It is no secret that the roads in the US today are far from perfectly safe, but did you know that the most dangerous thing most people do each day is getting behind the wheel of their vehicle? Accidents on the road can come in many shapes and sizes. However, one of the most regular catastrophic forms of accidents in Clearwater, FL, involve trucks. Due to their considerable size and bulk, in comparison with most road vehicles, they have a greater chance of inflicting catastrophic damage to both people and property.
Additionally, truck drivers are often at the behest of their trucking company to cover an unsafe amount of mileage in an unsafe amount of time. This greatly increases the chances of a Clearwater truck driver cutting corners, ignoring fatigue, or demonstrating negligent driving, which can increase the probability of a truck accident. As the world’s largest packing company, UPS truck drivers are responsible for a considerable percentage of truck accidents.
If you have been involved in a Clearwater, FL, UPS truck accident in the last four years, you could be entitled to compensation for any injuries you received and for the complications they inflicted upon your life. A large trucking company will often have access to expensive teams of lawyers and have a large pool of money to deal with legal challenges. However, this should not put you off seeking the compensation that you deserve.
Here at The Law Place in Clearwater, our team of experienced Clearwater truck accident lawyers has over 75 years of combined experience achieving compensation for those involved in truck accident personal injury cases. We can offer a free consultation over the phone at no obligation, and our telephone lines are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to work around you. Call us on (941) 444-4444 for a free consultation today!
Statistics Concerning UPS Trucking Company
As mentioned above, UPS is the world’s largest packing company. Although the company itself is based in Atlanta, their service is country-wide, with a considerable presence throughout Florida, including in Clearwater.
According to federal information collected by the Safety Measurement System, their fleet consists of 125,949 vehicles and 118,498 truck drivers. With such a large number of both trucks and drivers, involvement in road accidents is inevitable.
The federal information discloses 4,488 inspections with violations, 1,891 truck driver unsafe driving violations, and a total of 2,512 reportable truck accidents. When we consider the number of these accidents that could result in catastrophic injuries or impact the lives of other drivers on the road, you can see why a truck accident attorney could be vital to achieving appropriate levels of compensation and justice.
While much lower numbers, the federal statistics for UPS also include 9 controlled substance and alcohol violations and 218 truck driver fitness violations. These statistics point to other problems that can make a truck driver more prone to road accidents than the average driver. While these numbers are lower, it is often the case that many of these incidents can slip through unreported or undiscovered.

Common Problems That Cause Large Corporation Truck Drivers to Be in an Accident
There are many reasons why a truck accident case can happen that do not apply to regular civilian car accidents.
Fatigue is a common contributor to a road traffic accident. Driving, whilst exhausted, can lower the focus levels and reaction speed of the driver. It is not uncommon for a driver to fall asleep at the wheel of their vehicle and cause them to lose control of said vehicle.
Truck accidents are even more commonly caused by exhaustion due to financial pressure by trucking companies. A truck driver is often paid by the mile, which gives them an incentive to maximize their daily distance. This often means minimizing breaks, sleep, and pushing themselves beyond the constraints of the average civilian driver. This can also often encourage the use of illicit stimulants by the truck driver, contributing to both exhaustion-related dangers and intoxicated driving.
By pushing their drivers to maximize efficiency in this way, trucking companies gain more profit, but they also put other people on the road at risk of injuries or even death from a truck accident. The additional size and bulk of a truck also means that accidents due to fatigue are more likely to cause grievous injuries.
Additionally, there are many other duties that befall the average truck driver, for which they are not paid. These include loading, route planning, rig inspections, the various wait times included in the loading processes, and federally-mandated break periods.
By utilizing an experienced truck accident attorney for your case, you are not only likely to achieve the compensation you deserve, but you are also contributing to holding large corporations accountable for the dangers they inflict on the rest of the population and their workers in order to increase profit.

