Imagine missing a vacation with your family or friends because you have been banned from visiting certain countries? Or worse, you have to serve time in prison. Unfortunately, this is the reality of having a criminal record. The law does not take kindly to drug crimes and the state of Florida has heavy penalties for those caught delivering a controlled substance with the intent to sell.
Sanctions are even more severe if you are charged with intent to sell the illegal drug you are in possession of. If you are charged with a drug crime in Port Charlotte, FL., it is highly recommended that you seek a criminal defense attorney. If you don’t, you could carry the consequences of a criminal record around you for life. However, using a criminal defense attorney, you could end up with a reduced sentence and a lesser fine or possibly be acquitted of all charges.
At The Law Place, we have a team of expert lawyers versed in all aspects of criminal defense, especially in drug crimes. If you do find yourself in a situation where you have been charged with a drug crime such as the delivery of an illegal substance with intent to sell, don’t panic. Our law firm is here to give you non-judgmental and helpful advice that could see you avoid prison, hefty fines and ultimately secure you your freedom!
For a free case evaluation, give us a call on (941) 444-4444. Then, with nothing to lose and everything to gain, our lawyers are ready to get to work on your case today.
What Are the Different Types of Drug Crimes in Port Charlotte, FL.?
There are various crimes that you can be charged with regarding illegal drugs in Port Charlotte. For specific details on what crimes you could be charged for, you can look up the Florida Statute 893.13. However, they may be a lot to decipher yourself if you have no experience in law.
Play it safe and contact us at The Law Place. We can have an experienced lawyer who knows the Florida statutes in-depth go over your case with you to avoid severe penalties.
Different drug crimes have different sanctions depending on the nature of your offense. Essential factors such as what schedule of drugs you possess, how much you have in your possession, and if you had the intent to sell or not. The location of your drug crime and specific details surrounding your crime could also affect the severity of your punishment.
The most common examples of drug crimes in Port Charlotte are as follows:
- Possession of a controlled substance.
- Possessing a controlled substance with intent to sell, manufacture, or distribute.
- Drug trafficking of a controlled substance.
- Manufacturing a controlled substance.
- Selling a controlled substance.
If you have been charged with any of the following drug crimes, you must contact a criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. A criminal defense attorney will help you make sense of your circumstances, the subsequent penalties you could face, and your legal rights. In addition, defense attorneys know how to best defend you no matter if you have been charged with intent to sell, manufacture or deliver controlled substances.
Florida statutes are adhered to strictly. Whether it be marijuana, cocaine, or any other controlled substance, you must prove your innocence. If you don’t get the right legal help, you will be more likely to face a prison sentence and hefty fines.
Intent to sell can often be a difficult conviction to prove if you have not been caught exchanging drugs. Regardless, you will need the right expertise. If you choose to you’re your charges without legal representation, you will be more likely to face life-ruining consequences, the worst being a prison sentence of up to 30 years. With the right legal advice, you could escape the worse penalties or be acquitted entirely.

What Are Drug Schedules?
A controlled substance, better known as ‘illegal drugs,’ has been made illegal due to its potential harm to users. In Florida, controlled substances have been categorized into five groups known as ‘Schedules.’
Each schedule ranges from drugs with little to no severe harm to users to highly addictive and harmful drugs. All you need to know can be found in the Florida Statute 893.03.
Schedule I
The Schedule One category includes the most harmful and addictive controlled substances. These are considered to have no medical purpose and are illegal in the state of Florida. Drug crime in which someone has tried to sell, manufacture, or deliver illicit drugs in this category will result in the harshest penalties of all five schedules. Controlled substances in this category include:
- Marijuana.
- Heroin.
- LSD (acid).
- Methamphetamine (otherwise known as meth).
Schedule II
Schedule Two substances are also highly addictive. However, often substances in this category are used by medical professionals to treat patients. Examples of these substances include:
- Oxycodon
- Fentanyl
- Adderal
- Methamphetamine
- Hydrocodone
Schedule III
Schedule Three drugs are thought to be less addictive and harmful. However, if misused, they can be detrimental to the person using them. They are often used within medicine in the US.
- Ritalin
- Steroids
- Ketamine
- Codeine provided the dose is under 90 milligrams.
Schedule IV
Schedule Four includes substances used widely in medicine and are often sold as prescription drugs. These supposedly have a much lower risk of addiction and harm than the other drug schedules. These substances, however, are still sold illegally and have the potential to cause damage to someone. The most common of these include:
- Soma
- Xanax
- Darvon
- Valium
- Ambient
Schedule V
Schedule Five substances have the lowest addiction rate and potential for abuse by a user. These drugs are taken by many citizens in the US regularly for medical purposes in the form of prescription drugs and over-the-counter medicines.
If you are caught delivering these drugs even with an intent to sell, you will likely only face a misdemeanor rather than a felony, which carries lower fines and prison sentences (less than 12 months). Substances in this category include:
- Cough medicine
- Lyrica
- Lomita
- Motoren
- Parepectolin

