When you mention a car accident, people usually imagine the movie stereotype, with many cars sliding across the road in all directions, all passengers unconscious, seriously injured, or dead, and possibly an explosion of a tank truck in the background. But in reality, motor vehicle accidents tend to be less extreme. According to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FHSMV), there are around 400,000 accidents in Florida every year. These collisions cause about 250,000 injuries, and 3,000 of them result in death. This clearly indicates that not all car accidents are like that – if any.
One of the most common injuries sustained in traffic accidents is a soft tissue injury. Soft tissue damage can be light, maybe just a bruise. However, it can also be more serious and force you to take time off from work, attend rehabilitation and physiotherapy sessions, or even undergo surgery. And that can be quite annoying when the accident was not your fault.
Have you or your loved one been involved in an auto accident in Florida that was not your fault? Then you should be compensated for it. We recommend you find a reliable law firm, like The Law Place, for instance, to get strong legal support for your claim. Our personal injury attorneys have vast experience in many practice areas, including handling car accident and personal injury cases. We have already helped many car accident victims, so we will be able to help you. Contact us today for a free consultation and find out how much we can do for you. Our phone lines are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at (941) 444-4444.
What Is a Soft Tissue Injury?
The term soft tissue injury refers to any damage to tendons, ligaments, and muscles in the body. The most common soft tissue damage includes sprains of ligaments, strains of muscles or tendons, and bruises. These injuries can then result in pain, swelling, or even loss of function in the worst cases. They also tend to accompany more serious injuries, like broken bones, for example. Moreover, you do not need to drive fast to sustain a soft tissue injury. A collision at a speed as low as 10 mph can already result in soft tissue damage.
After a car accident, people are usually full of adrenaline, so they do not notice this kind of injury. When the paramedics ask them, they report that they feel fine and might even refuse a health check-up. However, when the stress is gone, the injuries slowly start to emerge and limit their everyday lives.
If left untreated, soft tissue damage can cause a lot of trouble later on in life. This is why we recommend you let the paramedics examine you, although you feel fine. Or at least visit a physician within the 14-day period set by Florida Statute 627.736. If you discover any injuries later, you will no longer be eligible to make any personal injury claims for them. We also recommend that you book a follow-up appointment since soft tissue damage usually takes longer to heal. If you win a fair settlement, the follow-up will be reimbursed to you as well.
After you have received all the necessary medical attention, there is the second most important thing to do: call a personal injury attorney. By doing it, you will increase your chances of getting fair compensation for your injuries. So, do not hesitate and call The Law Place today to schedule a free consultation for your personal injury case.

What Are the Most Common Types of Soft Tissue Injuries?
There are many types of soft tissue injuries. The most common ones include:
A contusion, commonly known as a bruise, occurs when a blood vessel is damaged and leaks blood to the surrounding area. It usually manifests as a painful and sometimes even swollen spot recognizable by its blue, purple, or green color. Unlike common bruises, car accident contusions can take a long time to heal.
The term sprain refers to the overstretching or tearing of a ligament in a joint. This can happen when the joint is suddenly forced out of its usual range of motion. A sprain is usually quite painful, and its typical symptoms are swelling, limited flexibility of the joint, and a bruise. It is important to get an x-ray afterward to find out how severe your sprain is. In the worst case, you might need surgery to re-attach the ligament.
Strains are similar to sprains but affect different organs. The term strain refers to the overstretching or tearing of a muscle or tendon in a joint. A strain is also accompanied by pain, swelling, and limited flexibility but usually does not create bruises. A strain requires an x-ray examination too.
A whiplash injury is a very common car accident injury. It usually occurs when a person’s head suddenly moves backward and forward with great force. The typical symptoms of whiplash are neck and back pain, headaches, dizziness, or even blurred vision. Whiplash is one of the injuries that manifest themselves only after some time. If you experience these symptoms after a car crash, do not hesitate and seek medical help.
A laceration is a very deep cut through the skin. To heal properly, it requires stitches. And if left untreated, it can lead to more serious medical issues, such as infection.
Burns and Abrasions
Burns (injuries usually caused by fire) and abrasions (injuries as a result of friction) can have various degrees from mild to severe. Sometimes, they can manifest just as skin redness. Other times, they lead to open wounds. If not treated in time, they can lead to infection or blood loss.

