In the State of Florida, drug charges are a very serious offense. They can be prosecuted under both state and federal law, depending on the severity of the charge. The penalties associated with drug convictions in Fort Myers require the help of a Fort Myers criminal defense attorney. The charges bought against you can range from trafficking to simple possession of a controlled substance, with many more charges in between.
A knowledgeable Fort Myers criminal defense lawyer will be able to explain to you that crimes involving the sale of prescription medication and street drugs can have massive effects on your personal and professional life. Accusations involving drug crimes can have a huge impact on your future. That being said, all is not lost. Our team of experienced Fort Myers, FL., criminal defense lawyers are willing to fight your corner.
The criminal defense lawyers here at The Law Place have 75 years of combined experience, stretching across a wide range of practice areas. They have a wealth of knowledge to draw from when it comes to fighting criminal and drug charges, among a wide variety of other areas.
Our team has an in-depth understanding of the law surrounding drug-related crimes in Fort Myers, FL., and they will work tirelessly to devise the best strategy to defend you.
If you find yourself facing drug crime charges in Fort Myers, FL., then it is strongly advised that you seek the advice of an experienced criminal defense lawyer.
Here, at The Law Place, our team of criminal defense attorneys will work tirelessly on your case. We have a complete understanding of the complex criminal law that surrounds drug crime charges in Fort Myers, FL., and are waiting to answer any questions you may have regarding drug charges in Fort Myers, FL.
Contact us at (941) 444-4444 and speak to a criminal defense lawyer today. They will offer you a free consultation to discuss your case and determine what we can do for you.
What Are the Types of Drug Crimes in Fort Myers, FL?
The penalties associated with drug crimes in Fort Myers, FL., can be classified as either a felony or a misdemeanor. This is entirely dependant on the nature of the crime, the evidence presented, and the circumstances of the case. An experienced Fort Myers criminal defense attorney will be able to explain that there are varying degrees of drug charges.
An in-depth understanding of the law is critical when it comes to navigating cases such as these. Having a skilled criminal lawyer behind you can prove invaluable when faced with charges like these. Our team of lawyers will assist you every step of the way and help you understand the situation you are in.
Common drug crimes in Fort Myers, FL., include:
- Possession of a controlled substance.
- Possession of a controlled substance with intent to supply, cultivate, or manufacture.
- Manufacturing a controlled substance.
- Sale of a controlled substance.
- Delivery of a controlled substance.
- Trafficking of a controlled substance.
- Falsely prescribing a controlled substance.
Many factors are taken into account when categorizing a drug crime, such as the location of the infringement. According to the law, the location can affect the severity of the crime, for example, if the crime was committed near a school or childcare facility. In cases such as these, charges will be much harsher. Those convicted of drug crimes can face long prison sentences or very severe fines.
If you hire an experienced criminal defense lawyer, you will have a much better chance in court as opposed to those who go without representation. At our law firm, each experienced lawyer has a reputation for defending the rights of their clients and fighting for the most beneficial outcome.
Our Fort Myers, FL., lawyers will help you understand the different types of drug crime and narrow down the categories to determine the charges you are facing.

The Possession and Attempted Sale of Drugs in Fort Myers, FL.
Florida Statute 499.03 states that a person may not possess, or possess with intent to sell, dispense, or deliver, any habit-forming, toxic, harmful, or new drug.
Certain people and their circumstances can make them exempt from this law, such as:
- If you have been prescribed a certain controlled substance from a licensed practitioner with the legal right to prescribe that drug
- If you represent an agency or are employed by one with the right to handle drugs as part of their legal business or standard practice.
- If you are a medical professional/doctor who is legally allowed to control and manage drugs or controlled substances as part of their daily work.
Any individual who violates this will be charged with a second-degree misdemeanor in Fort Myers, FL. Having a well-versed criminal defense attorney at your side will prove extremely valuable to help you understand the specifics of what charges you may be facing in your case.

The Possession and Attempted Sale of Controlled Substances in Fort Myers, FL.
In Fort Myers, prosecution trial lawyers have a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to those found in possession of controlled substances with the intent to supply. Any drug crime is taken very seriously, and they will attempt to punish you to the full extent of the law if they are able. Having a criminal defense lawyer on your side can really turn the tide for your case.
In the case of purchasing, possessing, and attempting to sell controlled substances, it can result in much stricter forms of punishment. In the State of Florida and Fort Myers, FL., it is entirely unlawful to be in possession or to attempt the sale of any controlled substance, as stated in Florida Statute 817.563
If you are found in possession of a controlled substance in Fort Myers, and it is deemed that you intended to supply to others, the charges will be much more severe. Florida Statute 893.03 states that a person who I caught in possession with intent to supply a controlled substance will be charged with a third-degree felony. A person who is found in possession of a controlled substance without the intent to supply will be charged with a first-degree misdemeanor.

