Every day there is an average of 650 crashes on the roads in Florida. Driving is the most dangerous activity that most people do daily, and people can find themselves in very dangerous collisions due to even a tiny mistake in someone’s driving or judgment. Such collisions are even more deadly when they involve a heavy vehicle such as a truck, and particularly with fuel trucks. Fuel trucks are large commercial vehicles that carry liquified gases, for example, gasoline or fuel. Accidents involving fuel trucks can be especially catastrophic due to the flammable contents and the size of the vehicle. Such a crash can sometimes lead to an explosion, which makes determining fault and assessing the consequent damage difficult. This means that victims of this type of collision may struggle to receive the compensation they deserve without the right legal representation.
For this reason, if you or a loved one has been the victim of an automobile accident without being at fault, it is highly recommended that you find a reputable Bradenton truck accident lawyer. Our team of Bradenton personal injury lawyers at The Law Place has decades of combined experience in legal cases just like yours and will fight to get you the compensation you deserve.
Call us today to arrange a free case consultation with one of our personal injury attorneys. They can give you free legal advice relevant to your case, with no obligation. Our phone lines are open 24hrs a day, 7 days a week. So don’t hesitate, call today at (941) 444-4444.
Common Causes of Truck Accidents
As is the case with all auto accidents, fuel truck accidents can occur for many reasons, and the result can be large-scale damage and life-changing injuries. As with all vehicles, and particularly large ones, fuel trucks are susceptible to blind spots. This makes it more likely that a driver will fail to spot and avoid a hazard before it causes a collision. Their weight and size also make it more difficult for a truck driver to stop or change direction quickly if a smaller vehicle were to brake suddenly or swerve. Collisions can also occur when drivers of other vehicles on the road fail to correctly estimate the truck’s size or the distance required to maneuver safely next to it or in front of it. It’s also possible for accidents to occur because of a fault of the truck driver, for example, if they are driving recklessly; or of the truck’s company for failing to follow correct training or safety procedures.
Some common causes of accidents involving fuel trucks include:
- The vehicle in front of the truck making an unexpected maneuver which the truck was unable to react to quickly enough
- The driver being distracted
- The driver being overly tired (which is often the case with truck drivers, who are expected to work long hours)
- The driver not being properly trained
- Overloading of the truck’s cargo
- A malfunction in the vehicle/equipment (e.g., broken indicators or tail lights, which could mean that other drivers are unaware that the driver is braking or turning)
- The truck driver driving under the influence (DUI) of drugs or alcohol
No matter what the cause was, if you have been involved in an auto accident involving a fuel truck, then we know how traumatizing such an event can be and how daunting it might seem to start legal proceedings. However, if you were not to blame for the crash, then we are here to help you prove that and to build a strong case to give you your best chance at receiving fair compensation for the injuries and damages you may have suffered. Call us today for free, no-obligation legal advice with a truck accident attorney regarding your case and to find out whether you have a strong claim.
Dangers of Fuel Truck Accidents
Auto accidents of any type can lead to serious injuries that can have far-reaching emotional, physical, and economic impacts. Fuel truck collisions are even more dangerous because of the huge size and weight involved in the impact and the fact that the trucks are often carrying explosive substances, which can lead to devastating explosions.
Some common injuries that can result from a collision with a fuel truck include:
- Burns
- Spinal cord injury
- Broken bones
- Internal injury and bleeding
- Traumatic brain injuries.
- Death
We know that following something like a truck accident, there is no amount of money that can make up for the pain and suffering it caused you. Nonetheless, with the recovered compensation, you would have one less thing to worry about when it comes to lost wages and medical costs, meaning that you can focus on your recovery. If the accident was caused by the reckless driving of another individual, then you should not be expected to pay the price alone. If you let us, we will help you to seek the justice you deserve and prevent you from having to face the legal proceedings alone. Call our team today to arrange a free consultation with a personal injury attorney.

