Spinal cord injuries are some of the most life-changing injuries that people can suffer. The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis has reported that there are 17,810 new spinal cord injuries every year in the United States of America. This is a devastating number of injuries. A spinal cord injury can result in paralysis and many other complications that are very expensive for victims to live with.
If you or a loved one has suffered a spinal cord injury in North Port, Florida, due to an accident that wasn’t your fault, you should contact a North Port personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. At The Law Place, we have a team of highly skilled spinal cord injury lawyers who may be able to help you in Florida. Our personal injury lawyers have a combined experience of 75 years working in Florida law, helping injury victims just like you. Our spinal cord injury lawyers can help you. Call us today to schedule a free consultation with one of our Florida spinal cord injury lawyers. They will be able to examine your case, answer any questions that you may have, and give you the honest legal advice you may be seeking. Our Florida offices are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so call today for your free consultation at (941) 444-4444.
What Is a Spinal Cord Injury?
A spinal cord injury occurs when the spinal cord is damaged. It is a very serious and traumatic injury that is highly likely to have life-changing and lasting implications for the victim.
If you suffer a spinal cord injury, you may suffer a loss of feeling and no mobility below where the spinal cord injury occurred. This is because the spinal cord is a very important part of the body’s central nervous system. Unfortunately, this means that a person suffering a spinal cord injury will likely be paralyzed. Where the spinal cord injury occurred will determine just how much of the body is paralyzed.
However, not all injuries are serious. The type of injury will depend on the accident, but a lot of the time, victims only suffer bruising to their spinal cords. Regardless of the injury, you suffered in North Port, Florida, you may be entitled to compensation. We would strongly recommend that you get in touch with one of our spinal cord injury attorneys for a free case evaluation to determine whether you may be eligible for compensation.
How Much Is a Spinal Cord Injury Lawsuit Worth?
How much your spinal cord injury case is worth will depend on several factors. A factor that can help determine the cost of our spinal cord injury case will be the severity of your spinal cord injury. A spinal cord injury lawyer at The Law Place will examine all of the effects that your injury has caused on your life when examining your case. We would always advise that you seek the legal guidance and representation of a reputable spinal cord injury lawyer because an insurance company will typically offer you a settlement that will not include your future medical bills for your long-term injury.
The National Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Statistical Center has reported that a spinal cord injury will typically be worth from $350,000 to over $1 million in the first year, with lifetime costs of medical expenses and more exceeding $4.5 million for the most serious spinal cord injuries. This is a ridiculous amount of money, and that is why it is so essential that you contact a spinal cord injury attorney.
Our spinal cord injury attorneys have a vast amount of experience helping people like you recover damages. Make sure you contact us today for a free consultation. One of our personal injury lawyers will begin work investigating your case in Florida. Our law firm frequently helps our clients receive compensation for the following:
- Current and future medical expenses.
- Lost wages and a reduced earning capacity.
- Cost of assistive devices, such as wheelchairs.
- Pain and suffering.
- Physical therapy and nursing care.
- Cost of a vehicle or home modification.
- Cost to hire care for household chores, child care, and more.
What Is the Most Severe Injury to the Spinal Cord?
The bones in the spinal cord are grouped in sections. Damage to the highest of those bones results in the most severe injury. This can mean that damage to the neck can affect respiratory muscles and the ability of the victim to breathe. Damage to the spinal cord lower down can affect nerve and muscle control to the bladder, bowel, and legs. Officials use two terms to define the loss of sensation to body parts as the result of a spinal cord injury:
- Quadriplegia – This is the loss of function in both the arms and legs.
- Paraplegia – This is the loss of function in the legs and lower body of a person.
The extent of the damage caused by your spinal cord injury will determine whether your injury is classified as complete or incomplete:
- A complete injury means that you have no movement or sensation below the level of where the damage occurred.
- An incomplete injury means that you will still have some degree of feeling or movement below where the damage occurred on your spinal cord.
Has Anyone Ever Recovered From a Spinal Cord Injury?
When people suffer spinal cord injuries, their spinal cords will usually swell. This swelling can change every system of the body. Although, sometimes, after days or weeks, when the swelling begins to go down, some people will begin to regain some sensation and mobility.