Definition and Penalties of Drug Crimes in Fort Myers, FL.
Florida Statute 893.13 states that a person may not sell, manufacture, or deliver, or possess with intent to sell, manufacture, or deliver, a controlled substance.
Controlled substances in the U.S. include things like cocaine, cannabis, and heroin. Any person who violates this statute is likely to be charged with a second or third-degree felony, depending on the schedule of the controlled substance they are caught with.
An example of a third-degree felony charge is when a person or persons is in possession of cannabis, and they intended to distribute or sell the controlled substance. They could be facing a 15-year prison sentence and a second-degree felony charge.
An example of a second-degree felony charge is when a person or persons are found in possession of cocaine with the intent to distribute, manufacture, or deliver. They could be facing a second-degree felony charge and, again, 15 years in prison. Cocaine is classed as a Schedule II controlled substance.
The prosecuting trial lawyers in Fort Myers must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant was in possession of a controlled substance and intended to sell, manufacture, or deliver it. The prosecutor trial lawyers must also prove that:
- The controlled substance is defined as one in the Florida Statutes.
- The individual was aware of the nature of the controlled substance found in their possession.
Florida law defines ‘selling’ as the delivery or transfer of something to another party with the exchange or promise of payment in money or other goods that are of value to the seller.
Florida law defines ‘possession’ as when an individual has power, management, control, or ownership over the object in question.
This is a lot of information to absorb. The terms and statutes surrounding drug crimes in Fort Myres, FL., can be very confusing for the average person. If you find yourself facing any of these charges, please do not hesitate to contact us. A criminal defense lawyer from The Law Place is waiting to take your call.
Every single attorney at our law firm is well versed in drug charges and will do their utmost to ensure you get the minimum penalties possible.

Challenging Possession, Trafficking, Sale & Other Drug Charges
Drug cases, when they are serious enough, can draw the attention of federal law enforcement agencies, such as the DEA. If this happens, the situation becomes much more dangerous and requires immediate action. Federal law enforcement entities are tough, but they still are bound by the law.
They must ensure that no rights are violated during the arrest of an individual. This happens more often than you would think. Therefore, determining what happened in a ‘drug bust’ is very important. If it can be proven that your rights were violated during the seizure, then we can file for the immediate suppression of the evidence brought against you.
Every criminal defense attorney at our law firm will be willing to help you every step of the way. They are not afraid to go against federal law enforcement agencies and discover any avenue to defend you.
If your case goes to trial, you need not worry. Your criminal defense attorney will be with you throughout the whole process. Every lawyer at our law firm is eager to take your case and fight for the best result possible.
How Much Does a Criminal Defence Attorney Cost?
Every law firm and every lawyer has different prices and costs. Prices also vary for each defendant, as no two cases are the same. That is why we offer a free consultation to each prospective client. In this consultation, you will sit down with an experienced attorney and discuss the details of your case.
At The Law Place, we value the attorney-client relationship, so anything you say in this consultation will be protected by the attorney-client privilege. This should put you at ease and allow you to divulge details about your case without the fear of incriminating yourself.
This means we cannot advise you on the cost of your defense until after your free consultation. In this meeting, we will explain our fee structure to you and outline all the costs you will be facing. At our law firm, we operate with full transparency, so you will not receive any surprise bills.
Contact a Lawyer at The Law Place Today!
If you have been charged with drug crimes in Fort Myers, FL., then you will need the help of a criminal defense lawyer. Florida takes drug charges very seriously, and the state has some of the harshest penalties in place for anyone found in violation of these laws. It is imperative that you enlist the help of a criminal defense lawyer, as attempting to face charges on your own often results in harsher charges and longer sentences.
Here, at The Law Place, a criminal defense lawyer is waiting to take your case and ensure you avoid the most severe penalties. We will work tirelessly to help you with your case. Our team of attorneys works together to make sure that you are treated fairly and get the best results.
Do not hesitate to pick up the phone and call The Law Place on (941) 444-4444. A criminal defense lawyer at our law firm will be waiting to take your case.