In the event of an accident where a motorized vehicle collides with a pedestrian, the injuries are almost always more grievous for the pedestrian. It is also highly unlikely that the main portion of liability lies with the pedestrian. For this reason, if you have been involved in a pedestrian accident with a vehicle, it is likely that you have the right to claim compensation for your injury.
If you have been involved in a pedestrian accident in Fort Myers, FL, one of our experienced personal injury lawyers can help you to achieve the compensation you deserve. Here at The Law Place, we offer no-win-no-fee services and a free consultation at no obligation. Our telephone lines are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to discuss for free your pedestrian accident. Call us on (941) 444-4444 today.
What Are the Best Ways to Ensure I Do Not Become a Victim of a Pedestrian Accident?
As with many things in life, prevention is often preferable to the cure. While it is impossible to reduce your risk of being involved in an accident down to zero, there are steps you can take to protect yourself.
Below is a list of three simple things which every pedestrian can do to reduce their accident risk:
- Obey signals, crosswalks, and signage – While it may be tempting to dart across the road when an opportunity presents itself, this greatly increases your risk of being part of an accident. Just because you are exercising common-sense, this does not mean that drivers on the road are doing the same.
- Keep your eyes off your phone – It is no secret that in the 21st century, many of us struggle with screen addiction. However, that latest text or tweet can wait while you cross the road. Staying alert to your surroundings goes a long way to reducing your pedestrian accident risk.
- Reduce music volume – Similar to the above point, playing loud music through headphones can reduce your alertness to the dangers around you.

What Are Some Common Causes of Pedestrian Accidents?
Accidents of this nature can occur because of a myriad of reasons. We cannot possibly cover them all. However, some reasons are more common than others.
The following is a list of the most common causes of pedestrian accidents:
- Distracted driving, including mobile phone use
- Ignoring red lights or stop signals
- Dangerous or reckless driving, including things such as speeding
- Failure to check the environment sufficiently, which can include making blind turns or negligently maneuvering around other vehicles or pedestrians
- Driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs, which lower the driver’s reaction speed and encourage reckless driving
If the driver involved in your pedestrian accident was involved in any of these behaviors, then their liability should not be difficult to prove. If that driver has breached their duty of care, then you are entitled to compensation for their negligence.
If this is the case, contact The Law Place today. Our team has over 75 years of combined experience in getting our clients the compensation they deserve to make their recovery process easier and less complicated. Don’t allow your life to be dictated by someone else’s negligence. Seek the appropriate level of justice today.

What Are Some Common Injuries Resulting From a Pedestrian Accident in Fort Myers, Florida?
Due to the large weight and speed difference between a pedestrian and a moving vehicle, even the smallest of collisions has potentially catastrophic consequences.
Injuries that are commonly reported following a Fort Myers pedestrian accident in Southwest Florida include:
- Head injuries – This type of injury is common to pedestrian accidents. Even a light collision with a vehicle can cause a fall, which can result in a head injury. Head injuries are dangerous as they are synonymous with brain injuries. Brain injuries can lead to comas, permanent motor problems, as well as lifelong issues with cognitive and emotional impairments.
- Internal injuries – A hard collision can result in damage to the inside of the body. Internal bleeding, organ damage, and dangerous internal swelling are common examples, often requiring expensive surgery.
- Abrasions/lacerations – The surface of the road, as well the metal surface of a vehicle, pose significant laceration risks. These injuries are prone to infection and, in a severe case, may require skin grafts.
- Spinal injuries – Damage to the spine in a pedestrian accident can leave a victim with permanently reduced movement or even paralysis.
- Broken bones – This is a common injury resulting from pedestrian accidents. Many broken bone injuries heal simply, despite their pain level. However, complex fractures or other severe breakages have the potential to leave the victim with lifelong issues
- Muscle damage – Damage to the victim’s muscles, ligaments, and tendons can result in considerable pain and the potential for disability.
If you have suffered from a Fort Myers pedestrian accident in Southwest Florida and sustained an injury as described above, you could be entitled to compensation. An experienced personal injury lawyer from The Law Place can help you to achieve the maximum level of compensation you deserve for your specific case.
Every Fort Myers pedestrian accident case is unique. If you suffered from a chronic medical condition before your accident, then your recovery process could be much harder and more complicated. This is why it is important that you choose a law firm that evaluates each individual claim on a case by case basis.
Thanks to our free consultation services, our law firm can help you to identify what level of compensation you are owed and what your next legal move should be. Don’t hesitate, get in touch today for a clearer view of your next legal step.

What Different Types of Damages Is My Lawyer Able to Recover for Me Following a Pedestrian Accident in Fort Myers, Florida?
There are three main types of damages recoverable by your Fort Myers pedestrian accident lawyer following an accident of this kind. These are separated into three categories: economic damages, non-economic damages, and punitive damages.

