Traffic signals are used all over the world to promote the safety of motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians while on the road. While being stopped at a red light, or having to wait at a stop sign, can be frustrating, it is ultimately in place to ensure everyone’s wellbeing. Without these traffic control devices, there would be no system in place to control traffic and prevent any potential accidents. Everyone using the roads must rely on each other to follow the rules of the road. However, when a traffic signal is seen more as a suggestion rather than a directive, the consequences can be deadly, often for those who were not even at fault.
The experienced attorneys at The Law Place have all worked on many car accident cases, including those that involve drivers who did not obey traffic signals. So contact us today for a free consultation with one of our Clearwater car accident lawyers to receive no-obligation legal advice and guidance on what should be your next step. Don’t take on the Florida legal system alone; get help from dedication lawyers who will give you the best chance at winning your case!
Florida Right of Way Law and Failure to Yield
Failure to yield is when a car, motorcycle, or any other vehicle, fails to allow another motor vehicle the right of way.
Technically, in Florida Statute 316.123, no one has the right of way. However, the law establishes the rules for which motor vehicle has the right to proceed in any situation. For example, a car passing through a green light, of course, has the right of way, as does any vehicle that arrives at a four-way stop first, unless two cars get there at the same time, in which case the driver on the left yields to the one on the right. At a regular stop sign, you must yield right of way to all other traffic and pedestrians, and only continue moving when the road is clear. As well as this, drivers making a left turn from a turning lane must yield to the cars driving in the adjacent lane in the opposite direction.
It can be confusing, and therefore it’s crucial for road-users to use their common sense. The failure to yield could cause a devastating car crash, and so every driver, motorcyclist, bicyclist, pedestrian, and any other users, must do everything possible to avoid a crash.

Examples of Ways Drivers Fail to Obey Traffic Signals in Clearwater
Failing to follow traffic signals in Clearwater is considered aggressive driving and is incredibly dangerous and likely to cause car accidents. Below are some of the different ways that drivers fail to follow traffic signs and can potentially cause a crash:
- Ignoring stop signs and red lights.
- Blocking an intersection.
- Disregarding signs, markings, and traffic laws, such as failing to yield at yield signs or ignoring flashing lights. This includes disregarding temporary signs.
- Drifting out of a lane and encroaching on either the sidewalk or adjacent lane.
- Speeding and tailgating or driving too slowly.
- Failing to use turn signals.
- Passing unsafely.
- Making an illegal U-turn.
If you were involved in an accident that was caused by a driver committing any of the above offenses, or any others that were not mentioned, then you may deserve compensation. No matter the circumstance, you should call our law firm now for a free case evaluation. Our accident lawyers at The Law Place can help by determining if your claim is valid and therefore, if it is capable for you to claim compensation and, if so, exactly how to do this. We will be there every step of the way to navigate you through this complex process and to give you the best possible chance at winning the financial compensation that you deserve.

Common Reasons That Drivers Ignore Traffic Signs and Signals in Clearwater, FL
There are many different potential factors that could contribute to a car accident. The most common causes are listed below, but are not limited to:
- Distracted driving – Any behavior that results in a driver to take their eyes off the road can cause them to not notice traffic signals and end up in a crash. Because of technology, distracted driving is more common nowadays, with drivers often looking at their cell phone, texting, and adjusting their radio. However, they may also be distracted by talking to passengers or eating and drinking.
- Frustration – If a driver is frustrated for whatever reason, or perhaps running late, then they may choose to ignore the traffic signals.
- Driving under the influence (DUI) – While it is illegal in Florida, many drivers still operate their vehicles while under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs, which is incredibly dangerous. It is common for intoxicated drivers to not notice the traffic signs or choose to ignore them in their impaired state.
- The driver believes that the signs are unnecessary – Some drivers may think that some signs are not necessary at the particular place, and so ignores them because they are confident that they could not cause an accident there.
- They think they won’t be caught – Some drivers believe that there isn’t a high risk of them getting caught or punished by police for ignoring the traffic signals, and therefore are not discouraged from breaking them.
Everyone who drives on the road in Florida is required by law to obey all traffic laws and to yield when required to. Drivers who choose not to follow these laws are often the reasons why catastrophic traffic accidents happen. If you have been involved in one of these accidents, then you may deserve compensation and should contact The Law Place to book a free consultation with an accident lawyer.