What Are Some Common Consequences of a Truck Accident in Clearwater, FL?
As has already been mentioned, a truck accident carries greater risks than a regular car accident due to the size disparity in vehicles.
A list of the consequences and injuries common to a truck accident case is as follows:
- Neck and back injuries, which can range from minor but consistent pain to a lifelong case of reduced mobility or paralysis.
- Broken bones, which can range from a case involving a painful healing process to more complex fractures, which can cause lifelong complications.
- Head injuries, which, in a serious case, can lead to lasting neurological damage resulting in mental, emotional, or mobility-based disabilities.
- Internal injuries caused by powerful blunt force trauma.
- Cuts and lacerations.
- Burns.
- Lasting emotional distress from the truck accident, which can lead to anxiety, depression, loss of enjoyment of life, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
- Death.
If you have sustained any of these types of injuries due to a UPS truck accident in the last four years, an experienced truck accident attorney from The Law Place can help you to achieve the compensation you deserve.

What Different Types of Damages Can I Claim in a Clearwater Truck Accident Case?
There are several different types of damages that a Clearwater personal injury lawyer can prove to increase the amount of compensation you are entitled to following a truck accident. Not all of these damages will be directly related to the injuries sustained in your truck accident case. Many also refer to complications in your life going forward and in the process of recovery.
A list of common damages which a truck accident attorney can help you to claim for is as follows:
- Medical expenses – It is no secret that in America, the physical injuries you may sustain in an accident are just the beginning of the complications. Medical bills can quickly become overwhelming and add financial injury to your physical injuries. It is important to keep all documentation referring to medical expenses in order to allow your personal injury lawyer to help you claim this money back.
- Lost wages – Another aspect of an accident that can contribute to financial distress is the time spent off work in order to recover from your personal injury. Your accident lawyer can help you to recover these wages that you would have been able to earn if it wasn’t for your accident. Again, it is important to keep all correspondence from your employer concerning time off in order to make it as easy as possible for your accident lawyer to claim these damages.
- Pain and suffering – These damages consider the additional complications of the injuries you sustained in your accident. They take into account the length and pain level of your recovery process, your level of mental distress, and the lasting impacts on the way you will have to live your life going forward.
- Wrongful death – If your loved one lost their life as a result of their truck accident, your accident lawyer would be able to pursue wrongful death damages. These take into account the massive levels of emotional distress and other life-altering consequences of losing a loved one. While we understand that no amount of money can ease the process of grief, it can help make the process less complicated and assist with funeral and burial costs.

What Is the Statute of Limitations on a Florida Truck Accident?
Florida Statute 95.11 sets forth the amount of time you can claim following a truck accident in the state of Florida.
The time limit is four years from the exact date of your accident.
Should I Make My Accident Claim Straight Away?
While you may have four years in which to make a claim following your accident, it is important to begin the process as soon as possible.
This is because, as time progresses, there is more chance of evidence essential to building you the strongest case possible becoming lost or otherwise unavailable.
It is also worth considering that large trucking companies such as UPS have teams of expert lawyers at their disposal. If you are involved in an accident involving the vehicle of such a company, they will waste no time getting to work to secure the best defense possible. For this reason, it is imperative that you do not allow them to get a head start.
How Much Money Will My Truck Accident Case Cost Me With The Law Place?
Embarking on the process of seeking compensation following any kind of accident is daunting enough, even before considering the cost of seeking the legal counsel of an accident lawyer.
Fortunately, every accident case undertaken by The Law Place operates on a contingency basis. This means that you will pay nothing until the finalization of the settlement for your case, then a portion of the money will be used to pay our fees. This also means that if your case is unsuccessful, for whatever reason, then the whole process will cost you no money at all.
Combined with our policy of providing a no-obligation free consultation for each prospective client, there will be no risk in seeking compensation for your truck accident. Here at The Law Place, we firmly believe that seeking compensation for an accident that was not your fault should not involve any risk on your part.
All of our contingency work is monitored by the State Bar Association, so you can be sure that there will be no hidden costs or nasty surprises awaiting you.
Contact The Law Place Today
If you have been involved in a truck accident involving a UPS truck in the last four years, our team can help you maximize the amount of compensation available for your case.
Our team has over 75 years of combined experience dealing with truck accident cases and assisting victims of corporate negligence in achieving the compensation and justice they deserve. Get the money to help you move forwards following your accident and contribute to a safer and more accountable America by getting in touch with our team today. We thoroughly believe that challenging the source of damage to your life should come at no risk, so your case will not cost you a single cent until the finalization of your settlement.
Get in touch with a member of our team for a no-obligation free consultation over the telephone today. Our lines are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our contact number is (941) 444-4444 .