Running a red light or a stop sign is one of the most common traffic offenses in Florida. They are also a big cause of car accident and personal injury cases. These accidents can lead to some serious injuries, and it shouldn’t be down to you to pay for your losses if it wasn’t your fault.
There are a huge number of different factors that come into play when it comes to car accidents. Sometimes running a red light in Florida is a genuine mistake, and sometimes the accident is caused by drivers being under the influence or texting while driving.
Running a stop sign or red light can lead to some horrific injuries as people expect a driver to stop when they get to one. Every day in the Sarasota area, careless drivers run stop signs and put themselves and everyone else involved in danger.
What these people are doing is illegal, and if you have received injuries as a result of these careless drivers, you should contact a reputable Sarasota, FL law firm, like The Law Place, for a free consultation. A Sarasota car accident lawyer will help you seek compensation for the damages you have received as a result of someone else’s carelessness in Florida. Call The Law Place on 941-444-4444 today to get the ball rolling.
The Dangers of Car Accidents Caused by Running Stop Signs
Running a stop sign can lead to a side-on collision, which is one of the worst types of car accidents for causing injuries due to the angles involved.
Every single year, drivers running stop signs contribute to thousands upon thousands of car collisions and pedestrian injuries in Florida.
Some of the common injuries seen in accidents caused by ignoring a stop signal include:
- Broken Bones.
- Death.
- Physical disfigurement.
- Internal injuries.
- Traumatic brain injuries.

What Will a Personal Injury Lawyer Do for me?
A Sarasota personal injury lawyer will fight for your right to compensation after your traffic accident. Contact us for a free consultation where we will tell you what we can do for you. Here are the steps we take to help you:
- Firstly, we will call you in for a free consultation. During this free consultation, your lawyer will ask some simple questions about your accident to get a good idea of what happened. They will then give you some free no-strings-attached, unbiased advice.
- After this point, if you decide to proceed, your lawyer will take over all of the liaising with other parties. They will deal with all of your paperwork and will fight for the highest possible compensation that could be available to you.
- If you decide to continue with representation from The Law Place, we will begin by negotiating for an out of court settlement. If the other party does not accept their fault in running a stop sign or red light, they might not offer a settlement at this point.
- If this is the case, we will then proceed to the trial phase, using the case we have built for you to convince a judge and jury that you are deserving of the compensation you are asking for.
- Your lawyer will do their own investigation, speaking to first responders, the police, and all witnesses to build up evidence on what happened.

Get Help From The Law Place today!
Here at The Law Place, we have been offering free consultation services and dealing with cases just like yours in the Sarasota area for over 75 years collectively. We are not afraid to stand up to insurance companies that want to play hardball, and we always do what we believe is in your best interests.
With the right legal support behind you, you have a greater chance of seeking a successful compensation outcome for your incident. From the free consultation phase all the way to the trial phase, you will be well looked after.
Your Sarasota car accident lawyer knows how to deal with the insurance companies that want to reduce their liability and are not afraid to send their aggressive legal teams to do so. The best way to protect your interests is to hire a reputable law firm.
Phone The Law Place today on 941-444-4444. Our phone lines are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, so you can call us at a time that suits you.