What Are Some Examples of Economic Damages Following a Pedestrian Accident in Fort Myers, Florida?
Economic damages are fairly self-explanatory. They consist of elements of the accident, which would have caused financial damage. Common examples of economic damages include:
- Medical expenses – In Southwest Florida, as with anywhere in America, the physicality of your injury is often only the beginning of its complications. Medical bills can reach daunting totals following a pedestrian accident, and economic damages can be claimed as such. It is important to retain all medical bills related to your injury, take photographs of the healing process, and not to make a case for medical expenses until the injury has fully healed and you are positive there will be no additional complications.
- Lost wages – Pedestrian accidents can often leave a victim recovering from an injury and unable to work as normal. Economic damages can be claimed to reimburse you for this time forcibly spent off work. It is important to retain all communications with your employer regarding time off after your pedestrian accident in Fort Myers. There are additional economic damages available if your capacity to return to work is permanently altered due to your personal injury.
- Property damage – It is possible that your person is not the only thing damaged in a pedestrian accident. If any of your personal property is damaged in the accident, your lawyer may seek economic damages for this.
- Additional costs – Following pedestrian accidents, many victims require services with unforeseen costs. This may be the cost of additional transport or help around the home. Accident lawyers can seek economic damages for these additional costs.
- Loss of life – Due to the severity possible in a pedestrian accident, loss of life is a distinct possibility. In this case, specific economic damages can be sought to assist with the often costly process of arranging the funeral and burial.
What Are Some Examples of Non-Economic Damages Following a Pedestrian Accident in Fort Myers, Florida?
Non-economic damages can be claimed by your personal injury lawyer in order to compensate you for damages that do not have a fixed price tag. Common examples of non-economic damages include:
- Pain and suffering – These damages deal with additional complications that result from a personal injury. These include permanent changes to a person’s lifestyle, as well as levels of emotional distress. Pain and suffering damages will also consider the length and pain level of your individual recovery process.
- Loss of consortium – This category of damages covers changes to the victim or their partner’s intimate relationship. Injuries from an accident may leave you with the inability to continue the normal physical or emotional intimacies involved in your relationship, and you can be compensated as such.
- Loss of companionship – Your family members may also suffer from the injuries that you incur. If you are unable to spend time or enjoy the same activities with your family, you may be compensated as such.
- Loss of life enjoyment – It is possible that following an accident, you will be unable to enjoy the same aspects of life as before. This may be due to physical impairment or emotional distress, and compensation can be sought for both of these.
Following a pedestrian accident in Fort Myers, Florida, you are not the only one who could be entitled to compensation. It may be the case that your family members can also seek compensation due to changes in your relationships with them. The best way to find out if these damages apply to your case is to contact The Law Place for a free consultation today.
What Is Meant by Punitive Damages Following a Pedestrian Accident in Fort Myers, Florida?
Punitive damages are also known as exemplary damages. These damages are sought in order to make right the wrong that has been done to you.
It is harder for accident lawyers to achieve punitive damages, as in this case it must be proven that the defendant was guilty of intentional misconduct or, in some cases, gross negligence.
While it may be more difficult for your lawyer to achieve punitive damages, it is no way impossible. If you feel that you have been grossly wronged due to the intentional misconduct of another, contact The Law Place today to see if you could be entitled to additional compensation for your case.
How Much Time Do I Have to Make a Claim Following a Pedestrian Accident in Fort Myers, Florida?
In Florida, all accident lawsuits are subject to Florida’s Statute of limitations. These laws determine how much time can pass following an accident before the victim is no longer able to make a claim for compensation.
The statute of limitations for an accident involving a pedestrian is four years. This countdown begins from the exact date of your accident.
However, just because you have four years to make a claim, this does not mean you should wait this long. Realistically, each day that passes following your accident is another day where potentially essential evidence or witnesses can become lost or unavailable. This loss of evidence can prevent you from achieving the maximum level of compensation that you deserve. It also gives a chance for the lawyers of the third-party to get ahead of you in the process of preparing their case.
For the best chance of achieving the maximum payout for your compensation, get in contact with a member of our experienced team at The Law Place today.
Contact The Law Place Today
If you have been involved in a pedestrian accident in Fort Myers, you could be entitled to compensation for your injuries and the impact these have had on your life.
Here at The Law Place, our team of lawyers has over 75 years of combined experience. Unlike most other law firms, we operate each case as a team. This means that you benefit from the accumulated skill, wisdom, and experience of each individual member of our team.
We know that you have a wide range of choices when it comes to selecting a law firm to represent you, which is why we offer a no-win-no-fee guarantee. All of your fees will only be charged from your final settlement once your case has concluded. This means that you pay absolutely nothing upfront. Additionally, if for some reason your case is unsuccessful, the entire thing will cost you nothing at all. The Law Place understands and ensures that there is no risk involved in seeking the compensation and justice that you deserve.
If you feel that you deserve compensation for an injury or change of lifestyle due to a pedestrian accident, contact The Law Place today. We offer a free consultation at a time that suits you. Our telephone lines are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Why hesitate? Each day that passes from your accident is a day where the evidence to maximize your level of compensation becomes harder to access.
Call us on (941) 444-4444 today.