No matter how careful you are as a driver, car accidents can happen at any time and cause extensive emotional, physical, and economic damage. Car crashes and severe injuries are unfortunately very common in Florida, where 3,183 traffic fatalities were recorded by the National Highway Safety Administration in 2017 alone.
Rollover accidents are a particularly dangerous type of car accident that often lead to serious injury, and in some cases, even death. Rollover accidents, as with all types of motor accidents, can happen for a number of reasons. It could have been the result of a driver’s mistake, defective vehicle design or tires, a collision with another driver, or dangerous road conditions.
Whatever the circumstances of the event, if you were involved in a rollover car accident in North Port, Florida, we highly recommend that you seek legal representation from a North Port car accident lawyers. This will give you the best chance of getting the compensation you deserve for the pain and suffering caused by the accident. For a free, no-obligation case consultation with one of our experienced North Port personal injury lawyer, get in touch with The Law Place today.
Our phone lines are open 24h a day, 7 days a week. Call us today at (941) 444-4444.
What Causes Rollover Accidents?
Rollover accidents can lead to life-changing injuries. For that reason, it’s important to consider what causes this type of accident to hopefully reduce the risk of one occurring. Some of the most common causes of rollover accidents in North Port, Florida are:
- High speed – This is the most common cause of rollover accidents. Speeding plays a part in approximately 40% of all rollover accidents, according to the NHTSA.
- Driver error – For example, if the driver took a turn too sharply and at high speed.
- Vehicle design – Rollovers are more common in certain vehicles, such as SUVs and pickup trucks. This is because they are taller and higher off the ground, meaning that their weight is distributed higher above the road, and they are more prone to tipping over than a lower riding vehicle.
- Road type – Fatal rollovers are most likely to occur on undivided two-way roads or divided roads without barriers. Rollovers are also more common on rural roads than urban roads.
- Road conditions – A common cause of a vehicle rolling over is the vehicle encountering interference as it is slipping, causing it to ‘trip’ and rollover. This interfering object could be, for example, uneven ground, a tree, or a curb.
- Pile-up situation – In a multi-vehicle pile-up incident, the forces involved can cause a car to become airborne and rollover.
Dangers of a Rollover Car Accident
In terms of fatalities, rollover accidents are the single most deadly type of motor accident due to the violent nature of this sort of car crash. According to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FHSMV), almost 5% of all car accidents and 7% of fatalities in Florida in 2009 were caused by rollovers.
As a result of the forces involved in a rollover crash, the driver and passengers can be ejected (partially or fully) from the vehicle. This can lead to life-changing or even life-threatening injuries. Some of the common injuries that can result from a rollover car accident include:
- Broken bones.
- High impact chest injuries.
- Internal injury and bleeding.
- Traumatic brain injuries.
- Wrongful death.
Rollover crashes are very serious. If the crash was the result of another driver’s actions or vehicle deficits, it is important to seek legal representation to fully understand your rights. If you have suffered injuries from a rollover car crash in North Port, Florida, you could be entitled to compensation. Call us today for free legal advice from one of our experienced attorneys.
How to Know if You Have a Rollover Car Accident Case
In a rollover case, it can be difficult to figure out who is to blame and who you should file a lawsuit against. Depending on the specific factors of the situation, there are various parties that could be considered to have played a role in causing the crash.
In rollover cases where there was only one motor vehicle, you can consider whether vehicle design or malfunction could have caused you more harm than you may have otherwise suffered. In this instance, it could be wise to pursue a lawsuit against the vehicle manufacturer. It’s possible that the accident was the result of improperly maintained roads or structures such as barriers. If this is the case, it could be possible for your to file a suit against the entity in charge of maintenance in that area, for example, the Florida Department of Transportation or Public Works Department. However, in certain regions, this type of claim could be barred by sovereign immunity, so this is something worth discussing with your personal injury lawyer before pursuing a lawsuit against the government.
