Florida Statute, Section 893.135(1)(c)4 and 893.135(1)(c)5
If you have been charged with Trafficking in Morphine, Opium, Oxycodone, Hydrocodone, Hydromorphone or Heroin, Specific Substance Alleged, under Florida Statute, Section 893.135(1)(c)4 and 893.135(1)(c)5, you are being charged with knowingly selling, purchasing, manufacturing, delivering or bringing into the state of Florida, or knowingly in actual or constructive possession of 30 kilograms or more of any morphine, opium, oxycodone, hydrocodone, hydromorphone, or and derivative thereof, including heroin (or any mixture containing one of those substances). If you are charged with this offense, you are facing a first-degree felony in the state of Florida. Call us today at (888) 346-9392 and receive a free consultation with a highly experienced Sarasota criminal defense lawyer.
Penalties Associated with Trafficking in Morphine, Opium, Oxycodone, Hydrocodone, Hydromorphone or Heroin, Specific Substance Alleged
If you are convicted for the first-degree felony of trafficking in illegal drugs under this statute, your punishment is life in prison, with no eligibility for early release, other than a pardon, executive clemency, or a conditional medical release. If, however, you are not only convicted of drug trafficking, but the court also determines that you intentionally killed another person, caused the intentional killing of another person, or that your conduct led to a natural, though not inevitable, lethal result, you will be convicted of a capital felony, punishable by the death penalty, or by life in prison and will also face the maximum fine allowed.
If you knowingly bring 60 kilograms or more of morphine, opium, oxycodone, hydrocodone, hydromorphone, or any derivative, including heroin, or 60 kilograms or more of any mixture containing one of these substances, with the knowledge that the importation of this amount of drugs would be the death of a person, has committed a capital felony, punishable by death or life in prison.

Defenses to Trafficking in Morphine, Opium, Oxycodone, Hydrocodone, Hydromorphone or Heroin, Specific Substance Alleged
Drug trafficking charges are among the most serious of all drug crimes, as a conviction can result in extremely harsh sentences. If you are arrested for drug trafficking, your attorney will build a defense on your behalf based on the circumstances and facts surrounding your arrest, however below are some of the more common defenses available to those charged with drug trafficking:
- You were the victim of entrapment (this is a defense that rarely works, however if you were obviously “set up” and you did something you would never have done otherwise as a result of an undercover police officer, your attorney may be able to show entrapment);
- You were the victim of unlawful police actions;
- The amount of the drug you are being charged with is not accurate; or
- You were the victim of an unlawful search and seizure.

Getting the criminal defense you need from The Law Place
If you have been arrested for Trafficking in Morphine, Opium, Oxycodone, Hydrocodone, Hydromorphone or Heroin, Specific Substance Alleged, it is extremely important that you contact an attorney from The Law Place as soon as possible. The penalties for trafficking in drugs in the state of Florida are extremely harsh, and require an experienced, knowledgeable Florida criminal defense attorney to protect your future and your rights. Contact an attorney from The Law Place who will build a strong defense on your behalf, starting from the moment you retain him or her. Call 941-444-4444 today for a FREE consultation.