Florida Statute Section 893.135(1)(d)
If you are charged with Trafficking in Phencyclidine, under Florida Statute, Section 893.135(1)(d), you have knowingly sold, purchased, manufactured, delivered, brought into the state, or had actual or constructive possession of 28 grams or more of the drug Phencyclidine, or any mixture containing Phencyclidine. You will be charged with a first-degree felony for Trafficking in Phencyclidine. In such situations, you should contact a Sarasota criminal defense lawyer immediately. However, your punishment will depend on the amount of the drug you are found with:
Punishment for Tracking Phencyclidine
- If you are found with at least 28 grams of Phencyclidine, but less than 200 grams of the drug, if convicted of the offense you will be sentenced to a mandatory minimum of three years in prison, and a fine of $50,000. You could spend as much as thirty years in prison.
- If you are found with at least 200 grams of Phencyclidine, but less than 400 grams of the drug, if convicted of the offense you will be sentenced to a mandatory minimum of seven years in prison, and a fine of $100,000.
- If you are found with at least 400 grams or more of Phencyclidine, if convicted of the offense you will be sentenced to a mandatory minimum of fifteen years in prison, and a fine of $250,000.
- If you are found bringing at least 800 grams or more of Phencyclidine into the state of Florida, or any mixture containing Phencyclidine, and you are aware that the probable result of such a quantity of drugs could be the death of another person, you have committed a capital felony, and could be sentenced to life in prison without parole or even possibly death.
Defenses to the Crime of Trafficking in Phencyclidine
If you are charged with the crime of Trafficking in Phencyclidine, your attorney will determine the best defense on your behalf, depending on the circumstances and facts surrounding your arrest. The following defenses could be applicable in your particular situation:
- There was no probable cause for the police to conduct a search of your person, your vehicle or your home;
- You happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, and are not guilty of the charges against you;
- There was no valid warrant in place when the police searched your home or vehicle;
- You were unaware of the presence of drugs; or
- You are the victim of entrapment by law enforcement.

How Criminal Defense Attorneys at The Law Place Attorneys can help you
If you have been charged with Trafficking in Phencyclidine, you must take these charges very seriously. If convicted, you could spend many years in prison and be sentenced to huge fines. Once out of prison, you will still face consequences from your conviction for Trafficking in Phencyclidine in the form of difficulty finding a job or a home to rent, difficulty obtaining a professional license and an inability obtaining a government student loan. Serious criminal offenses such as drug trafficking are fully prosecuted to the extent possible in the state of Florida, so don’t minimize the serious nature of your charges. For all these reasons, it is imperative that you contact an experienced criminal defense attorney in Sarasota from The Law Place immediately. Call 941-444-4444 today for a FREE consultation.