If the accident involved another car, there is the possibility that the crash was caused by negligent driving by another party. Every driver has a duty of care on the road in Florida under Florida Statute 316.208, meaning that they have the moral obligation to ensure the wellbeing and safety of others on the road at all times. If the driving behavior of another vehicle led to the rollover collision, then the victim may be able to seek compensation from the insurance company of the at-fault driver for injuries and damages caused.
Florida’s Comparative Negligence Laws
Florida is a comparative negligence state under Florida Statute 768.81, meaning that in a collision, the share of the blame is considered in a court of law. More than one party can be found to be at fault, and the final court settlement will be calculated as a percentage according to the extent that each involved party is found to be to blame.
If you have been in a rollover motor accident, the best way to find out if it is worth pursuing a lawsuit is to contact an experienced law firm such as ours. Call The Law Place today for free, no-obligation advice that is specific to your case.
What Damages Will an Attorney Help Me to Claim in North Port?
Here at The Law Place, we understand that no amount of money can ever undo the pain and suffering caused by an auto accident. However, if you were not to blame, then you deserve justice and should not be expected to face the costs and consequences alone. Following a rollover car accident, the damage to the vehicle or vehicles involved is usually extensive, and injuries can be extremely severe. This inevitably comes at a great economic expense, which will usually not be covered entirely by your regular insurance.
Insurance Laws in Florida
All drivers in Florida are required to hold insurance coverage with a minimum of $10,000 for personal injury protection (PIP) and $10,000 for property damage. In the case of a claim, the insurance companies must payout 80% of PIP and 60% of property damage up to the driver’s policy limits. However, it is likely that the damages following a rollover accident will exceed this amount and leave you out of pocket.
If you have suffered medical injuries or property damage during a rollover collision, a personal injury lawyer may be able to help you file a claim and recover compensation for the following damages:
- Medical bills following a rollover auto accident can be huge, particularly if it requires surgery, medication, or long-term treatment.
- Lost wages.
- Loss of potential future wages.
- Property damage.
- Pain/suffering includes less tangible losses that are more difficult to calculate, such as emotional suffering.
- Wrongful death.
If you have suffered any of these damages due to a rollover collision in North Port Florida, we can help you to calculate the extent of these damages and their monetary value. This will give you an idea of the amount of compensation you could be owed. Contact us today for free legal advice specific to your case.
What Can The Law Place Do for Me?
At The Law Place, we know that life following an auto accident involving a rollover can be traumatic, and we are here to help you make the process as stress-free as possible and give you your best chance at winning the compensation you deserve.
We recommend that you seek representation from a personal injury attorney as soon as possible. Call us today for a free case consultation with one of our car accident lawyers, where they will go through the details of your case with you, give you legal advice, and help you understand what the next steps would be if you decide to pursue a lawsuit. If you decide to let us represent you, we will take it from there. Your assigned accident attorney will collect evidence relevant to your case, such as witness statements, CCTV footage, and criminal reports.
They will also handle the communication with your insurance company and the insurance company of any other involved parties. This is essential, as insurance companies are known to try to minimize their payouts by various means to maximize profits. This could involve downplaying the extent of your injuries or attempting to put part of the blame for the accident on you. Luckily, our attorneys have a lot of experience in dealing with these sorts of insurance companies and can advise you before you even make the first call to your insurance firm following an auto accident.
We will be with you every step of the way if you decide to file a claim, including if your case goes to trial so that you can focus on your recovery. No one deserves to face the legal system alone, and with legal representation from an experienced personal injury lawyer, you stand your best chance of claiming back maximum compensation for the pain and suffering you endured due to your car accident.
If you have been in a rollover car accident in North Port, Florida that wasn’t your fault, contact one of our car accident lawyers today for a free evaluation of your case, so we can help you figure out how much compensation you could be owed.
We monitor our phone lines 24hrs a day, 7 days a week. Call us today for some no-obligation legal advice at (941) 444-4444.