Sarasota is a part of Florida that has the unfortunate accolade of having an unusually large number of boating accidents. However, across the whole of the State of Florida, boating accidents are not an uncommon occurrence. This is because Florida boasts over a million registered water vessels, and each of these million vessels represents a boat accident risk. When we consider the additional number of potentially unregistered vessels, this figure of a million becomes even higher.
We provide a complimentary consultation with a seasoned Sarasota personal injury lawyer without any obligations, and our lines are open 24/7. Don’t allow another person’s error to devastate your life.
Maritime accidents can happen in a large number of ways, with a large range of consequences possible. There are many types of watercraft, from speed boats, jet skis, tourist watercraft, or various different types of fishing vessels. Each of these carries a unique set of risks and possible damages.
Boating accidents can happen in a large number of ways. You may suffer from a slip and fall and enter the water. You may be hit by a boat demonstrating excessive speed, which can cause substantial damage due to the outboard motors present on a personal watercraft. Additionally, waterways in Florida get a lot of tourists – this means that the risk of someone operating a boat while intoxicated increases dramatically.
Florida, as a state, actually has the highest rate of boat accidents in the US today. Every year, many people are injured in boating accidents as victims of the negligence of boat operators. However, fortunately, as these cases are common in Florida, The Law Place in Sarasota has a wealth of experience accumulated in boat-related personal injury cases. We can offer you the best chance to recover compensation that is appropriate to your level of injury, pain, and suffering, or complications as a result of your boat accident.
If you or a loved one has been involved in a Sarasota boating accident in the past four years, you should get in contact with a Sarasota personal injury lawyer from The Law Place to ensure that you stand the best chance of receiving the maximum amount of compensation that you deserve for your injuries and complications.
The personal injury attorneys at The Law Place in Sarasota have over 75 years of experience fighting for the rights of victims of various types of negligence, including those involved in a jet ski or boat accident. We can also offer you a free consultation over the phone and our office policy of manning the telephone lines 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, means that you can call for help whenever it is most convenient for you. Every call will be at no obligation, and any details you disclose will be protected by the attorney-client relationship.
What Are the Most Common Ways Sarasota Boating Accidents Happen?
Just like the roads of America, the waterways are also protected by several specific maritime laws designed to minimize the risk of negligence and injuries. However, it is common that people do not take maritime laws as seriously as land-based laws. Additionally, many people do not know the specifics of the laws and, as such, may unknowingly demonstrate recklessness or negligence that can result in a boating accident.
The following is a list of common situations that result in a personal injury case on the water:
The are many types of vessels on the waterways of Florida that are capable of excessive speed. From speed boats to jet skis, many of these vessels may cause substantial injuries if driven recklessly. Operators driving at an unsafe speed are much more likely to lose control of their boat and crash or even collide with another person swimming in the waterway.
Boating Under The Influence
Just like driving, it is illegal for a boater to operate their maritime vessel while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Boat intoxication laws are covered in Florida Statute 327.35, which lays out the legal limits for intoxication while boating.
The average person may not realize the amount of experience they need to operate a boat in a safe manner. Inexperience leads to many boat accidents in Florida, as tourists will attempt to operate a boat without any prior experience or training. This makes a boating accident and its attendant risks of personal injury much more likely.
Adverse Conditions
The weather in Florida, while often hot, is not always favorable for a safe boating environment. Additionally, water vehicles are at much higher risk from the elements. High-speed winds and heavy amounts of rain make the water a much more dangerous environment and increase the risk of accidents and boating accident injuries. Another thing to consider is the fact that if anyone should get thrown from the boat, the water itself is much more dangerous in times of adverse conditions.
There is a duty of care a boater has to the people on their boat and around them. They must ensure that their boat is safe and without damage or neglect. An overloaded or poorly maintained boat is a common way for someone to become injured.
This list is non-exhaustive. There are many ways in which victims of a boating accident can become injured or incur property damage. Whatever the details in your specific case, call our law firm for more information on the specifics of your case. The Law Place in Florida is well accustomed to personal injury law, and once you schedule a free consultation, you will be well on your way to maximizing the amount of compensation possible for your injury case.