Can Soft Tissue Injuries Have a Long-Term Effect?
The long-term effect of soft tissue injuries depends on their severity. Light bruises can heal over just a few weeks. More serious damage requires a prolonged rest period, rehabilitation, and even sometimes surgery. It can also happen that your injuries never fully heal and, as a result of that, you have to change your job, stop playing your favorite sport, or abandon your hobbies. Moreover, every car accident is a very stressful event that affects you physically as well as mentally. A very common consequence of car accidents is post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which can also significantly impact your everyday life.
If you have been involved in a motor vehicle accident that was caused by somebody else’s negligence, Florida Statute 768.81 gives you the right to seek compensation. This way, you can get compensated for any injuries, damage, pain, and suffering, or even the death of a loved one. However, even though you are entitled to certain damages, it is not always easy to claim them. The laws of Florida are complicated, and there are so many things you need to take into account. Therefore, we recommend you hire a skilled personal injury attorney from our law firm. Contact The Law Place today and schedule a free consultation with us to see what your options are.

To What Damages Are You Entitled in Bradenton, Florida?
In Florida, you can claim various damages, depending on your situation. Once you get a personal injury attorney from The Law Place, they will start investigating your case. They will gather all the available evidence and prepare all the necessary documents so that you actually receive the compensation you deserve. The most common damages include:
- Medical Bills – If you needed medical attention due to your soft tissue damage, you should have your medical bills reimbursed. This can include the cost of your surgery, hospitalization, medication, rehabilitation, and much more.
- Lost Wages – If you had to take time off from your work to treat your soft tissue injuries and received a lower or no salary during that time, you could get compensated for it.
- Loss of Earning Capacity – If the long-term effects of your soft tissue damage forced you to change your job and, as a consequence, you started earning less money, you deserve to receive compensation.
- Pain and Suffering – As we described earlier, if your soft tissue injuries have long-lasting consequences on your physical or mental health, you should get reimbursed for it.
At The Law Place, we realize that no amount of money can heal your injuries. However, it can very much improve your recovery and quality of life. With fair compensation, you do not have to worry about your medical expenses or reduced income, and you can afford to get the treatment you need. It is only fair that you get compensated for everything that happened to you when it was not your fault. Call us today for a free consultation with a personal injury lawyer.

How Should You Deal With the Insurance Company?
Ideally, leave it to your attorney! Insurance companies, like other businesses, focus on profit. They might try to devalue your personal injury claim so that they do not have to pay you the full amount of the compensation you deserve. In order to secure fair compensation for yourself, you will need to find somebody, which is used to dealing with insurance companies and knows their tricks. Our personal injury attorneys have enough experience to handle this successfully.
Depending on your policy, you have to inform your insurance company that you have been in a car accident within a certain deadline, often within just 24 hours. However, we recommend you call your lawyer first. Twenty-four hours is a very short period, and you might still be in shock from the collision, which can impact your rational thinking. In the spur of the moment, you could accept compensation that might sound generous but is actually far from it. Or you might say something that the insurance company could later use against you. If you call your attorney first, they will advise you how to act, or they might even be able to handle the call on your behalf.
According to Florida Statute 627.7407, the State of Florida uses the so-called no-fault principle. This means that if you were involved in an auto accident, you need to seek compensation from your own insurance company first. Only when the expenses exceed the limits of your insurance policy, then are you entitled to claim damages from the negligent party. The personal injury lawyers from our law firm can help you both claim the compensation you deserve from your own insurance company and file a personal injury lawsuit against the negligent party. In either case, our participation will significantly improve your situation.
What Can a Personal Injury Attorney From The Law Place Do for You?
Firstly, a skilled attorney from a reputable law firm can secure a higher settlement for you. A recent study has shown that over 90% of car accident victims who hired an attorney to support their claim received the compensation they truly deserved. Moreover, those who had legal representation received, on average, $60,000 more than those that did not.
Secondly, many people fear that they will pay a huge amount of money to a law firm and still lose the case. That cannot happen with us! We work on a contingency basis, which means that we do not get paid unless we win a settlement for you. Do not worry; this is a legitimate procedure monitored by AVVO.
And thirdly, Florida law is very complicated. If you decide to pursue the case on your own, you will have to keep in mind all the relevant regulations and deadlines. Did you know, for example, that you have only TWO years to make a personal injury claim in Florida? That means you need to initiate the necessary legal process right after the accident to actually receive the compensation you deserve. The attorneys from our law firm know this, of course, and also much more so you can be sure there will not be any mishaps.
Contact The Law Place for a Free Consultation
If you sustained soft tissue damage in a motor vehicle accident that was not your fault, you deserve to be compensated for it. Our attorneys have over 75 years of combined experience in many practice areas, including handling personal injury cases and dealing with insurance companies. Moreover, most of our lawyers have been rated 10.0 by the AVVO, which is the highest-ranking at this site. So, if you are looking for a personal injury lawyer near Bradenton, FL., contact our Bradenton office.
Call us today for a free case evaluation with one of our personal injury attorneys at (941) 444-4444. You won’t regret it.