The Types of Accidents That Ignoring Traffic Signals Can Cause in Clearwater, FL
There are many different types of car accidents, and the severity of damages and injuries depends on the type of crash. The most common car accidents are as follows:
- Vehicle-pedestrian accidents – When a driver fails to follow a stop or yield sign or a red light signal, there is a high chance of them striking and injuring a pedestrian who is legally crossing the intersection or road. If the driver is speeding at the time, then victims are more likely to be severely injured or killed.
- Head-on collisions – A head-on collision is when the front of two vehicles crashes together. This type of accident is usually when one vehicle drives into the path of another. Unfortunately, head-on collisions usually have a poor outcome, and those involved may sustain serious injuries, or may even be killed.
- Intersection collisions – This type of crash is a common type of accident caused by negligent drivers ignoring traffic signals. As they occur at intersections, they involve two vehicles striking each other, and can be head-on collisions, side-impact collisions, rear-end collisions, or even multiple vehicle piles ups.
Whether you experienced one of these crash types or another, all car accidents can be incredibly dangerous. The Law Place has offices all over Florida, and so if you have been involved in a car accident in the state, then be sure to call and book a free consultation so an experienced lawyer can review your case for free.

Injuries Often Sustained in a Failure to Obey Traffic Signals Accident in Clearwater, FL
Any type of car accident can cause devastating, permanent, and potentially fatal injuries for any of those involved. Such injuries that can be sustained in a car accident include:
- Spinal cord injuries, including paralysis.
- Neck injuries, such as whiplash.
- Traumatic brain or head injuries.
- Internal organ injuries and bleeding.
- Disfigurement and dismemberment.
- Broken bones and fractures.
- Sprains, lacerations, cuts, burns, and bruises.
- Wrongful death.
If you have suffered any of the above injuries because of a vehicle failing to obey traffic signals, then you should call The Law Place for a free consultation in Clearwater. Our Clearwater personal injury lawyers have all the skills needed to ensure you receive all the compensation that you deserve.
Seeking Compensation After a Car Accident in Clearwater, FL
If you have been involved in a car accident, then you may deserve compensation. Car accidents can leave you with life-changing consequences, and so it is important to us that you receive justice for all you have endured. Below are some of the most common damages that The Law Place recover compensation for:
- Medical expenses – If you had to receive medical help because of any injuries you sustained in the accident, then the medical bills you now have should be covered by compensation. This includes past, present, and projected medical bills as well as related expenses, such as travel to and from appointments, surgeries, physiotherapy, and more.
- Property damage – If your vehicle was damaged in the accident, then the cost of repairing it in Clearwater should be reimbursed.
- Loss of wages – If the accident meant that you could not attend work for a period of time, then you could deserve the money to cover the wages that you lost, as well as any future earnings lost.
- Pain and suffering – The aftermath of a car accident can often leave you suffering mentally and emotionally, perhaps because you are no longer able to enjoy things you once used to. If this is the case for you, then you could be entitled to compensation. However, as this is very hard to prove, it is imperative you have an attorney on your side to help argue your case.
- Loss of a loved one – If you have lost a family member in the accident, then you should receive compensation to cover funeral costs and loss of consortium.
If you have been involved in a car accident in Clearwater, then call The Law Place for a free case evaluation. Your chances of winning the case against an insurance company will be higher if you enlist the help of an established accident lawyer, such as those at our law firm.
Why Should You Contact a Clearwater Car Accident Lawyer?
If you have been involved in a car crash in Florida, then it is important that you act quickly. Florida Statue 95.11 states that you only have four years after the date of the accident to file your lawsuit. If you wait to file your lawsuit, your case could be dismissed, which would mean that you cannot receive a settlement, regardless of how serious the accident was or how severe the injuries you sustained were.
A personal injury lawyer will be able to determine if your claim is valid and whether you should file a lawsuit or settle outside of court. They will also be able to negotiate with an insurance company on your behalf to ensure that you are not taken advantage of.
If you have been injured in a car accident, then you should be focusing on healing and recovering from the traumatic experience. This is one of the many reasons why you should, therefore, call The Law Place, as one of our personal injury lawyers will complete all of the complex legal work for you, so that you can relax and not be placed under any unnecessary stress.
However, because of the time limit, you must contact our law firm as soon as you can, as you will want your accident lawyer to have enough time to develop a strong case to give you the best chance at winning the lawsuit. It will also mean you can receive your settlement quicker so that you’ll be able to put the traumatic event behind you sooner.
The Law Place
If you have been involved in a car accident caused by someone failing to obey traffic signals in Clearwater, or elsewhere in Florida, then it is crucial that you have a personal injury attorney on your side to ensure that you get the maximum amount of financial compensation and the highest chance at receiving it. You deserve justice for everything you have had to endure.
If you call The Law Place today, you will be able to schedule a free case evaluation with an experienced accident lawyer. The attorneys at our law firm have over 75 years of combined experience in dealing with Florida law, and so you can be assured that we are well-equipped to help you and other victims of car accidents.
And there’s no need to worry about the costs: all of our personal injury lawyers at The Law Place work on a contingency basis, meaning that you will not be charged anything upfront. Instead, all fees will be recovered from the settlement once we have won the case together. If your case is, unfortunately, unsuccessful, then you will not be charged anything at all.
So, don’t fight a big insurance company by yourself; let us fight for you to ensure that you receive the compensation that you wholly deserve. Contact us now on (941) 444-4444.