Road safety is an extremely high priority, and it’s essential to have a clear set of rules governing the use of roads. Traffic signals are an important component of these rules, as they are widely understood by everyone that uses roads, including drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists alike. They make life easier for all that obey traffic guidelines, ensure enforcement of the right of way, and reduce accidents.
If you feel you have a case, our North Port car accident lawyers are available for a free consultation. Here at The Law Place, our legal team can determine the nature of the incident and advise on whether a personal injury attorney is right for your needs. If you or a loved one have endured pain and suffering and face mounting medical bills, you may be entitled to claim compensation, and we are here to help you do so.
Contact us at (941) 444-4444 about your motor vehicle accident, and one of our North Port personal injury lawyers will talk you through the next steps. Phone lines are open 24/7.
Failure to Yield and Understanding the Right of Way in Florida
Right of way is among the most important concepts of traffic safety in Florida and all over the country, and it is not unreasonable to state that anyone using the road, whether in a vehicle, on foot, or on a bicycle, should understand how and when they have the right of way. Many car accidents in the state are caused by negligence, and ignoring the rules can result in a serious incident with another vehicle. Many traffic laws are common sense. If the traffic signals indicate a green light, that person has the right of way. If more than one vehicle arrives as a four-way stop without traffic signals, drivers should give way to the car on their right. Failure to yield can result in an auto accident, and a number of external factors determine the severity of any resulting damages.
If you are unsure about the rules of yielding to other vehicles, you should correct this immediately to avoid a potential accident in the future. Florida Statute 316.123 provides a legal overview of what is expected from drivers in various situations to ensure that they avoid any instances of failure to obey Florida traffic laws.
There is a reason why every new driver has to attend traffic school before they can obtain their driving license. Everything taught by driving instructors is more concerned with keeping drivers and others safe rather than just understanding how to operate a vehicle. An avoidable accident can result in serious injuries and significant medical bills. Even a relatively minor accident can result in a degree of personal injury, not to mention the time it takes to file a police report, contact the insurance company, and potentially hire a law firm and their injury lawyers.

Failure to Obey Traffic Laws in Florida
Sadly, there are drivers out there that fully understand the rules and regulations but choose to ignore traffic signals and other guidelines. Repeatedly failing to obey the rules of the road significantly raises the chances of being involved in a car accident. Unfortunately, these car accidents often involve more than one party, and it is often just one of them that is at fault.
Seemingly minor or harmless infractions can cause a car accident, and even the smallest cases of failure to obey traffic laws can be incredibly dangerous. Consider whether you do any of the following and if you maintain concentration on the road to guard against others doing the same. Likely potential causes of an accident include:
- Negligently blocking an intersection.
- Driving through stop signs or failing to obey traffic signals on a red light.
- Speeding and tailgating, increasing the likelihood of a rear-end incident.
- Driving without the use of turn signals.
- U-turns where not permitted, resulting in the increased likelihood of a car accident involving oncoming traffic.
In cases where you have been involved in a car accident in Florida, and someone else was at fault, you may have a case, especially if personal injury was involved. Our dedicated Florida personal injury lawyers may be able to help. Contact us for a free consultation, where you can schedule a free session with an injury lawyer that can advise on if you may be able to claim compensation for any long-term injuries or other medical issues suffered after your accident.