The Different Types of Boating Accident
Any Sarasota boating accident lawyer will have seen a number of different boat accident situations that were responsible for personal injuries.
These include:
- Falling overboard.
- Drowning or partially drowning.
- Propeller injury cases.
- Accidents due to faulty boater equipment.
- Slips and falls onboard the vessel. Slipping does not need to result in entering the water for it to be extremely dangerous.
Whatever the specifics of your Florida boating accident, a personal injury lawyer from The Law Place can help you in your case. Contact us for a free case evaluation today and let the accident attorneys at our office talk you through the legal process of maximizing your compensation.

Common Injuries Sustained as a Result of a Boat Accident
The following is a list of common boat accident injuries:
- Abrasions, lacerations, and other impact injuries.
- Breakage or fracturing of the bones. This can be extremely serious if the spine is damaged or the victim receives a bad fracture that could damage their mobility for life.
- Amputation or dismemberment by fast-moving propeller blades.
- Traumatic brain injuries, which may result in life-long complications such as brain damage.
- There are also non-physical injuries possible from boat accidents. It is possible that you may be suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety, or have had your sleep disrupted by flashbacks of the accident.
- It is also far too common that boat accidents can result in an actual loss of human life.

What Damages Can the Lawyers at Our Law Firm Help You to Claim in a Boating Injury Case?
Our law firm understands that a boating accident can have a severe impact on the rest of your life. Luckily, there are several legal avenues for seeking various types of compensation in these types of personal injury cases.
The lawyers at our firm can help to claim for one or more of the following things:
- Medical expenses.
- Lost wages as a result of the recovery process.
- Compensation for property damage.
- Pain and suffering.
- Compensation for any wrongful death incurred in your boating accident case.
The best way to find out which of these legal avenues of compensation apply to your case is to call one of the attorneys at our office today. Our phone lines are open 24 hours a day, every day.

Wrongful Death in a Sarasota Boating Accident
In cases involving the unfortunate loss of a loved one in such circumstances, families might have grounds to file a wrongful death lawsuit. Pursuing a boating accident claim is distinctly different from other types of personal injury cases. The waterways, the dynamics of boat collisions, and maritime laws add layers of complexity to these claims.
That’s where boating accident reconstruction experts play a pivotal role. They delve deep into the evidence, analyzing factors like boat speeds, collision dynamics, water conditions, and operator actions to piece together the events leading up to the tragedy. Their insights can be invaluable in corroborating claims and strengthening the foundation of both personal injury lawsuit and wrongful death cases.
For families grappling with the loss of a loved one, understanding the intricacies of a boating accident claim can be overwhelming. Yet, it’s essential to pursue justice and potential compensation for the profound emotional and financial impact that the loss can inflict. With experienced legal guidance and the support of experts, families can navigate the tumultuous waters of a wrongful death lawsuit, seeking accountability and closure after a tragic Sarasota boating accident.
Speak to One of Our Sarasota Boating Accident Lawyers Today
With over a million vessels out there waiting to cause another accident, there has never been a better time to seek representation from an experienced attorney belonging to a reputable law firm like The Law Place.
Our attorneys have 75 years of combined legal experience to bring to your case. We will ensure your legal rights to appropriate compensation are upheld. These rights include being reimbursed appropriately for injuries, pain and suffering, and property damage.
If you have been involved in a boating accident in the last four years, don’t waste another moment. Call our office phone line and book a consultation with one of our lawyers. Our phone lines are open every day, for 24 hours a day. Don’t let the complexities of Florida law or the words of any insurance company put you off seeking your rightful compensation. Speak to an experienced Sarasota boating accident lawyer today in a free case evaluation.