Car accidents are incredibly disruptive to one’s life, emotionally traumatic, and often cause accident victims significant pain. Some car accidents are serious enough to cause devastating injuries, long-term pain and suffering, and even wrongful death. Regardless, almost every Fort Myers car accident causes some degree of economic hardship or personal distress.
Without professional, knowledgeable, and aggressive representation, a victim may be without the opportunity to make a claim adequate enough to compensate for medical bills, lost wages, and many more damages an accident can cause.
In Florida, if you are involved in a car accident with an uninsured driver, then you have to approach your own insurance company for compensation for your injuries or damages. However, if your damages exceed your protection policy, then you may not receive the full amount of compensation you are entitled to.
The Law Place in Florida put every resource into fighting for the rights of families whose lives have been impacted by an uninsured driver. Our law firm is made up of a highly skilled legal team that has 75 years of combined experience and the legal expertise to help you. With the help of a personal injury lawyer, it is possible to claim compensation from the uninsured motorist or another party that was at fault for your accident. This could mean receiving compensation from the car manufacturer or local authorities.
If you have been the victim of an uninsured motorist, then contact us today for a free consultation with one of our attorneys. Call today on (941) 444-4444.
Insurance Laws for Florida
According to Florida Statute 627.736, it is a legal requirement for a vehicle to have at least $10,000 in personal injury protection (PIP) insurance coverage for medical and disability benefits, $5,000 in death benefits, and $10,00 in property damage that includes uninsured motorist coverage.
As Florida is a no-claim state, every individual involved in an uninsured car accident must claim from their own insurance company first, regardless of who was at fault. However, if your damages exceed the limits outlined by your insurance company policy, you will need to claim from the party at fault as well. In the event of a serious accident, a minimum policy of $10,000 will be quickly exhausted in the emergency room. The average cost of a medical helicopter ride is now more than $15,000.
But if the party at fault is an uninsured driver, then you may struggle to receive all of the damages you are entitled to, such as medical bills, lost wages, and other damages an accident can lead to. Florida State does not require drivers to have uninsured motorist coverage. However, having this coverage on your insurance will protect you if you are ever involved in a serious accident if the party at fault was uninsured.
A personal injury lawyer at The Law Place can help you if you have been involved in a car accident with an uninsured driver in Fort Myers, FL. Contact us today for a free consultation or legal advice from one of our experienced lawyers.

Uninsured Motorist Accidents Liability in Fort Myers, FL
In 2015 Florida was at the top of the list of states with the highest rate of uninsured drivers. With about one in four vehicles on the road in Florida being driven by an uninsured motorist, you have a very high chance that the driver who hits you won’t have any insurance.
If you have been involved in a car accident in Fort Myers, then you should be able to file a personal injury claim against the party at fault. However, if the other driver does not have insurance, then they might not have the assets to compensate you.
What if the other driver doesn’t have personal injury protection coverage? What if you are seriously injured in the accident? If you suffer a “serious injury,” defined in Florida statute 316.027 as a permanent injury, loss of a bodily function, significant scarring or disfigurement, or substantial risk of death, then you are authorized to pursue a tort claim against the other driver for the full extent of your damages. These damages would include all your medical expenses, all of your lost income, and other damages, such as pain and suffering.
If the driver who caused the crash doesn’t have coverage, you can still get compensation by filing an uninsured motorist claim under your insurance policy, if you have this coverage. You might still need a law attorney to help you get full value for your claim. Insurance adjusters will still try to downplay the nature of the accident and your injury. Usually, offering you less than your claim is worth. So, getting legal aid is essential to ensure that your accident is dealt with properly.
We advise that you seek help from an experienced law firm to ensure that you receive the damages you are entitled to. The Law Place has an experienced team of lawyers who can help you receive the compensation that you deserve, as well as give you legal advice regarding insurance companies.

Seeking Compensation in Fort Myers, FL
According to Florida law, if you establish liability, you should be able to recover damages to cover your medical bills, property damage, lost wages, and more. If the accident caused the loss of a loved one due to an uninsured motorist, then you could receive compensation to help cover the cost of funeral expenses and the loss of income to the family household.
Judges in Fort Myers are unlikely to award you a large amount of compensation if they know the party at fault is unable to pay it. This means then when suing an uninsured motorist you will be left with some uncompensated damages, usually because the driver at fault does not have the appropriate assets to compensate you. However, an experienced law firm will further explain these details with you and try to make sure you achieve as much compensation as you can.
If the driver of the party at fault was uninsured, you still have options to collect compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and other legal damages. The process may seem confusing and challenging, but an experienced personal injury lawyer will know the proper steps to secure your claim and get results. Call The Law Place for a free consultation and advice on the legal options available to you.

Contact The Law Place Today
The Law Place has assisted many clients in receiving compensation from uninsured drivers. Our law firm has handled cases in almost every Florida county, with many of the attorneys within the law firm being AVVO 10.0 rated. Our attorneys will support you every step of the way and give you any legal advice you might need when speaking to insurance companies.
If you have been involved in an accident with a Fort Myers car that was uninsured, then contact us today for a free consultation if you are thinking of filing a claim. A lawyer can handle your case straight away and ensure that you get the help you need. Call us on (941) 444-4444.