Running a stop signal means proceeding through an intersection or crosswalk when the traffic signal is red, including when a driver fails to come to a complete stop. This type of behavior can be extremely dangerous, as it may cause collisions and put pedestrians in danger.
In Florida, running a stop signal is considered a serious offense and can result in hefty fines and penalties. The law on stop signs requires drivers to bring their vehicle to a complete stop, wait two seconds, look in both directions and then move forward.
Having the right Orlando car accident lawyer on your side is essential if you have been involved in a red-light accident. From protecting your rights to filing paperwork and attending court dates, getting help from a qualified Orlando car accident lawyer will make the process smoother and less stressful while maximizing the amount of compensation you could recover.
The Law Place is here to help you with our legal services. We can advise you on all aspects of your personal injury claim, and we work on a no-win, no-fee basis so that you can never be left out of pocket for seeking help.
Call us today to arrange a free consultation at (941)-444-4444.
Causes of Stop Signal Accidents
Stop signals are a major cause of car accidents. Many personal injury claims are based on the negligence of another driver who failed to stop when instructed. Driving through a stop signal at speed can lead to severe injuries, property damage, and lasting consequences.
Some of the common causes of stop signal accidents include:
Running a Red Light
Running a red light or not coming to a complete stop at stop signals are common causes of accidents. This can occur when drivers fail to notice the traffic signal turning from green to red or when they misjudge the time remaining before their vehicle enters the intersection.
Orlando car accidents caused by running red lights often involve other vehicles and pedestrians, resulting in property damage and serious personal injury.
Failing to Yield Right of Way
Drivers failing to yield the right-of-way to other vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians at intersections is another major cause of stop signal accidents.
These incidents can occur when a driver fails to make eye contact with the driver or cyclist in front of them, doesn’t recognize that it is their turn at the intersection, or does not slow down when approaching an intersection. This often leads to collisions, resulting in severe injuries or loss of life.
Driver distractions, including cell phone use and other forms of electronic device use, can be another major contributor to stop signal accidents. Other possible distractions include in-car technologies or becoming distracted by passengers in the car.
When distracted, the driver may not notice traffic signals changing or other vehicles entering the intersection, which can cause serious collisions. Drivers should always pay attention to the road when operating a vehicle and avoid any activities that could distract them from driving.
A lapse of concentration for just a second is all it takes to cause a crash and be found liable for negligence by an accident lawyer.
Impaired Driving
Impaired driving due to drinking alcohol or taking drugs can be a major factor in stop-signal accidents. Alcohol and drugs can impair motor skills, reaction time, and decision-making, which can drastically increase the chance of a car accident.
Drivers should never operate a vehicle if they are under the influence of any substance, and they should always ensure that they are alert and aware before starting their journey. Sometimes, elderly drivers may suffer from impaired driving if they are taking medication prescribed by their doctor. This can affect judgment and awareness, which can lead to an accident.
Road Conditions
Poor road conditions, including potholes, debris in the roadway, or inadequate signage, can also lead to stop signal accidents. Drivers may be unable to slow down in time or take appropriate evasive action if they encounter any impediments to safe driving.
It is important that all roadways are properly maintained and clearly marked to ensure the safety of everyone on the road. In some car accident cases, a government entity may also be liable for the accident as well as the negligent driver.

Risks of Running a Stop Signal
Failing to stop when instructed by a signal doesn’t just put other motorists at risk. Many accidents are caused by drivers colliding with pedestrians or cyclists due to inattention or disregarding traffic rules.
Injuries from a stop signal accident can include the following:
Broken Bones
If you have been the victim of a car accident, you may have suffered broken bones due to the force of the impact. Breaks or fractures can occur after direct contact with another object in the vehicle or by being forcefully thrown against the interior of the vehicle. Bones can also be fractured from being compressed by the weight and speed of an impacting car.
Concussions happen when the head is violently shaken, causing the brain to collide with the inner skull walls. This can cause dizziness, confusion, vision problems, and cognitive impairment. There are also long-term risks associated with concussions, such as memory loss, depression, and anxiety.
Severe traumas such as broken bones, lacerations, and nerve damage can impact mobility, making it difficult or impossible for you to perform everyday tasks.
Severe head injuries, such as traumatic brain injuries, can affect many areas of the body and may leave lasting consequences. There are also higher risks for spinal cord injuries and paralysis when cars do not come to a complete halt at stop signs.
Long-term physical and cognitive disabilities from such accidents can be devastating if you have suffered from them. It can also be traumatic and worrying for your family.
Internal Injury
Colliding with any object at high speed can cause severe internal damage, and this risk is compounded when the body hits an immovable object such as the dashboard or steering wheel. Common internal injuries include broken ribs, punctured lungs, organ damage, and internal bleeding.