Why Drivers Might See Fit to Ignore Traffic Signals
We have touched on both intentional and accidental negligence, but it is important to go further in-depth on the reasons why drivers may be at fault for a car accident and why you might require the skills and services of an accident lawyer:
- Frustration – It is impossible to know what else a driver has endured on their journey or what else might be going on in their lives. Frustrated people often think more about themselves and have less care for others in the heat of the moment, and their attention might be elsewhere.
- Lack of awareness – Good driving requires full concentration on the task at hand, but there are numerous things vying for a driver’s attention. Something as simple as changing the radio station or checking a phone notification can result in dangerous consequences, even if the individual concerned had no intention of failing to obey traffic rules.
- Being unaware or inconsiderate of the consequences – The open road is difficult to police effectively. Even in cases where someone may be seen to be breaking the rules, for minor infractions, a busy law enforcement officer may see it as unnecessary to compile a police report due to the time it takes. Some people use the fact that they are unlikely to be caught as a reason to break the rules, but this has no bearing on the chances of causing a car accident.
- Driving under the influence – It goes without saying that driving under the influence is illegal in Florida and in every other state. Driving in an impaired state slows reactions and reduces care and concern for other road users. Injuries caused by drink driving are not looked upon fondly by law enforcement and should be avoided at all costs. If it appears that someone is driving while impaired, it is best to avoid the chance of an accident by keeping a safe distance.
Ultimately, while the laws are there for a reason, they are never optional. If you have a driving license and want to keep it, it is not up to you or any driver to decide what does and does not apply to them. The laws in Florida are strict for road users, but they are there for your own protection, as no one wants to deal with a car accident and the injuries that could potentially stem from it.

Potential Accidents and Injuries as a Result of Failure to Obey Traffic Regulations
Even for those that do not consider law enforcement a deterrent, the risk of a car accident, the resulting injuries, and potential medical care costs should be enough to dissuade any driver from flouting the rules of the road. The most common accident types in Florida include:
- Collisions involving pedestrians – Failing to stop or yield when legally required to can result in collisions with pedestrians that have correctly observed the rules surrounding right of way.
- Head-on and rear-end collisions – When a vehicle enters the path of another or attempts to occupy the same space from the rear, there is usually only one outcome.
- Side-on collisions – Failure to yield at any kind of intersection without right of way is an open invitation for another vehicle to approach from the side.
Some of the most common injuries suffered in accidents are:
- Spinal cord injuries – The seated position while driving and the subsequent impact can combine to damage the spine, which may limit mobility and lead to further medical issues down the line.
- Head and brain trauma – The head and brain are particularly open to impact injuries while driving.
- Broken bones – The impact injuries caused in a car accident can put the entire body at risk of injury. Most collisions involve such force that there is a strong likelihood of broken bones.
If you have suffered any of these injuries in your car in Florida or even something minor that warranted a police report, we encourage you to seek out specialist legal advice. Call us today for free legal insight into what options might be available to you.

Claiming Compensation Following a Road Accident
Any car accident that results in damage or injury may be eligible for compensation. Most reputable firms are willing to discuss a case and its validity with no obligation on the part of the injured party. If you are unsure of whether an accident that you were involved in may be eligible for compensation, consider whether any of the following apply to you:
- Damage to your vehicle or property – If the incident resulted in damage to your car or anything contained inside, you might be able to reclaim these costs through compensation.
- Medical expenses – If you suffered an injury, illness, or any other medical effects from your accident, you might be able to reclaim any expense already paid and also receive a settlement for future medical expenses.
- Loss of income – If you have been unable to work for any reason following the accident, such as injury, mental health issues, or loss of property, you may be able to claim for any lost earnings in the past, present, and future.
If you have suffered financially in any way due to a road accident, we invite you to call us today to discuss your potential compensation claim.
The Law Place at North Port
We completely understand the stress of being involved in a road accident and appreciate that people suffer not only from the initial shock but also ongoing issues that may affect them mentally, physically, and financially. Our team covers a number of practice areas and will work to put together a case that has the potential to resolve any issues you face.
The last things anyone recovering from an accident should have to worry about are their health, wellbeing, finances, and complex legal procedures. We work on a contingency basis, meaning that there are no up-front payments, and we only our fee if and when your payout has been finalized. We do all we can to ensure that you can quickly go back to life as normal while ensuring that the necessary legal steps are taken.
We strive to collect all relevant information around every case we handle, including the original police report, information from third parties or insurance companies, and anything else that will ensure success in court. We have many decades of legal experience in personal injury claims and are ready to put it all to work on your behalf for the optimal outcome of your claim.
Contact us now on (941) 444-4444 for a no-obligation consultation with one of our experts, where we will immediately begin to build a strong case on your behalf. Phone lines are open 24/7.