Penalties for Crimes Involving the Delivery of Illegal Drugs With Intent
Penalties for illegal drug delivery with intent to sell will vary depending on the schedule of drug and how much of the substance was found. These are categorized in two ways, a misdemeanor or a felony. The subsequent penalties for these will always be the same in line with Florida Statute 775.083.
Misdemeanors can be either first-degree, second-degree, or third-degree. If you are charged with a first-degree misdemeanor, you could receive up to $1000 in fines and up to one year in prison. If accused of a second or third-degree misdemeanor, you could receive up to $500 in fines.
More serious crimes are classed as felonies. Again, these can be classified as either first-degree, second-degree, or third-degree. These crimes face more severe consequences and are usually the result of many drugs found on your person (generally more than 10 grams) and tend to relate specifically to substances from schedule one.
- A first or second-degree felony could see you paying fines of up to $10,000 and spending up to 30 years in prison.
- A third-degree felony could have you pay as much as $5000 with 15 years in prison.
There are many intricacies when facing a drug charge. Details of your specific case will influence whether you are charged with a misdemeanor or a felony. For example, if you face an accusation of possession and intent to sell, circumstances such as where you were when the crime took place will affect your punishment. For example, if you deliver or sell drugs near a school or a public place where there are children present, you will face harsher punishment.

What is a Confidential Informant?
It may be the case that you have been subject to a “controlled buy” by a confidential informant. Investigators in Port Charlotte have been known to use confidential informants in larger-scale drug-related crimes. This is when someone will go undercover and purchase drugs from you to gain solid evidence in an effort to convict you.
This process is carried out if someone is suspected of the intent to sell a controlled substance. The controlled informant will attempt to purchase an illegal drug. Meanwhile, police officers will record evidence of the sale. They may use hidden cameras or microphones, which can be used as evidence against your case in court.
In a situation like this, you will need a strong defense. The more evidence there is against you, the more likely you are to face devastating consequences. At The Law Place, we have the best defense attorneys in Florida, with each having hundreds of successful cases under their belts. As a result, our law firm is the safest and most reliable choice if you end up in deep waters with the law.

How Can an Attorney Help Me in Port Charlotte, FL.?
If you have been found with a controlled substance in your possession with intent to sell in Port Charlotte, then you will need strong representation. A defense lawyer can work out what defense strategies available to you, and which is most likely to result in a positive outcome. A criminal charge can follow you for the rest of your life, so don’t take unnessesary risks by handling it alone.
The legal system in Florida is complex. Law enforcement teams will have a strong case against you. Therefore, you need a strong defense strategy. At The Law Place, our defense lawyers will conduct thorough investigations into your case using evidence, skill, witnesses, and our knowledge of Florida statutes. Your criminal defense attorney will base your defense around the specific details of your case and specifically search for any misconduct in your case, such as:
- The number of grams of drugs you had in your possession was weighed incorrectly.
- You were the victim of entrapment by law enforcement officers.
- You did not own the illegal drugs that were claimed to be found on your person.
- The controlled substance was identified incorrectly.
- You were misidentified as the person in possession of the controlled substance.
- A warrant was incorrectly issued for your arrest.
For example, it could be that an eyewitness has pointed out a person who looks like you but is, in fact, not you. Or the arresting officers made a mistake themselves when arresting a suspect. This could mean that you- the suspect is innocent.
It is also important to note that federal officers also need to act lawfully when approaching someone they think is delivering illegal drugs with the intent to sell. For example, in Port Charlotte, the police usually need a search warrant to enter a home legally and search for illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia. If any evidence was obtained illegally, then it may be dismissable in court. Again, our firm can offer the best legal advice in these situations.
Don’t let drug charges determine your future. A criminal record could affect your employment opportunities, eligibility for loans and even restrict the countries you can visit. The difference between prison and freedom could rest in your choice to use an attorney. At our law firm, we pride ourselves on our excellent attorney-client relationship and knowledge in helping you avoid serious charges no matter what your situation.
Contact The Law Place Today
A drug charge in Port Charlotte is not to be taken lightly. Not only could it affect you, but it could affect your friends and family too. Drug delivery with intent to sell is a severe charge that law enforcement will try to convict you for it. Luckily, lawyers have the ability and experience needed to get you the best results even when there is a strong case against you.
At The Law Place, our attorneys will assess your case and determine the next best moves to make. Our firm has over 75 years of experience in multiple practice areas of criminal defense, including drug cases.
Whether you have been charged with the intent to sell, manufacture or deliver, our law firm can help you. We can offer a free consultation, and if you would like to discuss your case, our lines are open 24/7. To speak to a highly qualified attorney who puts your freedom first, then schedule a free case evaluation, call today at (941) 444-4444!