Orlando Car Accident Case Step by Step
If you have been the victim of any accident involving a driver running a stop signal, you may be worried about when your injuries will heal or if they never will. Financial problems, rising medical bills, time off work, and the cost implications of your accident can all add to the stress and delay your recovery.
Understanding your options and the process of working with a lawyer can be helpful. Working with an experienced car accident lawyer at The Law Place follows a simple yet effective process:
Step 1 – Free Legal Consultation
To get things started, we encourage you to contact us for a free consultation. This is an initial case review, where we will ask you some questions about your case to gain an understanding of the accident and how it has affected you. Once we have gathered the basic facts, we will provide some honest advice on your next steps.
Step 2 – Case Management
If, after the consultation, you would like us to represent you, your Orlando car accident lawyer will start the process of investigation and case management. This will involve collecting information and building up a complete picture of your case.
Step 3 – Negotiation
Once we have identified the at-fault party in the collision, we will start the process of negotiation. This will take place with the at-fault party’s insurance company and usually involves a lot of back and forth to try and negotiate an acceptable out-of-court settlement. Not all cases will succeed at this stage. Sometimes, the at-fault party will deny all liability. Other times, the insurance company may reject your claim. Or a settlement may be offered, but it is not acceptable.
Step 4 – Personal Injury Lawsuit
While we will do everything possible to avoid your case going to trial, this is sometimes the only option. The case we have built will be strong enough to be presented to a judge and jury.

What to do After an Accident
After a car accident, emotions can be high, and accident victims may be overwhelmed by the situation. It is important to remain calm and take the proper steps in order to protect your rights and ensure that all parties involved are held accountable for their actions.
Some of the steps you can take that will be beneficial if you decide to pursue a claim include the following:
- Seeking medical attention for your injuries, even for minor accidents or injuries sustained.
- Capturing the accident scene through photos and video footage.
- Collecting information from people at the scene who witnessed what happened.
- Keeping a detailed file of all paperwork relating to medical treatment and expenses and any other expenses related to the accident.
- If you need to report the accident to your insurance company, keep the details as vague as possible. Tell them where the accident occurred and who with and simply tell them that your attorney will be in touch. Never let them record a conversation and do not accept a settlement until you have spoken to an attorney.

Potential Damages in a Car Accident Case
The damages that you may be entitled to include economic and non-economic losses. The damages you claim will depend on the specifics of the accident and the extent of your loss.
Medical Treatment
Treatment for your injuries will vary depending on their severity. As well as emergency treatment immediately after the accident, you may need to pay for ongoing doctor visits, procedures, rehabilitation, and other expenses. Your lawyer will be able to assess these losses and determine what an appropriate settlement would be in your case, one that considers both past and future losses.
Lost Wages
The days and weeks after a car accident may require time away from work. The more serious the injuries, the longer the time spent off work. Sometimes, the injuries sustained may be so severe that they prevent you from returning to the career you once had. A successful settlement should include compensation for your lost wages both past and future.
Pain and Suffering
Pain and suffering refer to your non-economic damages such as your physical and emotional pain from the motor vehicle accident. Your quality of life may have declined and you may suffer from ongoing physical ailments. In addition, the trauma of the accident may cause you emotional distress, including fears, anxiety, and phobias.
Your attorney will understand how to evidence your non-economic damages so that your suffering is reflected in your settlement.
Common Stop Sign Accidents
Sometimes running a stop signal is a genuine mistake; other times, it results from reckless driving. Failing to stop when instructed often leads to catastrophic injuries.
Rear End Collision
Failing to stop at a stop sign can lead to a rear-end collision, which is when one vehicle strikes the back of another. This type of accident is often caused by driver negligence, such as not properly seeing the stop sign or taking too long to react when approaching it.
T-Bone Collision
Driving through a stop sign can lead to a t-bone collision. This is where two vehicles collide at perpendicular angles with each other. This type of accident typically occurs when one driver runs the stop sign and crashes into the side of another vehicle.
With little protection on the side of the car, the driver and occupants on the side of impact can suffer serious injuries, depending on the other driver’s speed.
Turn Collisions
A turn-in collision happens when one vehicle turns into the path of another. This type of accident often involves two vehicles turning from opposite directions toward each other, such as when one driver makes a left turn and crosses paths with an oncoming vehicle.
It is usually caused by driver negligence or recklessness, such as not properly scanning for traffic or not stopping in time when approaching the intersection.
Establishing Fault After a Car Accident in Orlando, FL
Your accident lawyer from The Law Place will use a variety of methods to determine fault after a car crash. Generally, your lawyer will examine all available evidence from the crash, including eyewitness accounts, photos, videos, and the police report. The lawyer will also seek out experts to assess the scene if necessary and build a complete picture of the crash and the circumstances leading up to it.
By thoroughly examining these elements and analyzing them together, your lawyer will be able to build a strong case to determine liability for the crash. Even minor accidents require you to identify who is at fault, whether it’s a truck driver, someone drunk driving, or a motorist who caused a collision with oncoming traffic. Sometimes, liability can be attributed to more than one party, but your lawyer will know how to handle this.
Secure No-Win, No-Fee Representation Today
At The Law Place, we offer a free consultation and work on a no-win no-fee basis. We believe that all car accident victims deserve high-quality legal representation, regardless of their financial situation.
We have 75 years of combined experience and will use the skills and resources at our disposal to be your fiercest advocates. We know the tricks insurance companies use to try and shift the blame, and we will be there to counteract their efforts and protect your rights.
It really can make all the difference when you have the right legal team on board. You have peace of mind that your case is being properly managed, and you are in good hands. From the first consultation through negotiation and even trial if needed, we will look after you every step of the way. Our Orlando car accident lawyers are here to fight for you.
Call The Law Place today at (941)-444-4444 to request your free case evaluation with a personal injury lawyer.