Who Can Be Held Responsible for a Truck Accident?
Under Florida Statute 316.208, all drivers have a duty of care on the road to ensure the safety of other drivers. Fuel truck drivers are no exception. These vehicles transport large quantities of flammable substances, meaning that a crash has the potential to cause devastating injuries and death. For this reason, fuel truck drivers have a particular responsibility to take extra care when driving.
It can be difficult to determine who was to blame following a motor accident. This is particularly the case if the damage was extensive or there was an explosion, as can be the case with fuel truck collisions.
One possibility is that the accident was caused by the negligent or reckless behavior of the truck driver. They could have made a driving error or have been under the influence of drugs or alcohol, for example.
But in this sort of collision incident, the blame most commonly lies with the trucking company. It could be, for example, that they failed to properly maintain their vehicles, adequately train their drivers, or monitor the drivers’ working hours or load weights.
If improper processes such as these were the cause of an accident, then the trucking company needs to be held to account. The process of filing a suit against a fuel truck company can be a complicated one, however. For example, the nature of their load means that they must comply with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.
Here at The Law Place, our personal injury attorneys have many years of experience in taking on large companies such as trucking companies and insurance firms. You can rest assured that if you do decide to work with us, you will pay no up-front fees, and the fee will only be deducted from the final settlement if you win the case. Call us today to discuss your options and for no-obligation advice with a fuel truck accident lawyer.

What Damages Will an Attorney Help Me to Claim in Bradenton?
Fuel truck accidents can lead to life-changing injuries and extensive damage. If you have been involved in an accident involving a fuel truck in Bradenton, Florida, we understand that recovering from your injuries will be your first priority. However, these severe injuries also come with severe economic consequences. Particularly if your injuries require surgery and long-term medical care, it is unlikely that your regular insurance policy will cover all of the expenses. An experienced accident attorney will be able to help you to calculate the pain and suffering caused by the accident and to help you fight for your compensation.
Some damages that you may be able to claim include:
- Medical expenses – Surgery, medication, and long-term rehabilitation could leave you with mounting medical bills.
- Wrongful death – If you have lost a loved one to a fuel truck accident, then we can help you seek justice and compensation for your tragic loss to help you cover costs such as funeral expenses.
- Lost wages – If your accident means that you have to take time off work, this could have a big impact on your economic stability.
- Lost potential future wages – we can also help you to calculate whether your injuries will reduce your ability to earn money in the future.
- Property damage – If your possessions or vehicle were damaged or broken in the collision, the cost of replacing them might also be included in your claim.
- Pain and suffering – An injury lawyer can help you calculate damages that are less tangible but important, such as suffering and emotional distress.
If you or someone you know has been involved in a fuel truck accident in Bradenton, Florida, then you could be entitled to a large amount in compensation. Contact our team today for a free consultation to find out how one of our injury lawyers could help to build your case and to fight for the justice you deserve.

How Can a Personal Injury Lawyer Help Me?
One of the challenges following a fuel truck accident is determining who was to blame. Particularly if the collision caused a large amount of destruction, there could be a lack of evidence to help establish what exactly happened. If you try to make a claim with your insurance company, it is highly likely that they will do everything they can to reduce the payout, including playing down your injuries. In the case that you decide to file a lawsuit against the trucking company, their insurance company will likely do the same, as they, like all businesses, are primarily focused on profit. They could also try to shift the blame onto you. Under Florida Statute 627.7407, Florida is a no-fault state, meaning that insurance companies can payout according to the proportion that involved parties shared the blame in the crash. Therefore, insurance companies will often try to prove that you were partly to blame.
An experienced accident attorney will help collect evidence for your case and also help you deal with third parties such as insurance companies.
Once you call us for a free case evaluation, one of our lawyers will go through the specifics of your case with you to calculate a rough estimate of the total compensation you could be owed. If you decide to work with us, your specifically assigned accident attorney will build your case using evidence such as CCTV footage, witness testimonies, and police reports. They will handle all communication with insurance companies and other involved parties and make the process as stress-free for you as possible. Our team has over 75 years of combined experience in dealing with cases like yours, and you can rest assured that they are not afraid to stand up to the third party at fault, whether it be the truck driver, a big trucking company, a mechanic or manufacturer. Their extensive knowledge of Florida’s legal system means that you are in safe hands, even in a complicated case such as a fuel truck accident.

Contact The Law Place Today
If you have been in an accident involving a fuel truck in Bradenton, Florida, that wasn’t your fault, the best thing you can do is contact a reputable personal injury law firm as soon as possible. You deserve justice for the pain and suffering caused by the reckless actions of another individual or company, and we are here to help you fight for it.
Call us today to schedule a free case consultation with a truck accident attorney. Our phone lines are open 24hrs a day, 7 days a week. Call today at (941) 444-4444.