One simple mistake, one moment of distraction is all it takes to change your life forever. Car accidents are a chaotic part of everyday life for Americans, most of us accept that it happens and for the majority of us, we never have to deal with it.
When people picture a severe car accident, they tend to picture broken bones and impacts to the head, perhaps even death. The reality is extreme cases like that only make up a small minority of cases. Much more common is soft tissue damage. Soft tissue injuries are a very common result of car accidents. Most personal injury cases surrounding a car accident have some form of soft tissue damage involved.
When seeking compensation for injuries like soft tissue injuries, your best chance of receiving a fair and reasonable compensation payout, is to hire a knowledgeable and skilled personal injury attorney. At The Law Place, we have 70 years of combined knowledge and experience. Contact us on 941-444-4444, 24 hours a day, to arrange a free consultation.
Why You Should Hire a Law Firm
There is a common misconception that claimants receive less when making an injury claim using an injury attorney, but this isn’t the case. In fact, research has shown that over 90% of car accident victims with their own personal injury attorney, received a payout after their accident. On average, victims who used a soft tissue personal injury lawyer also won an average of $60,000 more in compensation than those who didn’t have a soft tissue injury lawyer.
Furthermore, although you have coverage with your insurance company, just like any big business, their main priority is profit. Therefore, if you do not have representation from a law firm, they will try to offer you less then what you deserve.
During a soft tissue injury claim in Florida, you can seek compensation for any damages and costs that you have incurred as a result of the accident. The worse your injury, the higher the chance of a bigger payout. Some of the things that can be claimed for in Florida include:
- Hospital visits and stays.
- Any surgery you have to undergo.
- Any medication bills.
- Therapy costs, both physical and mental.
- Canceled events, plans, holidays, etc.
- Any wages you have lost.
- Any wages you stand to lose.
- Costs that aren’t tangible, like pain and suffering and PTSD, as well as the loss of quality of life.

What Are Soft Tissue Injuries?
So what defines a soft tissue injury, and what effect do they have on your claim?
Soft tissue damage and injuries include any injury that does not impact the bones. Examples of this are muscle damage, ligament damage, and tendon damage. These are all soft tissue injuries and happen as a result of an impact. A minor car accident can still generate enough force to cause serious soft tissue damage injuries.
These injuries may not be immediately visible or even visible at all. Many soft tissue injuries will not even show up on an x-ray. Many victims do not even realize they have soft tissue damage at the scene of the crime due to the adrenaline and shock that usually follows an accident. This can lead to a lack of diagnosis, with many victims developing much more serious injuries days or even weeks down the line. During this time, the victim is receiving no medical attention.
When making a personal injury claim, the other insurance companies are going to try and discredit the validity of your claim. If you have not spoken to a personal injury attorney and you have not been to the hospital for medical attention, you will have a much harder time fighting them in court.
After an accident, there is one thing that you absolutely must do, and one thing that we highly advise you do.
The first and most important thing, the one that you absolutely must do after an accident, is to prioritize your health. That means taking yourself to the hospital even if the accident wasn’t serious and getting a check-up. So many life-threatening injuries can show no symptoms until it is too late. A bashed head or a sudden impact could have damaged a number of important internal organs.
Besides your health, speaking to a health professional as soon as possible after an accident is really important for any claim. According to Florida Statute 627.736, you have 14 days to seek medical treatment for your injuries in order to make a claim. However, the sooner after the accident, you get a check-up, the less chance the other insurance companies have to argue that your injury was caused by something other than the accident.
The second thing we highly advise you to do is to call a skilled Florida personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. Even if you do not intend to use them, take advantage of the free consultation to get some clear-headed and honest advice.
A good Florida personal injury lawyer, like the ones found at The Law Place, will always give you what they believe to be the best advice for your personal situation. They will not pressure you into anything, and they will lay the laws and facts down, explain what your rights are, and advise you on a course of action. This information alone might be the difference in a good payout for your injuries or a bad one.

Common Types of Soft Tissue Injuries
Let’s look at some of the most common types of soft tissue injury:
Contusions are commonly known as deep bruises. These are injuries to your soft tissue caused by blunt force trauma. This then results in swelling and pain, as well as purple bruises and discoloration. A contusion injury caused by a serious impact may take a long time to heal.
Sprains are partial damage and tears to your ligaments. They are usually caused by a swift jerking motion, which is outside of your normal range, this results in a lot of pain. The most common soft tissue strains happen in the knees, ankles, and wrists. Sometimes the injuries can be so severe that it requires surgical re-attachment.
Whiplash is perhaps the most common soft tissue injury that happens as a result of an accident. Whiplash is caused by a sudden back and force jerking of the neck. This caused the muscles to support your spine and neck to sweep, causing headaches, neck pain, and back pain. Whiplash can last a very long time, and in severe cases, can sometimes be permanent.
Deep cuts or lacerations are open wounds caused by the accident. Damaged skin that requires stitching or greater medical attention classify as lacerations.
Open wounds that have been caused by friction or abrasion. Severe cases may include a loss of blood, infections, and scarring. In extreme cases, skin grafts may be necessary.

Long Term Effects of Soft Tissue Injuries in Florida
These injuries may result in a long and painful road to recovery. These injuries will more than likely affect your ability to work, participate in activities with your family and friends, sometimes even your ability to live an independent life. According to Florida Statute 768.81, if you have suffered as a result of someone else’s negligence, then you are entitled to compensation. This is especially true when considering the high costs that treatment for soft tissues can run-up.
Soft tissue injuries at any severity can take weeks or even months to heal. This can have a serious impact on your ability to deal with your own daily needs. When the medical treatment results in scar tissue, dealing with continuous appointments and the mental impact of the scarring can be tough too.
A driver under the influence or a driver that looks at their phone while driving has absolutely zero right to disrupt your way of living and potential quality of life. It does not matter how carefully you drive or walk when the other party is acting negligently like this. This is why it is so important to file a soft tissue claim as soon as possible for your injuries. This will stop you from suffering as a result of medical bills you have to pay further down the line.

Contact a Skilled Florida Attorney at the Law Place
The Law Place has over 70 years of combined experience in representing car accident victims. If you are unfortunate enough to experience soft tissue damage as a result of an accident that isn’t your fault, our law firm can help guide you through the process of claiming, step by step.
We will fight the insurance companies, represent you on your behalf, deal with that confusing paperwork, and keep you informed on our efforts. This will allow you to spend more time recovering and healing.
Our knowledgeable and skilled Florida soft tissue injuries team offers a free consultation. Florida state law can be confusing and difficult to navigate, but our team has dealt with hundreds of cases and have the experience necessary to fight your case to the full potential.
Being proactive may seem a little overwhelming to you immediately after your accident. This is why speaking to an attorney is so beneficial. A couple of quick phone calls, and we can take the reins. We will represent you and deal with all of the hard work and investigation. Once you have agreed to representation, you can relax, knowing that our team is fighting your corner.
If you call us for a free consultation, there is no commitment required; we will simply advise you on what we think is the best course of action for your individual circumstances. How you proceed after hearing our advice is completely up to you.
What are you waiting for? Get in touch with The Law Place today on 941-444-4444 and help us make your journey back to recovery, just that little bit easier.