The Mirena Intrauterine Device has been facing multiple lawsuits from women alleging medical issues associated with its placement and continual usage. Bayer Pharmaceuticals, the company behind the device, has not announced definite defects but has disclosed a settlement for the amount of $12 million for around 4,800 plaintiffs in the case.
If you have experienced medical hardship and you believe it to be the result of your Mirena IUD, contact The Law Place to discuss your options. Our team of personal injury attorneys is qualified to pursue damages against large pharmaceutical companies. We can guarantee a thorough and varied approach to your claim and will do everything in our power to get you the justice you deserve.
Schedule a free consultation with a qualified Clearwater attorney today. Our lines are open 24/7 so we are immediately available to take your call.
Call us now at (727) 217-9795.
What Is a Mirena IUD?
An IUD, or intrauterine device, is a type of physical birth control that is placed on the uterine wall to prevent pregnancy. A Mirena by Bayer is a small, plastic, t-shaped IUD that releases a hormone called levonorgestrel. The hormone is released dm/daily in 20 m/g doses for up to five years after placement.
An IUD is an alternative to pill-based birth control and might be a better option for many women to control the possibility of pregnancy.
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What Are Possible Side Effects of a Mirena IUD?
A Mirena IUD has been associated with a range of side effects which may or may not present themselves as symptoms in users of the device. Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals has been accused of deceptive marketing and inadequate warnings of possible harm to its users.
According to Drugwatch, some of these side effects can include:
- Irregular spotting or bleeding
- Painful menstruation
- Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
- Pelvic pain
- Perforation of the uterine wall or cervix
- Breast tenderness or pain
- Depression
- Vomiting
- Weight gain
- Anxiety
- Dizziness
- Headache/migraine
- Acne
- Ovarian cysts
- Mood swings
Not all women experience these side effects, and the likelihood of expressing all of them is very slim. Most often women only experience minor discomfort or injury relating to their IUD. However, these side effects can lead to serious injury for which it is possible to claim damages in a court of law.
Injuries related to a Mirena IUD can include:
- Adhesions
- Infection
- Abscesses
- Intestinal obstruction
- Perforation of the abdominal cavity or intestine
These injuries can have lasting effects and be extremely painful for women who experience them.
Many women have also reported what is called an IUD migration when the device dislodges itself from the uterine wall and moves to another part of the body. When this happens, many women need surgery to get the device removed. There are inherent risks to surgery outside of the possible side effects of IUD migration, and women have a right to know what danger a Mirena may pose to their bodies.
In addition to all of the above-mentioned side effects, Mirena IUD has the possibility of causing what is called “ectopic pregnancy.” According to the Mayoclinic, this a condition in which a fetus starts developing outside of the uterus. This is extremely dangerous for the woman and can be life-threatening. Coupled with the possibility of abortion options being limited in certain states, an ectopic pregnancy is a grave concern for women and doctors across the country.
Schedule a free consultation with The Law Place Clearwater personal injury law firm to discuss your options in the event of injury resulting from a Mirena IUD placement.

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Has the Mirena IUD Been Approved by the Food and Drug Administration?
According to FDA records, the Mirena IUD was approved for prescription and use by patients on December 22, 2015.
FDA approval does not guarantee absolute safety in a product. Many products that have been approved for consumption are retroactively declared unsafe. The FDA process is not foolproof and is liable to loopholes and special treatment, especially for large corporations.

What Damages Can I Claim for Harm Caused by a Mirena IUD?
If you have experienced an injury as a result of your Mirena IUD placement, you could be entitled to financial compensation. Currently, Bayer has disclosed a settlement worth $12 million regarding the side effects of their device and guarantee payment if 98% of the plaintiffs accept the deal. There are also multiple lawsuits against the Bayer Mirena IUD in process in New Jersey.
If it proves possible to lay responsibility for your injuries at the hands of Bayer, you could be entitled to economic and non-economic damages. These can include a recompense for:
- Depression
- Medical bills
- Lost wages
- Physical anguish
- Anxiety
Typically, cases of this nature surround the manufacturer of the product, in this case, Bayer Pharmaceuticals. However, if it can be proven that your injuries resulted from improper placement of the device by your doctor, it is possible to pursue damages against the practice or their insurance.
The amount possible to claim is unclear, as there has been no successful action against Bayer as of yet. If a lawsuit were to succeed against the company, the court and possibly a jury would decide the amount of damages available to the victims. This could range through millions of dollars. It is unlikely the company would allow a court proceeding without offering a settlement to the plaintiffs first.

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Consult a Mirena Side-Effect Personal Injury Lawyer Today
Have you experienced side-effects or injury as a result of a Mirena IUD placement? Do you think the risks were not adequately expressed to you, either by your doctor or by Bayer Pharmaceuticals?
Contact The Law Place today to discuss your options. Our team of personal injury lawyers have the experience and qualifications necessary to take on a chemical giant. While we can’t guarantee financial compensation for your claim, we will do everything in our power to ensure you get the justice you deserve.
Schedule a free consultation with us today. Our lines are open 24/7.
Call us now at (727) 217-9795.