Speed limits in Clearwater are needed to keep traffic flowing efficiently and, most importantly, safely. A driver who fails to obey these posted speed limits is not only breaking the law but also putting everyone on the road around them in danger, including even pedestrians who are walking on sidewalks or nearby the roads.
If you have been involved in a car accident caused by another vehicle speeding, then you should call The Law Place today. Our experienced Clearwater car accident lawyers who work in the Clearwater office will be able to offer you a free consultation and provide you with no-obligation legal advice and support as to whether your case is valid and, if so, what the following steps are. If you or a loved one have been a victim of a car accident, where the at-fault party was speeding, then you will likely deserve compensation. So, contact The Law Place today at (727) 217-9795 to speak to an exceeding posted speed limits lawyer to increase your chances of winning the compensation you deserve.
Florida Speeding Laws
In Florida Statute 316.183, drivers are prohibited from driving at a speed that is “greater than is reasonable,” which also takes into account the current weather conditions and regarding the actual hazards as well as potential ones. This may rely on basic judgment, as while going 40 miles per hour down a road on a bright, dry day may be safe, but going down the same road at the same speed when it’s dark and wet would likely be dangerous and a violation of the basic speeding law.
Florida also has absolute speed limits, which are very simple to understand: if a sign says the speed limit is 40 miles per hour, then you cannot travel faster than 40 miles per hour. If you do, then you’ve broken the law. Florida state law requires that speed limits are very clearly posted.
If you do speed, then the violation generally carries up to $500 in fines. However, the fine can go as high as $1,000 if the violation occurred in a school or construction zone. The offending driver could also be ordered to participate in a driver improvement school. Furthermore, a speeding violation will typically add at least three demerit points to the driver’s record. Accumulating a certain amount of points over a certain period of time could lead to a license suspension.

Why People Speed in Clearwater, FL
Speeding is one of the most dangerous but common types of aggressive and reckless driving. Below are some of the reasons that people may speed:
- Running late – Some drivers may exceed the posted speed limit simply because they are running late for work, an appointment, or anything else in between, and so they are anxious and trying to get to their destination as soon as possible.
- Traffic congestion – This is a frequently mentioned contributing factor to speeding. Drivers may speed and drive in other aggressive manners because they are frustrated by the traffic, and other drivers who they believe are impeding their journey and so are trying to get ahead of them.
- Driving under the influence – It may be illegal in Florida, but many drivers still drive while under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. This is incredibly dangerous, and being intoxicated often leads to drivers not noticing the speed limits or choosing to ignore them in their impaired state of mind.
- Disregard for others and the law – If the driver is suffering from road rage, then they may put their needs ahead of the safety of others on the road and the law, even if this is subconsciously and something they are not aware that they’re doing. They may also believe that they will not be caught or punished for their actions and so are not discouraged from speeding.
- Anonymity – Inside of a motor vehicle, the driver may form a sense of detachment, as it feels as if they are shielded from the outside environment. This can lead to them feeling less constrained in how they are behaving, as they cannot be identified by others and will likely never see any of those who have witnessed their behavior and aggressive driving again. A lot of the time, this sense of anonymity leads to them not understanding that they are not creating a danger for others.
Regardless of what was the reason for the at-fault driver to speed, you may still be entitled to compensation, as the above reasons, and many others, do not excuse them. So, if you have been involved in a car accident, then you should contact The Law Place today to schedule a free case evaluation with one of our personal injury lawyers.

How Speeding Causes Car Accidents
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), speeding has played a part in around one-third of all motor vehicle fatalities for over 20 years, showing that the seriousness of speeding should not be overlooked. This is true, as speeding means the following:
- Stopping distance – Speeding increases the distance needed for the vehicle to come to a complete stop, as the car is going faster and so requires more time to slow down so much.
- Loss of control – It is much easier to lose control of the vehicle when speeding, particularly if you are driving too fast during turns and other maneuvers, no matter how simple the vehicle may be.
- Protective equipment ineffective – At high speeds, airbags, seat belts, and other protective equipment found in cars are not as effective as they would be when traveling at a safe speed.
- More severe accidents – Crashes that occur when one or more of the vehicles involved are speeding are much more likely to be deadly as they increase the force and power of the collision. This means that accidents that may not have caused a fatality had they been driving at the speed limit may do so purely because speeding was involved.
As seen above, it is clear that speeding can cause accidents, or worsen the severity of ones that would have happened regardless, and cause much more severe injuries and, in some cases, even fatalities.
If a speeding driver crashed into you through no fault of your own, then you may deserve compensation. A car accident caused by a driver exceeding the posted speed limit can be incredibly dangerous, and so it is important that you get justice from the at-fault party, not only to offer you a form of closure and help you deal with any financial burdens you may now face but also to deter them from speeding ever again and potentially causing another accident. So, call The Law Place today to get the justice that you deserve.

Injuries Often Sustained by Victims of Car Accidents
Every type of car accident can cause devastating, life-changing, and sometimes even fatal injuries, for any and all of those involved. However, a car accident that included a speeding vehicle is even more dangerous and often increases the likelihood of more severe injuries and consequences. Some injuries that can be sustained in an exceeding posted speed limit accident are listed below:
- Traumatic brain or head injuries.
- Neck injuries, such as whiplash.
- Spinal cord injuries.
- Dismemberment.
- Disfigurement.
- Sprains, lacerations, cuts, burns, and bruises.
- Broken bones and fractures.
- Internal organ injuries.
- Internal bleeding.
- Wrongful death.
If you or a loved one have suffered any of the above injuries, or others, because of a vehicle recklessly speeding, then you should call a law firm to receive professional advice from a personal injury lawyer. At The Law Place, our Clearwater-based lawyers have all the skills necessary to ensure that you have the best chance of receiving the compensation that you deserve.

Damages Commonly Won in Exceeding Posted Speed Limits Accident Cases in Clearwater, FL
Motor accidents can leave you with devastating consequences, and so it is important to us that you receive justice for all you have endured. Below are some of the most common damages that The Law Place can help you recover compensation for:
- Medical expenses.
- Property damage.
- Loss of wages.
- Pain and suffering.
- Loss of a loved one.
If you have been involved in a car accident caused by a reckless driver exceeding the posted speed limit, then call The Law Place for a free case evaluation to speak to an established and determined accident lawyer.
The Law Place
When a speeding vehicle strikes another one, it can cause a catastrophic accident. Even if you are wearing a seat belt, victims of car accidents can still suffer from severe and sometimes life-changing injuries. When a pedestrian is hit by a speeding vehicle, the consequences can be even more disastrous.
If you or a loved one have been in a car accident caused by a vehicle traveling above the speed limit, then you may qualify for a personal injury claim and lawsuit. However, time is limited when proceeding with civil action. Take your first step toward justice and your chance at financial compensation, and call The Law Place today at (727) 217-9795 to schedule a free consultation. Our lawyers at The Law Place have over 75 years of combined experience in dealing with the Florida legal system, and so you can rest assured knowing your case and justice is in the best possible hands.