An accident involving any kind of truck always runs the risk of serious injuries. However, if a fuel truck is involved, then the outcome can be fatal. A fuel truck, also known as a tank truck, is a large motor vehicle designed to carry liquids or gases on the roads. The majority are used to transport gasoline to filling stations. As a result of their size, tank trucks can carry multiple products at once, most being highly flammable. These factors mean that if a tank truck is involved in an accident, it can cause serious injury or wrongful death for not only the tank driver but for any other vehicle involved. The force that occurs in a car accident can cause the tank truck to explode, making it extremely difficult to collect evidence and judge who is at fault.
Truck accidents can cause a high number of damages, such as injury or wrongful death, which can make it extremely difficult to receive an adequate amount of compensation. If you or a loved one has been the victim of an accident involving a tank truck, then we have a Fort Myers truck accident lawyer who can help you on the road to recovery. Contact The Law Place on (941) 444-4444 for a free consultation with some of the best personal injury lawyers in Fort Myers, FL, prepared to help you at any hour of the day.
Main Causes of Tank Truck Accidents in Southwest Florida
According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, in 2017, approximately 107,000 large trucks were involved in accidents that caused severe injuries to those involved. This is due to the large size and weight of the truck. Like any vehicle, a tank truck can be involved in a car accident. However, with the flammable liquids the truck is carrying, an accident of any size can quickly become fatal and lead to injury or wrongful death.
- Speeding – Truck drivers are often trying to make it to their destination by a specific time and drive long hauls on Florida roads, which can lead to driving faster than the speed limit. However, a speeding truck can be deadly. If a truck travels too fast to brake in time, then attempts to stop it can cause the truck to roll over. While 22% of car accident deaths are caused by rollovers, more than 44% of fatal truck accidents are caused by rollovers.
- Tiredness – Truck drivers are much more likely to be tired or fatigued when driving. There are rules and regulations within trucking companies that state that drivers should not drive for more than 11 consecutive hours and take regular breaks. However, some drivers may try to drive for longer or need to meet the company’s requirements for distance covered. Being tired of fatigued when driving can impair judgment and reaction times, as well as resulting in some drivers falling asleep at the wheel. This can lead to major truck accidents, serious injury, and wrongful death.
- Blind Spots – Much like all vehicles, trucks have blind spots. However, they are much larger than those in a car. While experienced truck drivers know to be wary of blind spots, drivers with less experience may fail to clear those blind spots, resulting in accidents. This can be especially dangerous on Florida highways, where vehicles are moving between lanes.
- Poor Maintenance – All vehicles need proper maintenance to be safe, and trucks are no exception. Poor brakes, for example, can cause deadly accidents, as can a lack of maintenance of other features of the truck. Keeping up with proper vehicle maintenance can prevent injury and wrongful death within accidents.
- Weather – Florida is the thunderstorm capital of the United States. Sudden downpours and high winds can make driving dangerous. Inexperienced drivers may be more prone to accidents in which poor weather is a contributing factor.
Whatever the cause of your truck accident might be, you can be compensated for the damage felt by you or a loved one. You may have suffered a serious bodily injury, been paralyzed, or had to experience the wrongful death of a family member, which could drastically reduce your quality of life.
If the fault lies with the driver of the truck, another vehicle, or the trucking company, then you should not have to suffer due to conditions out of your control. Although we might not be able to help with your pain, we can help you claim the compensation that you deserve. If you have been involved in a truck accident within the Fort Myers area, then contact us today, and an accident lawyer can review your case right away.

Liability in a Tank Truck Accident in Fort Myers, Florida
Tank truck drivers have a large responsibility for moving large amounts of potentially dangerous substances such as gasoline and other industrial chemicals. If an accident occurred whilst moving these liquids, then there is a high risk of devastating injuries or, in some cases, wrongful death for anyone involved. Therefore, the drivers of the tank trucks and their companies should take extra care to ensure they are moving the substances carefully.
The fault of the accident could lie with the driver of the truck if they acted recklessly, speeding during poor weather conditions, or perhaps driving whilst being tired. However, often the fault lies with the trucking company who may not have trained the driver adequately, not kept up with the maintenance of their vehicles, or not monitored the drivers working hours. When an accident occurs, it is essential that whoever is at fault should be held liable for their actions or carelessness. Contact our law firm today to ensure that you get the best lawyer for your case to fight for the compensation you deserve.

Compensation for Tank Truck Accidents in Fort Myers, Florida
If you or a loved one has been involved in a truck accident that resulted in serious injury or wrongful death, then you could be buried in medical bills that feel overwhelming. Long hospital stays can exhaust medical insurance benefits and leave you feeling as if you will never get out from under your debt, a feeling which is not needed when you are trying to recover from an accident.
You might not be able to work, either for a short period of time or for the rest of your life. Even if you can work, you may never return to the work you did before the accident due to physical disabilities or mental health issues.
Under Florida law, you have four years from the date of your accident to file a lawsuit. Contacting a lawyer as soon as you’re able to will allow your case to proceed sooner and potentially allow you to recover damages more quickly. Common damages include:
- Permanent damage or disability
- Medical bills and future medical bills
- Loss of employment or wages
- Wrongful death
- Pain and suffering
No amount of compensation will make up for the suffering or loss you endured after your truck accident. However, an accident lawyer at The Law Place will do their best to help you gain the compensation you deserve and relieve some of the stress the aftermath of the accident may have caused. Contact our law firm for a free consultation in Fort Myers today.

What to Do If You Are Involved in a Tank Truck Accident
Following an accident in Fort Myers, it is essential that you inform your insurance provider. Your policy will tell you how long you have to do this. It can be difficult to claim compensation from your insurance company as Florida is a no-fault state. Therefore, you initially have to claim from your own insurance company first. Damages from truck accidents are likely to supersede your policy limit, in which case you have to claim compensation from elsewhere.
If you hire The Law Place before contacting your insurance company, then an accident lawyer can inform you of the steps you need to take to ensure that the insurance company does not devalue or reject your claim. Contact us today to gain free advice from a lawyer who is experienced in Florida law. The sooner you contact a lawyer; the sooner evidence can start to be gathered.

Contact The Law Place in Fort Myers, FL, Today
If you or a loved one has been left with injuries due to a truck accident in Southwest Florida, then contact The Law Place today. The damage created by a tank truck accident can be fatal, and you need a team of accident lawyers by your side to help you with your complex legal case and to gain the compensation you deserve.
The Law Place provides you with a remarkable attorney-client relationship with an experienced lawyer who will work to ensure that nothing is missed in your case.
Available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, if you are in need of a personal injury lawyer, contact our law firm today for a free consultation. Call us on (941) 444-4444.