degree felony – If you are caught in possession of meth, heroin, cocaine, and other illegal drugs as listed by Florida law, then you will be charged with a third-degree felony. The penalties include paying a fine of up to $5,000 and facing up to five years in prison.
- Second-degree felony – If you are caught in possession of chemicals that are commonly utilized to produce illegal drugs (including ecstasy or meth), then you will be charged with a second-degree felony. The penalties include paying a fine of up to $10,000 and facing up to fifteen years in prison.
- First-degree felony – If you are caught in possession of more than 10 grams of heroin or other illegal drugs, then you will be charged with a first-degree felony. The penalties include paying a fine of up to $10,000 and facing up to thirty years in prison.

Defending Your Charges of Possession of a Controlled Substance in Sarasota, FL.
If you are being charged with possession of illegal drugs over 10 grams, then you will need a reputable law firm to manage your case and fight for your rights in Sarasota. The Law Place specializes in helping clients all over the State of Florida to beat their drug charges.
It is important that you call us as soon as possible. This way, we can start to work on your case and negotiate with the prosecutor during the early stages of your case, which will help us agree on a more lenient solution to your case. A criminal defense lawyer will be able to conduct an investigation and develop a strong defense strategy based on:
- Whether there was a valid prescription for the controlled substance found in your possession.
- Whether there was a valid reason for the police officer to stop you on the road.
- Whether your Constitutional Rights were violated.
- Whether the police officer adhered to proper protocol according to the law.
If you get in touch with a skilled lawyer from The Law Place, they will be able to take the right steps in order to have your drug charges reduced or even dismissed by the court in the State of Florida. Contact us now to schedule a free consultation, and a criminal defense lawyer will fight to protect your future and your legal rights
Contact The Law Place Today
If you are facing drug possession charges in Sarasota, then you will need to get in touch with a reputable law firm as soon as possible. Drug crimes are very serious matters, and you will need the best criminal defense lawyer to represent you in court to fight for your rights.
The Law Place has over seventy-five years of combined experience in fighting drug crimes for clients all over the State of Florida – whether it is drug possession, manufacturing, distributing, trafficking, or anything else. We have a dedicated team of criminal defense lawyers who are committed to working tirelessly to achieve the best possible outcome for the cases of each and every client in Sarasota.
If you are looking for the finest legal advice in town, then you have come to the right place- The Law Place. Call our office today to schedule a free case evaluation. During which a lawyer will talk about the facts of your case, explain how we can be of service, and offer you honest legal advice.
Contact us now on (941) 444-4444 for a free consultation, and we will fight your possession of illegal drugs over 10 grams charge together in Sarasota.