Often, especially in people who suffer incomplete spinal cord injuries, there will be some recovery of function as late as 18 months after their accident has occurred. There have been a few very rare examples of people who have recovered mobility and sensation years after suffering their injuries. Unfortunately, only very few people who have suffered a spinal cord injury are able to recover all of their functions.
If you or a loved one has suffered a spinal cord injury in North Port, your life may have changed dramatically. These injuries are incredibly traumatic. You should contact a spinal cord injury lawyer as soon as you are able to do so. You should not have to suffer through this alone. If you have suffered this injury through no fault of your own, a spinal cord injury lawyer can help you win the justice you deserve. We are aware that no amount of money could ever remove your trauma, pain, and suffering. However, it can help ease you from some of the stresses you and your family may be experiencing.
Can the Spine of a Person Who Was Injured Be Repaired?
Unfortunately, there is currently no cure for these types of injuries. However, many scientists around the world are very optimistic that advances in research will mean that someday it will be possible to repair injuries to the spinal cord.
However, there are many treatments available for people who have suffered these injuries. There is a wide range of rehabilitation programs out there that help many people who have suffered from these injuries to go on and live productive and independent lives.
What Are the Most Common Causes of Spinal Cord Injuries in North Port, FL?
Every personal injury case is different, and no two cases are the same. This is especially true when it comes to injuries of the spinal cord. A personal injury attorney at our law firm will have dealt with many cases before, and we have discovered that injuries to the spinal cord are usually caused because of the following accidents.
Motor Vehicle Accidents
Motor vehicle accidents, including car accidents and motorcycle accidents, have been the main cause of spinal cord injuries for many years. A car accident can be incredibly serious, and it is no surprise that they often leave victims suffering very severe injuries. If you have suffered an injury in a car accident in Florida, please get in contact with a spinal cord injury attorney today for a free case evaluation. One of our attorneys will be able to help you determine the amount of damages you could be eligible for.
Slip and Falls Accidents
Another very common cause of injuries to the spinal cord is accidental slip and falls. Every year in Florida, people suffer these accidents following the negligence of another person. A lawyer will need to prove the negligence of the property owner where the accident took place if they wish to receive the maximum settlement for their client. When the duty of care of a property owner is breached, and this breach caused injuries, they are at fault. A slip and fall accident can be incredibly traumatic and leave you with a life-altering injury. Let us help you get the settlement that you truly deserve from the insurance companies.
Violent Acts
The third most common cause of injuries to the spinal cord in Florida is violent acts. These are often caused by gunshot wounds, stabbings, and assault. These acts are unacceptable, and if you are the victim of one of these attacks, you will likely be eligible for compensation to cover your medical expenses. Injury due to a violent act is incredibly serious, and if you are the victim of one of these acts, we would strongly advise that you contact your local law enforcement officers.
How Can a Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer Help You?
At The Law Place, we are committed to helping our clients win the justice that they deserve for their personal injury cases. We will work as hard as we can to ensure that you receive a fair settlement or a large enough verdict from a court jury for you to be able to afford care for yourself or your loved one. Call today at one of our Florida offices to speak to a reputable personal injury lawyer. Spinal cord injuries are very severe and can include medical bills worth thousands, if not millions, of dollars. Our lawyers are experienced at working with injury law in Florida and will have all the necessary skills to fight for your justice.
One of our personal injury lawyers will investigate all of the facts surrounding your accident case. We will evaluate your chances of success and give you some honest legal advice concerning the best legal options available to you and your case.
Contact The Law Place Today!
If you or a member of your family has been the victim of an unfortunate accident through no fault of their own, you should not waste another second. Contact us today at The Law Place to begin your journey in achieving the justice that you deserve. These types of injuries can be very traumatic, destressing, and life-altering. You and your family should not have to suffer alone through all of this.
At The Law Place, we want to help you. An attorney-client relationship with our firm is one of immense loyalty and commitment. You can rely on us to give you all the help and legal advice that you need.
If you are suffering because of an injury caused through no fault of your own in North Port, Florida, don’t waste another second. We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to listen to your call. Call us now at (941) 444-4444.