In North Port, Florida, the crime of battery is taken very seriously, and the penalties that offenders can expect to face if convicted are severe. If you are caught committing the crime of battery, also referred to as a simple battery, in North Port, you can be charged with either a misdemeanor or a felony. To be charged with battery, the crime has to involve individuals who have never lived together or share biological children. All battery cases in North Port are different and, therefore, the severity of the penalties that an offender can expect to face if they are convicted will depend on the circumstances of their case.
If you are facing battery charges in North Port, Florida, you must seek the legal representation of a reputable North Port criminal defense lawyer. At The Law Place, we have a team of lawyers with over 75 years of combined experience helping clients navigate the laws in Florida. A skilled criminal defense lawyer at our law firm will be able to build you a strong legal defense case to try and get your charges either dropped or reduced.
To be convicted of battery, a person only has to touch an individual against their will. It is easy to see why so many people face Battery charges in North Port every year. Battery charges should be taken seriously, and we strongly recommend that you contact our law firm today to schedule a free consultation. In this meeting, you will be able to ask a reputable criminal defense lawyer with years of experience any questions that you may have. Your lawyer will also be able to give you some honest and unbiased legal advice concerning the best legal options available to you and your case. Don’t hesitate to call us to schedule a free consultation. Call us now at (941) 444-4444.
Definition of Battery
If you are wondering what is meant by battery in North Port, Florida, Florida Statute 784.03 states that the crime of battery involves:
- Intentionally causing harm to another individual.
- Any intentional striking or touching of another individual without their consent or against that individual’s will.
When an offender is caught committing battery against another individual, and there are no aggravating factors or enhancements involved, the crime will likely be referred to as “simple battery” or “misdemeanor battery” in North Port, FL. However, if there are some aggravating factors or enhancements involved, such as domestic violence, serious bodily harm, or the use of a weapon, the charge will likely be much more serious, and the offender will likely encounter more severe penalties.
If you have any further questions concerning how the law in North Port, FL., defines battery, contact us today. In your free consultation, an attorney from The Law Place will be able to answer all of your legal questions and give you all the legal advice you may be seeking. Our law firm is here to help you.

What Are the Differences Between Battery and Assault?
We are often asked by North Port residents what the legal difference between the crimes of battery and assault are. At The Law Place, we have a wide range of practice areas, including battery and assault crimes, so we can answer this question for you.
The difference between the crimes of battery and assault is actually relatively simple. Assault charges in North Port relate to the threat of physical harm. However, battery charges involve the actual infliction of physical harm to other individuals. The severity of the penalties that convicted assault and battery offenders face will depend on several factors. The penalties vary greatly depending on whether the offender is convicted with a misdemeanor or a felony. Some of the charges that offenders can be convicted of include:
- Simple assault – This involves a person threatening another individual with impending violence. Simple assault committed against certain individuals, such as police officers and public servants, can be charged as felonies.
- Aggravated assault – This charge is given to a person who uses weapons or commits a more severe threat. Compared to a simple assault, this is a much more severe charge, and offenders could potentially face third-degree felony charges.
- Simple battery – This involves a person inflicting harm upon another person, usually in some form of physical contact. Most of the time, a person can expect to be charged with a misdemeanor if they are caught committing this crime.
- Aggravated battery – Compared to simple battery, this is a much more serious charge. It is usually given to people who commit more severe forms of physical violence. They may use weapons, for example. This charge is usually classified as a felony in North Port, FL.

Penalties Associated With Battery in North Port, FL.
If you have been caught committing battery in North Port, FL., for the first time, you may be worried about the penalties that you may receive. The likelihood is that you are facing a first-degree misdemeanor charge. If you are convicted in North Port, FL., the penalties that you will likely encounter include:
- A maximum fine of $1,000.
- A jail sentence of up to twelve months in a Florida county jail.
- Twelve months of probation.
If you are anxious knowing that you may be facing time in jail, our law firm would like to reassure you. You won’t necessarily be automatically sentenced to jail because your penalties will depend on many factors. This is because the judge on your case will take into consideration whether you have committed the offense before, have an outstanding criminal record, the strength of the prosecutor’s case, the existence or extent of the injuries that the alleged victim has suffered, the status and preferences of the alleged victim, and whether a reputable criminal defense attorney has presented your case in North Port, FL.
All of these factors will contribute to the penalties that you should expect to receive. Therefore, if you don’t have a prior criminal record and have a reputable criminal defense attorney defending your case, the chances are that you will avoid the most severe punishments. However, this is why it is important to seek the legal aid of a skilled defense attorney from The Law Place with years of experience. A battery lawyer will do all that they can to ensure that your case is either dropped or that you receive the best possible outcome. Don’t hesitate to contact us for a free consultation today. In your free consultation, a battery lawyer will be able to examine your case to determine what the best legal options available to you are.

Possible Defenses for Your Charges of Battery in North Port, FL.
At our law firm, we have an immense amount of experience in a wide range of practice areas, including battery and assault. A battery lawyer at The Law Place will have all the necessary legal knowledge and experience to build a strong legal defense case on your behalf. We have been serving North Port residents for years.
Some of the most common legal defenses that an attorney at our law firm will use to defend their clients and may apply to your case in North Port include:
- The individual was simply acting in self-defense.
- There was a lack of intent on the individual’s part.
- The touching that occurred was purely accidental.
- There is a lack of evidence that the individual even touched the alleged victim in North Port.
- The individual was acting in defense of another person.
- The alleged victim gave their consent and was willing to be touched by the individual.
- The individual was engaged in mutual combat with the alleged victim.

Contact The Law Place Today!
Our law firm is strongly committed to helping all of our clients in North Port escape the worst possible penalties for the crimes they have allegedly committed. A defense attorney at The Law Place will do all that they can to ensure the best possible outcome for their clients and will attempt to get charges dropped or lessened. However, if the prosecutor insists on persecution, an attorney will explore every possible legal avenue to try and minimize the penalties that their client is likely to face.
Don’t hesitate to contact our law firm today for a free consultation. We have a wide range of practice areas and will likely be able to help you in North Port. An attorney at our law office will be available to answer your call 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Our legal team has years of experience, so you can be relieved to know that by seeking the help of a defense attorney from The Law Place, you will be giving yourself the best chance you have of getting your charges dropped.
If you or someone you know are facing Battery charges in North Port, contact an attorney at The Law Place today. Call us now at (941) 444-4444