Dangerous dogs on the loose threaten everyone, from young children to adults. Fortunately, in Sarasota, Florida, dog owners may be held responsible for their dog’s actions if they cause harm. An experienced Sarasota Dog Bite Lawyer can offer you a free consultation regarding your potential dog bite injury claim. The strict liability laws for dog owners make them liable for unprovoked dog bites and attacks.
If you or someone you love has been seriously injured due to a dog bite or attack, you may be able to seek monetary compensation for your injuries from the dog’s owner. This can include compensation for medical bills, loss of income, and other damages caused by a dog attack injury. An experienced Sarasota personal injury lawyer understands how to ensure your rights are protected and is your best option if you have been injured due to a dog bite or dog attack.
At The Law Place, we deal with dog bite insurance claims all the time. We can support you in getting the compensation that you deserve for dog bites of any degree. If you live in the Sarasota County or anywhere else in Florida, and have been injured by a dog bite, please contact us at any time.
Types of Dog Bite Injuries
One severe bite from a dog can cause serious injury. In dog attacks, a victim may sustain several bites. These attacks can result in many different types of injuries that can have a large impact on the victim’s life and incur expensive medical bills. These include:
- Tearing of skin, tissue, and muscle.
- Fractured bones.
- Infection and infectious diseases.
- Disfiguring scarring/emotional trauma.
- Death.

The Law in Sarasota, Florida
Strict liability laws regarding dog bites, means that dog owners are liable for dog attacks, even if the dog has not been aggressive in the past. Contact our experienced Sarasota dog bite lawyers now for advice about your potential dog bite injury claim.
Florida Statute 767.04 details when an owner is liable for dog bite injuries in the state of Florida. Even if it is the first time the dog has bitten anyone, the dog owner may still be responsible. This is true whether the dog attack occurs on public property or on the dog owner’s property. There are only a few circumstances where the dog owner may not be completely liable for a dog bite injury:
- If the dog was provoked, liability might be split if the person bit was negligent or provoked the bite.
- The victim was illegally on the dog owner’s property when the attack occurred.
- The dog owner had posted warning signs, including the words “bad dog,” unless the victim was under six years of age.
In most cases, dog bites on public property in Florida that cause an injury will result in the dog’s owner being liable for the injury. It is important to have an experienced Sarasota dog bite lawyer working on your case if you are seriously injured in a dog attack. Sarasota personal injury lawyer will fight for your right to compensation for your pain and suffering. You can begin the process by requesting a free consultation.

Time Limits on Filing Suits
Florida victims ordinarily must file dog bite claims and lawsuits within four years of the date of which the dog bite victim sustained the injuries according to Florida Statue 95.11. In most cases, with some limited exceptions, a dog bite victim in Florida who does not make a claim with a personal injury attorney or file suit within that time period will forever lose the right to file suit. Contact an attorney for a free consultation before it is too late!

Steps to Take After a Dog Bite
Identify the Dog and Its Owner
Immediately identify the owner of the dog or the person who had custody of the dog when it attacked you. Obtain the names and addresses. Obtain the names and addresses and request proof of rabies vaccination. If this information cannot be obtained, you may be forced to undergo a series of rabies shots, which are expensive.
Seek Medical Care
Depending upon the severity of the bite, contact first responders (9-1-1) for immediate medical attention or have someone drive you to emergency care. Always seek professional medical treatment after being bitten or attacked.
File a Dog Bite Report
After you’ve been medically treated, even if the injury was minor, file a report with the proper city or county authorities. Legally documenting your case also helps the next victim, who may be bitten or attacked by the same dog, as explained by DogsBite.org. Without a paper trail, authorities cannot enforce effectively.
Photograph Your Injuries
Take photos of your injuries, even if you need to unwrap gauze. Confer with a doctor or nurse as needed. They will tell you a safe manner in which to do so. It is also recommended that you photograph the location of the attack and all of your wounds, including bruises, as well as all torn, bloody clothing. Your lawyer can use these to help support your case.
Gather More Information
After identifying the dog and its owner, find out more. Obtain the pet license information and any records pertaining to its previous history. Has the animal bitten or attacked a person or animal prior to biting you? Has the dog been legally designated “potentially dangerous” or “dangerous” by the authorities in Sarasota? These are important facts to establish for any case which your lawyer will need to determine.
Begin a Journal
If you seek medical compensation for your injury, start a journal as soon as you can. Spend a little time each day recording your thoughts for the few first weeks after the attack. A case can often take several years to complete. Anticipate keeping this journal every week over the course of this time, your lawyer will find this very useful in your case.
Contact an Attorney for a Free Consultation
Contact an attorney right away for a free consultation. The legal issues surrounding dog bites are always complex and difficult to navigate through. Your lawyer is the only person besides the medical doctor who treats your injuries that will look after your best interest from this point forward. You should always be offered a free consultation in the first instance before you proceed with a case.

sarasota dog bite lawyer, FAQ
What should dog bite victims do immediately after a dog bite incident in Sarasota?
Dog bite victims should seek medical attention immediately, regardless of the severity of the bite. Documenting the injury and gathering witness testimonies can also be beneficial when pursuing a legal claim.
How can a Sarasota dog bite attorney assist me?
A Sarasota dog bite attorney can guide you through the legal processes, ensuring that you understand your rights and the potential compensation you can receive. They will collect evidence, negotiate with insurance companies, and, if necessary, represent you in court.
Are all dog bite cases treated the same under Florida law?
No, Florida law takes into account various factors in dog bite cases, such as the dog’s history, whether the victim provoked the dog, and where the bite occurred. An attorney can provide insights specific to your situation.
How long do I have to file a dog bite case in Sarasota?
Florida law provides a statute of limitations for personal injury cases, including dog bites. It’s essential to consult with Sarasota dog bite attorneys promptly to ensure your claim is filed within the legal timeframe.
If a dog has never bitten anyone before, can the owner still be held liable?
Yes, under Florida law, a dog owner can be held liable if their dog bites someone, even if the dog has never shown aggressive tendencies before or bitten anyone.
Apart from dog bites, can I seek compensation for other animal attacks?
Yes, while dogs are the most common culprits, Sarasota dog bite attorneys also handle cases involving other animal attacks. Each case will have unique circumstances that will determine the potential for compensation.
How do I know if I have a valid dog bite case?
Determining the validity of a dog bite case can be complex, involving multiple factors such as provocation, location of the attack, and the dog’s history. It’s best to consult with a Sarasota dog bite attorney to assess the merits of your specific situation.
Get in Touch for a Free Consultation Today!
At The Law Place in Sarasota, FL, our lawyers can offer free advice about your legal rights and whether or not you have an injury claim. Contact our team to schedule a free consultation.
We will listen and give you free legal advice on how to proceed. If we handle your dog attack lawsuit, we will work tirelessly to obtain the maximum compensation and restitution for your injury case.